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Chapter 949: Ice Phoenix Tribe

Chapter 949: Ice Phoenix Tribe

Meanwhile, Leon headed north of the ice mountain with Elizabeth, Aria, Darlene, and Faelyn.

However, after Leon sensed something, he paused his steps and glanced back in the direction of Extreme Misty Forest. Nevertheless, only the ice mountain peak could be seen behind him.

Even so, Leon\'s gaze didn\'t linger on the ice mountain peak for long before shifting his attention upwards.

At the same time, Elizabeth and the others caught his action and followed his gaze.

However, they could only see the sun and billowing white clouds in the high sky. Besides those two, there was nothing out of the ordinary or anything of interest to look at.

Just as Elizabeth and the others wondered what caught Leon\'s interest, the slow-moving white clouds created a gap in itself, revealing a spot of pure white brilliance in the sky.

The white brilliance was so blinding that it was hard not to notice it despite the great distance.

"Is that Lynne\'s doing?" Elizabeth sought the others\' opinion with an astonished look.

Beside Lynne, who became a Celestial, Elizabeth couldn\'t think of any other reason for the appearance of the bright spot in the sky.

"I think so… She looks like a star," Faelyn commented with amazement.

"Right? I was thinking the same thing," Aria added before wondering, "Do all Celestials glow like this?"

"Well, that is rather interesting," Leon uttered thoughtfully after listening to the ladies\' thoughts.

"Is it?"

Aria turned her head to Leon with curiosity.

At the same time, Elizabeth and the two ladies also shifted their attention back to Leon and awaited his response.

"Of course, it is. When you look at the night sky, how many stars do you usually see?" Leon quizzed them.

Aria knitted her brows and recalled from her memory. Then, she shook her head and said, "I don\'t know exact numbers, but there\'s got to be at least tens of thousands of stars."

"What\'s interesting about that?" Aria asked shortly after.

"You see, I\'ve inherited a star map during one of the underground explorations," Leon stated.

"However, this star map of the God Realm only has 100 Star Realms recorded on it. If this star map is the complete star map of the world, don\'t you find it strange for there to be tens of thousands of stars in the night sky?"

"At first, I thought these tens of thousands of stars were merely illusory duplications caused by the spatial seal placed on this world. However, this might not be the case," Leon said.

"The world only has 100 Star Realms?" Elizabeth uttered with surprise.

"How can that be? There are thousands of stars in the night sky. Even if each Star Realm contains multiple stars, it still won\'t come close to ten thousand stars, let alone several ten thousand stars."

"That\'s why it\'s interesting, Mother," Leon stated.

"If we assume most of these stars in the night sky are Celestials, wouldn\'t we be able to count how many Celestials there are out there?"

The number of truly bright stars was few, while the dim stars were plenty. Furthermore, these dim stars\' positions weren\'t fixed.

Nevertheless, someone who frequently studied the stars would notice the changes in the dim stars. If they didn\'t pay enough attention, they wouldn\'t remember all the star positions in the sky.

"Oh? Now that is interesting," Elizabeth admitted.

She cannot help but feel amazed, but at the same time, overwhelmed if the dim stars in the night sky truly represent the Celestials out there.

"Several ten thousand Celestials, huh? That\'s quite a number."


A strong breeze suddenly rushed up the vast slope of the ice mountain, blowing everyone\'s hair wildly in the air.

Darlene and Faelyn shivered from the coldness of the breeze. Even so, it only happened briefly before they recovered.

"We\'re wasting time here. Let us increase our pace to reach the north sooner," Leon suggested.

Elizabeth and the ladies quickly agree.

But Leon and Aria could grab Elizabeth and Faelyn to carry them along, Darlene opened a Dark Passage for everyone.

"This should take us to the north quickly," Darlene informed.

"What is this dark passage?" Elizabeth uttered with surprise after seeing Darlene\'s Dark Passage for the first time.

"It\'s a spatial ability, Mother. You can think of it as a type of teleportation. You\'ll understand once you use it," Leon explained. Then, he quickly urged the group, "We should enter immediately, lest we exhaust Darlene\'s power."

A few breathes later, everyone disappeared inside the Dark Passage and stepped outside the other end of it.

The saltiness of the Boundless Sea quickly assaulted their sense of smell in that instance.

Nevertheless, everyone did not mind the salty sea; it was what they came for. More importantly, everyone was stunned by the breathtaking view.

The Great Mountain Ranges that formed the borders of the Human Domain didn\'t end on land. It also spread on the Boundless Sea until it formed a complete ring.

Nevertheless, the mountain range in the sea was not as tall as those on land. That much should have been expected.

"So this is the sea… It\'s more beautiful than I anticipated," Faelyn commented with surprise.

However, it didn\'t take long before Faelyn noticed something moving in the distant sea mountains and alerted the group about her discovery.

"There\'s something flying in the sky above those sea mountains over there," Faelyn pointed.

Leon quickly activated his Spirit Eyes, which upgraded to Earth Spirit Eyes, to take a look at the sea mountains more clearly.

"It\'s a group of ice phoenixes," Leon declared after making his discovery. Then, he added, "The ice phoenix tribe might be situated on one of those mountains."

"A group of Ice phoenixes? I wonder if they are related to the Half-step Divine Beast-level Ice Phoenix or not," Aria wondered.

"I think the better question is if the Half-step Divine Beast-level Ice Phoenix is their monarch or not. If it is, we have hopes of assimilating the Ice Phoenix Tribe," Leon stated thoughtfully.

The Ice Phoenix Tribe would be quite a powerful addition to the Crawford Empire.

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