
Chapter 619 Emma, as surprising as ever

Chapter 619  Emma, as surprising as ever

Emma\'s unwavering presence in front of the semi-transparent screen was like an unexpected spark for the audience, who quickly became agitated.

"The next contestant is Emma. Ready for the challenge!" The narrator introduced.

Max watched, mesmerized, as Emma positioned herself in front of the screen, her posture radiating tenacity. It put him at ease just watching her calmness from afar and the fact that she could do this with other people was impressive.

After a few seconds, the crowd finally quietened down to let Emma concentrate. A few murmurs could sometimes be heard, but they weren\'t much louder than the sighing of the wind. The gym seemed to have absorbed her concentration and when Emma raised her bow with a confidence forged in the fire of resolution, everyone made a point of keeping their eyes peeled. Her every move was being watched, and from the audience\'s reaction it seemed as if she had put everyone in a sacred state of focus.

With a gesture that seemed to paint the air with grace, Emma released the bowstring. The arrow glided to freedom, an ephemeral trace in the fabric of time. The audience followed the flight with fascinated gazes and quietly beating hearts. No sound resounded throughout the gymnasium during those moments. So what happened next defied the laws of predictability. The arrow danced in an impressive arc, skirting the semi-transparent barrier like a fluttering leaf. And then, with supernatural precision, it pierced the target, unleashing a roar of applause mixed with the sheer euphoria of amazement.

Emma had turned the impossible into reality before everyone\'s eyes. The arrow literally bent without the help of the wind, just with her technique.

The scene imprinted itself on everyone\'s mind like an ephemeral masterpiece of art. They knew they would never forget that moment, especially the little girls who were watching at home and in the gym.

"She did it, Caio! She did it!" Peter, the narrator, shouted to the commentator, startled, because this was only the first arrow of five possible for five targets and Emma had already managed to hit the first target.

"Emma is a phenomenon. There is no other word that can describe her better. She, who says she only started practicing archery when she started playing Rise Online, shows just how impressive virtual reality technology is today. Emma has taken lessons from the gaming world into real life and is performing as well as a top-level professional."

The audience was ecstatic with the first hit, applauding and shouting Emma\'s name.

Max couldn\'t contain his pride and admiration. He knew Emma was talented, but this display of skill transcended all expectations.

While the audience was still in a frenzy, Emma remained focused, her expression unwavering. She knew she still had four more targets to hit, and she wasn\'t willing to let the pressure of the moment shake her determination to secure her place in the grand final the following day.

With impressive calm amidst the sea of excitement around her, Emma adjusted the angle of her aim and prepared her second arrow. For her, hitting the first target was the most important, because it depended on perceiving distance, discovering the necessary force and angle precisely, but now it was all about readjustment, about calculating and multiplying each metric proportionally. Her heart was pounding, of course, but she channeled all her mental and physical energy into her steady hands and her gaze. Then she released the second arrow.

This time, the trajectory was more direct and the arrow didn\'t go so high. The arrow flew through the air, as if made of light, and another sound of a hit echoed through the gym, and Emma had hit her second target.

The applause and shouts of encouragement seemed to get even louder, if that was possible, filling the air with an explosion of emotion. Max couldn\'t contain his enthusiasm, his hands flapping wildly as he applauded Emma fervently. He wasn\'t alone; the crowd was fully involved in the incredible performance. Hitting two targets already put her inside the TOP10, but that still wasn\'t enough.

Emma continued to shoot, hitting target after target with astonishing accuracy. Every arrow she shot seemed to be pulled by a line towards the targets.

The whole gym was stunned, witnessing Emma\'s unparalleled skill.

When she launched her last arrow and hit the fifth and final target without missing an arrow, everyone in the gym was forced to stand up to applaud her. Whistles and shouts came from all directions.

qualified for the grand final." Caio commented.

"Yes, indeed. And I think it\'s very unlikely that anyone among the "Yeah, Peter, I think we\'ve got the first competitor from phase two qualified for the grand final." Caio commented.

"Yes, indeed. And I think it\'s very unlikely that anyone among the next contestants will be able to repeat her feat."

The audience continued to applaud and cheer Emma, and Max felt a wave of conflicting emotions inside him as he watched his friend triumph in such a grand way.

Emma walked back to the competitors\' area, her face serious despite being aware that she had left an indelible mark on the competition.

Max approached her with a grin from ear to ear. "Emma, that was... just incredible. You totally rocked it!"

Emma smiled briefly. "Thank you, Max. I couldn\'t have done it without all the training and support I received, including yours."

Max laughed, blushing. "Well, I can hardly believe what I\'ve just seen! Can you show me how you did it?" he asked, stepping closer.

Emma\'s eyes glazed over and she pushed his head back. "Not even if you begged me." She said and crossed her arms. "Max, you\'re good, but you need to stop relying on things that aren\'t your talent and effort. You won\'t be able to shoot two arrows or more at once now to hit a single target, so think of something you can do to change that."

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