
Chapter 356: Secret File, Dark History - 3

Chapter 356: Secret File, Dark History - 3

The Angel changed track. “Have you ever wondered why people do not seem to notice you?”

Of course, he had—all the time. But he’d got used to it, even accepted it. It even became a superpower for him—the art of invisibility.

Still, he had wondered why him. “I just thought everyone was against me,” he replied.

“It’s not quite like that,” the Angel answered, “It is more mysterious than that. It is a gift given by God. It is your superpower.”

To hear those words come from the Angel’s mouth gave him an air of reassurance. He’d seen it that way, now it was confirmed.

“And I suppose you want me to use this power?” Il-Han asked, then quickly remarked, “I won’t do anything illegal.”

“I would not ask you to,” she replied, then continued in a somber tone, “You have grown up well, with integrity. That is good to see. You need only know one thing Il-Han: The World needs clearing of irregulars, things that should not be. We need you to get rid of them.”

“But aren’t I an… irregular? I mean, I can’t be normal,” Il-han replied.

“We fight fire with fire. You are innocent, yet there are those irregulars who are an abomination,” the Angel explained.

The thought of fighting against something equally frightened Il-Han and gave him a sense of purpose. He proceeded to ask.

“But what can I do? If my only power is not having others see me, how can that be useful in fighting these things?”

His speech moved the Angel. So innocent yet so wise.

“You have other strengths,” she replied confidently, “You have some athletic ability, but more than that, you have a quick mind.”

She paused as she looked at the young man. “Still, we could provide you with weapons.”

“If you are all-powerful, why do you need my help?” Il-Han wondered out loud.

“On this Earth, our powers are limited. Will you help us?” the Angel asked.

“What if I say no?” Il-Han asked back.

The Angel sighed. “We cannot force you, Yoo Il-Han. It has to be your choice. You have a pure heart like none other; it must be you.” Again, she paused, then said, “But I believe you want to help.”

Il-Han looked into her eyes for any sign of deception. The last thing he wanted was to be made a fool. But all he could see was the truth. She knew him, and he knew her. He got a sense that their fates were entwined, that they’d always been this way, from the beginning of eternity.

“What would happen if I didn’t help you?” he asked finally.

“People would suffer, people would die,” she answered in a matter-of-fact kind of way.

“Well, I wouldn’t want that,” he answered, “Okay, you got me.”

She smiled warmly. “So, what’s next?”

The Angel outstretched her wings and took his hand. “Do not be frightened, little one.”

Suddenly, her wings flapped ferociously, and her feet lifted from the ground at an intense speed. Il-Han hung on to her hand for his life, but he needn’t have worried. The Angel would never let him go. Soon, Il-Han composed himself and got used to the feeling of flying, even if it was under the Angel’s power.

“I can’t believe I am flying!” Il-Han exclaimed.

“Not exactly flying for you, little one, but one day.”

Her statement shocked him. “Are you saying I will be able to fly?”

She did not reply in words but gave a loud laugh.

Soon, they arrived at their destination and stopped mid-air. The Angel pointed to an extremely large bird asleep in the distance. It had brightly colored feathers and must have been as tall as a meter.

“Birds shouldn’t be that big,” Il-Han exclaimed.

“It has evolved by feeding on Mana, but that should not have happened, at least not yet. The World is not ready. This creature has evolved too early, and so it needs to be stopped before it gets out of control.”

She suddenly produced a spear. “Here, you will need this. Use your power of invisibility and then stab the creature with this.”

He took hold of the plain-looking spear, expecting it to weigh more than him. But it was light and easily carried.

“It is called the Longinus Spear; it is extremely sharp. Use it with care,” the Angel advised.

The Angel flew them closer to the nest, taking care not to disturb the creature with the vibrations and draught from her wings.

Clasping the spear, somewhat awkwardly, Il-Han raised it and aimed. The spear flew through the air and went through the bird’s head. It had no time to wake or to attack. The spear’s thrust had killed it instantly.

“You’re dead,” Il-Han shouted gleefully.

He turned to The Angel and noticed she had a sorrowful look on her face. “What’s wrong? I did it. I killed it.”

“I’m sad because you believed that was easy. There are five more creatures to defeat. More terrifying than this. And then…” the Angel trailed off.

“Then what?” Il-Han asked curiously.

“We face our greatest challenge,” the Angel remarked.

Surprisingly calm, Il-Han took the spear from the creature’s head.

“Do I get anything out of this?” he asked.

“That is not for you to know right now,” the Angel responded.

Il-Han considered that this being could deceive him, but soon put it out of his mind.

It was evening, and the sun was setting. “Come Il-Han, let us go and find the next one.” She took his hand, and they flew. Il-Han did not have time to comprehend the enormity of the task that lay before him nor the gifts that he had been given, but he did realize the awesome potential he possessed.

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