
Chapter 231 Moonrose must share her fluffiness with her

Chapter 231 Moonrose must share her fluffiness with her

She was surrounded by demonic men together with some human \'friends\'. Second Miss was truly in weak state yet she brandished her sword bravely protecting herself and only herself alone...

During betrayal, everyone had someone they could ally with, but she was literally left alone! No one cared about her, no one even listened to her pleads... Whether family or generals she had shared the battlefield with...

Then, she saw... how General Uris had chosen her older sister and went together with her into Violet Portal saving her...

It hurt her as the image of General Uris in her head was totally different! The rumours about him going into brothels to relieve himself hadn\'t even entered her ears as she refuted all of them, but then...

He chose her... because she was stronger and more beautiful...


Second Miss roar reverberated throughout the forest as she lunged herself at the enemy on the side... It was rather her last attack, as to both her sword and magic were close to destruction! She has been using them constantly ever since the battle destroying her body as well...

It was even hard to keep her consciousness clear... Her vision kept bluring and shaking just like her hands, causing her last resolve to weaken as well... As the sword of her clashed against hell\'s blade of demonic men...


It shattered immediately upon the contact... The eyes of second miss went wide, albeit, for a while. She already accepted her death and with broken sword, she finally felt like she can just give up and lose consciousness.



The laugh that sounded exactly as devils! It sent shiver down the spine of the demonic men as they clearly knew the source of this laugh! Simple laugh was enough to make them lose all desire to battle and run!

They were below black rank, simple troops of demonic nobility! They scattered themselves in every direction with hope to survive this assault! Those who were the closest to him already were on his spear with pierced hearts...

Like some skewer, the black devil thrusted his spear forward and kept hanging on demonic men with ease as if they were some kind of bugs...

Humans from Salus Empire already went pale than humans could, looking like some zombies... Gathered in one group, they were waiting for death even though they were popular black ranks in their own Empire...



He raised his red spear high, burning the bodies untill they became cinders! The smell of burning meat assaulted everyone around him, intimidating to the extreme! Only Second Miss was rather calm, as she accepted death already...

With one swing, the black devil send down his slashes decimating humans next to the fallen woman, leaving her and only her alone intact! Which of course surprised her...


She asked softly.


"Don\'T yoU hAvE some last wordS?"

"...I dont... The only regret I have is that I wasn\'t honest with myself."

"Then It\'S tiMe To be HonEst~~"

Maybe because she was going to die anyway, or she simply wanted to live for as long as she could, the second miss began her talk... It was rather sad as she kept saying about herself being mediocre, boring and not beautiful at all.

"I would rather be born in small, normal family."

She was second miss, but compared to her older sister, she was nothing. Not only her family had given up on her, but her friends who were nice and good, also began leaving her one by one...

"Only then I knew, that they wanted to be close with me due to my status as second miss... Going straight to my sister..."

While thinking about her sister, Second Miss hugged herself tightier, her cries reaching all the way to the heavens!

"And then... the person I fell for saved her, not looking at me even once..."

"How saaaaaaaaad~~ So who is the lucky man? Hmmm? Tell me about him... Kyahahahha~~"

Xue Ren kept his play, and asked with the usual devilish voice. If her reasoning was low and stupid, then he would just kill her... He knew about his looks, so if she told him that he was handsome general or some stuff like that...

"He is cold, but I know that there is something bothering him. But even with all this burden, he stays faithful to himself and goes for his goals... Complete opposite to me... I had to lower myself, stay obedient to my sister... Then as I met General Uris and spent a small time with him... I knew that I wanted to be just like him... be free and aim to reach my goals..."

\'Get strong enough to be able to stay next to him.\'

The eyes of second miss became too blury to be even able to notice that black devil\'s skin began already disappearing... She thought that he is releasing his dark energy in order to end her life... All of this caused her to close eyes and waited for the death...

But what came after was warm hug that sent her to dreamland.


"HEEEEROOO~~ HEROO~~ EHHH? What is this? Another beauty! Oh, wait. She looks quite normal, that\'s rare~~ HAahahh~~ Hey, Xue Ren. I know that heroes from your world used to have some kind of nicknames, let\'s make one."

Kuzan and everyone saw the second miss speaking and talking. Ladies\' eyes blurred a little with tears, and Moonrose was already thrashing in Kuzan\'s arms as she wanted to go and share her fluffiness...

Of course, he held her to not interrupt them.

And as everything ended, Kuzan was the first one to speak, not missing the chance to tease Xue Ren~~

"The black devil is your villain title, so for hero title... \'Smiling gigolo\'~~ AHahhah~~"

"Bitchy Kuzan, let me go!"

"Oh, that\'s right. If \'Smiling gigolo\' doesn\'t suit you, then how about \'Fluffy Knight\'? Ahahahh~~"

""Bitchy Kuzan, kill yourself.""

The atmosphere was rather nice.... Only Miya felt little awkward, but quicky enough decided to get closer to Xue Ren and take a peek at second miss... Her appearance was truly stained with all blood and dirt yet she strangely had smile on her face...

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