
Chapter 651 An experienced advisor

Chapter 651 An experienced advisor

Korgrak slowly approached Kaizen and Salles\' table, her impenetrable mask revealing only those piercing white eyes. Soon, she sat down next to Salles and said:

"Kaizen, it\'s been a long time since we met, hasn\'t it?" Her voice was calm, but contained a touch of mystery that always surrounded her.

"Indeed, Korgrak. Has much changed since we last met?

Korgrak let out a slight laugh, a sound that was almost inaudible through the mask. "Not much for me, but for you for sure..." She joked and then lifted the mask a little, letting her thin chin and thin lips show.

Then she took the mug from Salles and took a good swig of the beer.

"Hey, that\'s my drink." Salles said.

Korgrak stopped drinking for a moment and replied:

"I know." she said, smiled and drank again until there was not a drop left in the mug. Then she looked at Kaizen. "So, Kaizen, what brings you to Holinda even in the midst of the turmoil your life must be in? Any mission?"

"Actually, deep down I wanted to find you Korgrak." Kaizen confessed, causing Salles\' and Korgrak\'s eyebrows to raise. "I want to talk to you about your guild and I want some advice."

"Advice, hm?" Korgrak said, his voice revealing his interest. "It\'s about setting up and running a guild, isn\'t it? The last interview you gave went all over the world, Kaizen."

Kaizen smiled shyly. "Yes, it\'s about the guild. I\'m thinking of starting one, and since you practically rule an entire city, I can\'t think of a better player in Holinda to mentor me than you."

Korgrak put his mask back in place, hiding his face again. "Founding a guild is not an easy task, as you might imagine. It\'s not just another job, it\'s as difficult as being CEO of a large company. You\'ll have to operate, command, manage and do a bit of everything. It\'s a serious commitment, and you need to know that. It involves more than just bringing together a group of talented adventurers. It\'s about leadership, loyalty and responsibility."

Kaizen nodded seriously. "I\'m aware of that, Korgrak. And that\'s why I need your advice, your experiences. How have you built and kept your guild so strong for all these years?"

Korgrak pondered for a moment before answering. "First, you need to find people you can trust, people willing to follow you all the way." She turned her head to Salles. "But trust is something you earn over time, you don\'t buy it. For a long time, I didn\'t trust Salles even when he was already in my guild, but my loyalty earned his and vice versa."

As Korgrak shared his wisdom, the voices around them subsided, and their gazes turned to their table.

"Besides," Korgrak continued, "a strong guild requires a clear purpose. Be it a common goal or a cause that everyone is willing to fight for. Without that, your guild can fall apart at the first adversity. You need a purpose."

"Clear purpose, earned trust and mutual loyalty..." Kaizen muttered, repeating the key words Korgrak had highlighted. "These are the pillars of a strong guild."

Korgrak nodded, satisfied. "That\'s right, Kaizen. And remember, the leader of a guild is not only a commander, but also an example. His actions should inspire others to follow him."\'

Salles finally spoke. "And it\'s also important to have a fair reward and recognition system. Your members need to feel that their hard work is being appreciated."

"One last piece of advice, Kaizen," she whispered. "Be prepared to face unexpected challenges and betrayals if you work with other guilds. Not everyone who approaches you will have good intentions. Leadership can be lonely, but don\'t be discouraged. Those who remain faithful to you will be your greatest strength."

Kaizen listened attentively, absorbing every word of wisdom that Korgrak shared.

Salles also paid attention, nodding from time to time, like someone who knew well the importance of these principles.

Other players in the tavern couldn\'t help overhearing the conversation and began whispering among themselves, intrigued by the presence of the mysterious leader of the Metal Dragons and the serious subject they were discussing. Some looks were of admiration, while others carried a hint of envy.

Korgrak finally concluded his advice by standing up. "Remember, Kaizen, a guild is like a family. You must look after its members and they will look after you. But be prepared to make difficult decisions when necessary. Sometimes, what\'s best for the guild may not be what\'s best for an individual."

Kaizen looked at Korgrak with gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, Korgrak. Your words are invaluable. If you ever need help, I\'ll be at your disposal."

When Kaizen left the tavern, Salles ordered another couple of mugs and decided to ask:

"What about betrayal, how would you deal with that, Korgrak?"

Korgrak smiled enigmatically, already knowing that Salles was hiding something from her.

"Betrayal is like a wound. It hurts, but you can heal and become stronger. Sometimes, even those who betray can find their way back, if they are willing to make amends."

Moonlight bathed the city of Holinda as Kaizen walked through the streets, absorbed in the advice he had received from Korgrak in the tavern.

The principles she had highlighted echoed in his mind, as did all the bureaucracy Pavin Dunhall had mentioned. He was determined to found a guild that would stand out not only for its strength, but for its cohesion and purpose. While pondering all this, Kaizen decided that it was getting late and that he still needed to have dinner, so he logged off.


Edi ted by: DrHitsuji

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