
Chapter 389 - Good Morning

Chapter 389 - Good Morning

When Evie opened her eyes and re-joined the waking world, Gavriel's peaceful and angelic face greeted her good morning. He was facing her as he breathed steadily in his slumber, his arm loosely wrapped around her, cuddling her in his arms. Evie breathed in deeply the warm cottony scent of their bedsheets and revelled in the warmth and security of his embrace.

She had always longed for this simple kind of pleasure, just them, cuddling contentedly in each other's embrace like this. All she wanted was to wake up every morning just like this, with him falling asleep next to her and waking up to have each other as the first face they see for the day. That was the simple pleasures of life she had always dreamt of.

For a long while, Evie did not move but stayed where she was just taking in the sights. She remained still and enjoyed her beloved's sleeping face, and it was just amazing how calming he was for her heart.

Slowly, his enviably thick and dark lashes fluttered open, and those grey orbs focussed from its drowsy state to look at her. He blinked a couple of times and then there it came, that slow and sensual smile she loves so much.

"Good morning, wife." His sultry voice sounded, and Evie snuggled close to him, hugging him tight as she shivered deliciously.

"Morning." she greeted back as she buried her face into his sturdy and warm chest, inhaling her favourite male smell. "You just came to bed not too long ago, right?"

"I came back past midnight, so you don't have to worry, I've rested enough." He kissed her on her forehead as he reassured her, and they both fell silent for an immeasurable amount of time. They simply stayed like that, cuddling in bed and feeling beyond content.

"Gav…" Evie called his name softly as Gavriel continued caressing her back in circles.


"I need to take my people back to Crescia very soon." Evie informed him softly.

Another block of silence followed her comment.

"I understand, love." Was all Gavriel said, and Evie finally pulled away from the cosy spot she had occupied within his embrace.

She sat on the bed and stared down at him, scrutinizing his expression as she tried to figure out what was going on in his mind.

"And… you're going to be staying here… right?" she asked carefully.

Gavriel stared back at her. Then he too, rose and leaned his broad back against the head rest. He stretched his arms out to her in invitation and Evie immediately crawled into his waiting arms.

She found a comfortable spot and sat on his lap and rested her head in the crook of his neck.

"Yes." He replied then. "The vampire empire is going through a civil war right now. They need me to be here."

Evie's eyes widened and she lifted her face to look at him.

"Caius' sister, Princess Katherina, has been declared as the new ruler in the southern and eastern part of the empire. The officials who fled the capital are sly foxes most especially the princess' husband. He's definitely the one pulling all the strings behind the princess." Gavriel explained. "So, I'll be needing to go there very soon to teach them all the lessons they deserve." He smirked as if he was looking forward to disciplining those stupid vampires.

"There won't be another big war, right?" Evie asked, concern and worry flashing in her amber eyes. If there was a possibility of that happening, she did wonder if she and her people should remain to lend Gavriel and his army a hand or not.

Gavriel fiddled with her silvery locks and then kissed them as he smiled indulgently at her. "I am not certain. Those idiots might resist. But I will do my best to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed. It won't take long, love. And you have nothing to worry about because it'll be just a normal war between vampires. So, I'm letting you go to Crescia if that's what you wish to do. I know you have your own responsibilities to carry out now as well as the queen of the light faes. So I won't be telling you not to go." He sighed and then smiled at her a little helplessly. "And besides, I don't think I can stop you at all even if I tried to. Stopping you would be like trying to stop the sun from rising." Gavriel chuckled at his own words, knowing that what he said was true. His Evie now was the queen of the light faes as well as his wife. No matter how he wished for her to just remain obediently and safely by his side, it was not fair for her. And he would only be holding her back from progressing and growing into the person that she should be.

"So you really don't want me to go…" Evie mumbled in a tiny voice. However, Gavriel still heard her loud as clear.

"Of course love, when was there ever a time that I would be willing to part with you?" he gently pinched her cheek teasingly. "But this time, I am not going to be petty. You're not just my wife anymore, Evie…" his expression became a little serious. "You're a queen now. You have a new responsibility now and I know it's ridiculous of me to even try and monopolize you all to myself and tie you to me. However…" he trailed off and his gaze deepened.

His fingers trailed over her jawline and then his thumb traced her lips, causing Evie's temperature to rise. "However, I need you to be extra careful, my love and never do anything reckless and endanger yourself and our little one. Thankfully, I know you will listen to me this time, because of this little one here…" he smiled as his long finger poked gently at her still flat stomach. Evie squealed a little in laughter as she felt the ticklish sensation of his prodding.

Looking at her stomach, Evie pressed her lips tight. Her heartbeat hastened, remembering again that she was pregnant. She still could not quite believe it. Sometimes she suspects that it was just her imagination that she was.

"Is… is it really certain? That… I'm pregnant? Gav?" she stammered. Her reaction seemed pretty late, but she actually started to feel a little overwhelmed only now.. Excitement and worry both bloomed in her heart at the thought that she was going to be a mother now.

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