
Chapter Book 13: 32: Snatch

Book 13: Chapter 32: Snatch

Dyon suddenly froze.

His scythe lowered, its blade slicing against the grey ground beneath his feet. He didn’t seem to care about Aritzia who was still beneath him. His gaze was completely dull and lifeless as though nothing could gain his attention.

He turned and vanished, shattering the barrier of Aritzia’s Origin Source seemingly without the slightest effort. In the blink of an eye, he had already appeared beside Madeleine’s body. It was as though he didn’t notice the fact his Master and his Third Sister were standing over his wife’s corpse.

He knelt to the ground, his hand cradling the back of her head. He didn’t shed any tears, nor did it seem he seem to be feeling anything. It was as though he himself was the corpse.

The battlefield was shocked into silence. Whether it was Dyon’s wives, his daughter, or

the brothers he shared his life with, all of them were stunned. None of them seemed to know how to react to this change.

Weren’t they already so close to victory? The fact Dyon could be here at all was evidence enough that his battle had been one where he stood on top. So… How had things turned out this way?

None of them seemed to have the mind to care for the trillions of Immortal Gods bearing down on them from all directions. It was as though nothing else mattered.

Blood leaked from Madeleine’s lips. If it wasn’t for the hole in her chest and the lack of lifeforce left in her body, one would think that she was only slightly injured. Her countenance was still so radiantly beautiful, still so perfect, even in death.

Her blood fell, soaking Dyon’s body. He could feel the warmth of it, warmth that had just been the life source of his wife. But now, it rushed out like a flowing tide without a thing to hold it back.

Dyon still didn’t seem to react at all. Though he looked toward Madeleine’s corpse, it was as though he was looking right through her, as though there was nothing in his arms at all. The dullness in his eyes carried not the slightest hint of flickering life.

In his life, he had stood at the peak. After he touched a certain level of strength, no one had ever dared to touch those he loved. It was to the point he could only watch them die of old age, one after another. Though he could protect them from any harm, he was still unable to stop their ultimate fate.

However, never had something like this happened. Even in his weakest 109th life, Madeleine had never suffered like this. Even when she was separated from him, he managed to take her back. And even then, that had only happened when he was not even 16 years old. After that, he never allowed anyone to take his first wife from him.

All this time, his wives had always been by his side. Even against all odds, he had always managed to protect them. And they too reciprocated his efforts, staying by his side until he stood at the very top of all there was on the Mortal Plane.

But never could he have imagined that just when he was so close to achieving all his goals, just when he was a step away from rising to the top, his wife, the woman he loved the most in the world, would die, just like this.

“Out of respect for our past relations, if you have any questions, I will answer them openly and honestly.”

Shockingly, it was Abraxus who spoke at all. Rather, it was the First White Mother.

However, Dyon pretended as though he hadn’t heard a single thing.

So much blood had fallen from his wife’s body at this point that it soaked his bare feet through, it was even to the point it somewhat submerged him.

The grotesque stickiness, the heart wrenching scent, the inhuman heat… all of it seeped into his bones. It felt as though no matter how he dried to scrub himself clean, the feeling would never disappear.

The First White Mother sighed. It was the same sigh Abraxus had heaved just moments ago. It was as though the both of them were lamenting

something, but it was exceptionally grating on the ears, annoying to the point that several within the Mortal Empire Army couldn’t help but erupt in rage.

However, what could they do? They were now completely surrounded by an army they had no ability to resist against. Abraxus had been the most powerful aside from Dyon himself, and now he was apparently on the other side. And, it even seemed that he was somewhat deferring to the weaker First White Mother.

Alauna couldn’t hold her anger back anymore. An explanation? You think that’s what her father needed? He knew her father’s temperament well. He didn’t give a fuck what explanation they had.

When she tried to shoot forward, she found herself stopped by Bowaye and her father’s other disciples.

“Why are you stopping me?!”

Tears streaming down her face, she tried to shake the arms that held her back off, but it was to no avail.

“You can’t.” Bowaye said sternly. “If you know your father’s temperament, you know that he’s exceptionally dangerous at this moment.”

“My father would never hurt me!” Alauna struggled more fiercely.

The four brothers looked at one another and could see the resolve in each other’s eyes. They definitely wouldn’t allow anything to happen to their master’s daughter. Or else this time, he might really lose himself completely.

What the Immortal Plane feared the most wasn’t just Dyon’s battle prowess… it was his battle prowess when he lost himself to rage.

Abraxus and the First White Mother didn’t seem to care about the happenings.

“The Mortal Plane was originally the property of the beasts to begin with.” The First White Mother started as though she felt she was doing Dyon a favor.

“Back then, everything was perfect. It wasn’t until humans became dissatisfied with what was given to them that things began to change. Instead of accepting the talent they had been given, they began trying to snatch power from the Heavens. When it was just body cultivation, it was still acceptable. But then, the humans created energy cultivation.

“It was then that things began to change. Instead of perpetually growing stronger as it once had, the Heavens began to weaken for the first time. As though that wasn’t enough, when the era of energy cultivation reached its peak and began to decline, instead of realizing the error of their ways, the humans pushed forward again, creating soul cultivation.”

The First White Mother continued to speak with absolute indifference. It was impossible to tell if she was simply a God explaining to her subjects why it was she was passing judgments on them, or if she truly felt she owed her First Brother at least this much in explanation.

“Luckily, we were able to forcefully bring the era of soul cultivation to an end prematurely, or else it is unknown if this damage could ever be reversed. Human greed simply knows no bounds. If things simply reverted to the way they once were, where beasts ruled the world and humans took a back seat, we all wouldn’t be in danger of dying.”

The First White Mother’s words were shocking. Wasn’t the point of cultivation snatching power from the Heavens, defying it with every step? Could it really be that all of their efforts were simply an act of weakening the world they all called home?

Then there were beasts. They simply relied on the power they were bestowed by the Heavens. They didn’t snatch favor from the Heavens because they were already bestowed it. This was especially so for Celestial Beasts like the First White Mother. So, weren’t their acts of cultivation in line with the will of Heavens and thus perfectly appropriate?

“Bastards!” Alauna’s aggrieved voice tore through the battlefield. “If humans are so inferior, why are you allying with so many of them?! You ultimately just want power for yourself! Keep your flowery words to yourself, no one wants to hear them!”

The First White Mother shook her head lightly.

“I have nothing against humans. I only have an issue with the path your ancestors have taken. The Sapientia are on the correct path. They each have a unique bloodline of their own, not very

much dissimilar to the bloodline of beasts. It’s the reason for their golden eyes. They too rely on the strength of their bloodlines just like the beasts of old. And, since they were bestowed this strength by the Heavens, they are of course in line with my ideology.”

The First White Mother sighed again.

“I think that I’ve explained enough. Though there is more, there isn’t a need.

“First Brother, do you know why evil existences like you were created? It’s precisely because the Heavens don’t agree with the path you humans have taken. It’s your responsibility to wipe the slate clean. But, unfortunately, you never followed through with your duties.

“This Third Sister of yours apologizes for the things she must do. After today, the Mortal Plane will regain the strength it once had. I’ll

make sure that your sacrifice is passed down the river of history.”

After she spoke these words, the First White Mother didn’t step forward to kill Dyon and neither did Abraxus. Instead, they retreated.

“Kill them.” The First White Mother said before sighing once again.

Dyon continued to look at Madeleine’s corpse as though he had heard nothing at all. No matter what was said or what he was meant to hear, there wasn’t the slightest bit of fluctuation in his dull expression. It was as though the collapse of the world had nothing to do with him.

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