
Chapter 525 Lamia Leader

"Do you think you can stop me, human?" growled the leader of the lamia in a guttural voice as his wings flapped violently. "You are just a dog before me!"

Kaizen was not shaken by the provocative words of the leader of the lamia. His eyes flashed with determination as he adjusted his position, and with one nimble movement Kaizen moved forward again, charging at the Lamia leader with Ragnarok in hand. His strikes were swift and precise, aiming to find a gap in the creature\'s defense.

The Lamia leader reacted with agility, dodging Kaizen\'s attacks and retaliating with his sharp claws. The confrontation was intense, each movement of both was accompanied by energy bursts and crystal shattering. However, it was clear that Kaizen was holding back. Since he wanted information, he didn\'t want to kill this creature now that he knew it could talk, so he would defeat it alive.

The battle raged across the sky and through the streets of the ruined city. Kaizen demonstrated exceptional skill in the art of the sword, delivering powerful blows and avoiding the attacks of the Lamia Leader. His experience and training against the Fencing Department Leader were being put to the test.

With each blow he landed, Kaizen felt the energy flowing through his body, strengthening him and propelling him forward.

At a crucial moment, Kaizen took advantage of an opening in the mudia leader\'s guard and launched a precise blow. The sword cut through the air and struck the creature\'s body, causing an explosion of energy.

The waves resulting from this blow were intense, and the players witnessing the battle felt their hair being tossed back, while others took cover behind rubble and ruins.

Of course, Kaizen resisted the enemy\'s force, holding his ground. He looked the Lamia leader directly in the eye, conveying confidence, which caused the Lamia leader to roar with rage as his claws collided again with Kaizen\'s sword, creating an even more powerful explosion of energy.

The confrontation continued, getting more and more intense, with Kaizen and the Lamia leader challenging each other. The city trembled under the fury of the battle, as debris and rubble flew through the air.

Without further ado, Kaizen advanced with an agile step, moving quickly. His body was a perfect fusion of strength and agility, and the way he wielded the Ragnarok was amazing. As he moved forward, Kaizen spun the Ragnarok in his hands, the blade glinting off the surrounding lights.

The leader of the lamia, realizing the imminent threat, flapped his black wings violently, raising a gust of wind in his wake as he stepped back. Then, with one fluid motion, it launched itself toward Kaizen.

Kaizen reacted with sharp reflexes, deftly dodging the first attacks of the Lamia leader. And when his feet landed on the ground, he leaped to his right side, leaning his body to avoid a mortal blow that could have taken his head off. At the apex of that movement, he spun around, bringing the Ragnarok in a sleek arc.

The blade sliced the air with a sharp hiss, seeking the body of the leader of lamias. The monster managed to dodge, but did not escape unharmed. A cut appeared on its skin, a red line that blended with the dark glow of its shadowy aura.

Kaizen smiled, teasing him, and said:

"I\'m warming up, so you\'d better step up the pace, too."

The leader of the lamia growled furiously with his eyes sparking with anger.

His wings beat with frightening ferocity as he gathered his energy for the next attack.

Kaizen remained motionless, staring directly into the creature\'s eyes in defiance.I think you should take a look at

In one agile motion, the leader of the lamia advanced again, seeking Kaizen\'s flesh, only the Psyker was prepared. He dodged the attacks with impressive dexterity, moving with fluidity and millimeter precision. With each dodge, his sharp reflexes were put to the test, responding quickly to the enemy\'s movements.

In turn, when he decided to stop dodging, his blows were lightning-fast, targeting the gaps in the defense of the Lamia leader, who gradually felt that this boy was not someone normal, not just another time. Kaizen delivered vertical and horizontal slashes, spinning and leaping in the air as Ragnarok drew bright arcs.

\'Is he... our target?\' The Lamia leader wondered as he felt his whole body shudder with the intensity of Kaizen\'s aura. \'From the information they passed to me, only one person in this city should have the power to take me on.\'

The leader of the lamia tried to retaliate with fury as his claws buzzed through the air. However, Kaizen could anticipate every move, dodging with impressive agility.

Moreover, Kaizen moved with such elegance and precision that he seemed to dance on the battlefield.

The energy of the battle pulsed in the air, charged with electricity and power. With each blow Kaizen landed, he felt the adrenaline flow through his body, strengthening him and propelling him forward. His concentration was impeccable, his senses sharpened to capture every movement and react instantly.

And at a crucial moment, Kaizen noticed an opening in the mudia leader\'s guard, which caused him to move forward for the first time.

The Lamia leader was surprised when, in a matter of moments, Kaizen was face to face with him, their faces almost glued together. The creature\'s eyes widened in surprise, and he didn\'t even see when Ragnarok\'s blade sliced the air in an elegant arc. A bright energy enveloped the sword as it found its target, striking the creature with overwhelming force.

A burst of energy erupted from the point of impact, shaking the surrounding environment. Shock waves propagated, kicking up dust and debris, bearing witness to the power of Kaizen\'s blow.

The ruined city trembled under the impact, and onlookers watched in amazement and terror at the same time.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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