
Chapter 816 - Madgascar

Chapter 816: Madgascar

Translator: _Min_ Editor: Rundi


Homing noises echoed through the silent night.

The rockets slammed into the steel armor and sparks flew out from the other side of the ASV-150 light armored vehicle. The glaring flames lifted the turret into the air. The mercenaries who were on the side of the armored vehicle were blown to the bushes on the road and fled to seek shelter.

Because the steel armor itself resembled an imperfect “Faraday cage,” it had a strong resistance to the electric field passing through it. The broad range of strategic EMP merely paralyzed the communication stations hanging outside the carriages. It did not burn the electronic components inside the armored vehicle.

However, while it escaped the first time, luck was not with it the second time.

The Sea Lion Special Forces dashed through the night were like ghosts based on the optical illusion modules mounted on the K2 kinetic skeleton. They haunted the smoke-filled battlefield. The Arrow mercenaries could only fight back reactively, and all unprotected electronic devices were fried, including night-vision goggles and infrared sights.

At the same time, Arrow’s headquarters in Mayotte Military Base also turned into chaos.

Attacks first came from the north side and then appeared on the west. However, they did not even know how many enemies there were! Due to radio failure, their two infantry squads fought against each other in the streets outside the slums.

“This is Mayotte Military Base. This is Mayotte Military Base. We are being attacked! I repeat! We are being attacked! Dam*it!” Colonel Mangala slammed the phone on the desk, grabbed the rifle next the table, and then rushed out of the door.

The fire was blazing in the base, and the sound of gunfire was approaching the barracks of the military base. It was no longer a safe place to stay. He had to evacuate!

If he could evacuate…

Just ten minutes ago, a “thunderstorm” boomed over Mayotte Island.

Followed by a large-scale power outage.

Not just a massive power outage, mobile phones, computers, walkie-talkies… All electronic products lost their functionalities.

The traffic system completely collapsed, and cars with malfunctioning brakes slammed into each other. All the vehicles on the road became scrap metal, and all functions were lost except for windows and door. Due to the large scale of short circuits, a fire began to spread in many areas with fire hazards.

An EMP bomb turned the entire island back to the Stone Age.

Although before the bomb arrived, the island half the size of Wanghai was not advanced by any means.

Team B was engaged in battle, and Team A just encountered enemies at the dock!

At the second of the EMP’s explosion, all the light bulbs in the slums were destroyed, and the entire dock turned into darkness. The freighter was also within the EMP strike range, and the lights on the deck suddenly went out. However, other than a moment of delay on the kinetic skeleton of the soldiers, there were no other interferences.

It was Jiang Chen who took the first shot and killed Andre who was standing next to Zaid. After receiving the attack signal, the Marines disguised as pirates immediately lifted their AK47s and opened fire. After emptying the cartridges, they tossed the AK aside and took the Reaper Assault Rifle on hand to continue firing.

Several pirates at the dock were killed on the spot. Refugees in the slums screamed and ran in fear. Arrow’s people crouched behind walls and houses while returning fire at the freighter.

Some of them were mercenaries of Arrow, some were contractors employed by the company, and some were local gangs with connections to them.

Bullets flew through the pitch dark dock. Although Arrow had an advantage in numbers, their accuracies and tactics were terrible. They were no match to the Celestial Marines, who had just completed their joint military exercise.

The only thing that caused trouble for Jiang Chen was just a few RPGs that directly hit the cabin. However, it would be na?ve to think that a few RPGs would sink the thousand-ton ship.

The drones were released and the soldiers behind the wall were obliterated.

Marines tore down the robes outside of the kinetic skeleton, jumped to the dock, fired while running, and penetrated to the interior of the slums.

“Anyone with weapons will be killed! I repeat! Anyone with weapons will be killed!” Marines Captain Cramer shouted into the communication channel, and at the same time directed soldiers to separate into three teams to attack the stronghold of Arrow in the slums.

Jiang Chen did not personally go into battle. After the first shot was fired, he sat on the side of the ship and looked into the blazing slum. He was a spectator in the battlefield. Ayesha was with him. The sea breeze swayed her hair while she quietly stood there.

Zaid cautiously climbed up from the deck and wiped the sweat and blood off of his face, He then squeezed out a smile.

“Where, where are you going to drop me off?”

“Here, but before that, I need you to do one last thing for me.” Jiang Chen smiled.

From Jiang Chen’s smile, Zaid felt a hint of anxiousness, but he couldn’t tell what disturbed him because after all, the smile was peaceful.

The gunshots in the slums gradually subsided. From the sporadic gunshots and resistance, it was possible to hear Arrow’s demise.

Zaid followed behind Jiang Chen and stepped onto the dock. Then he came to a brick house in the slums.

At the corner, he saw Colonel Mangala, Arrow’s instructor and officer, had been shot in the legs and lost his ability to walk. The man who had participated in both the Iran and Iraq war had a drink with him before, but now he was like a dead dog.


“It was you…Zaid.” Mangala used his last breath and pressed on the wound on his leg. He grinned. “I didn’t expect it. I didn’t expect it. The boss trusted the wrong person!”

Zaid did not look him in the eyes.

Although he did not care about any glory and dignity when he became a pirate, he still felt guilty after killing so many friends.

Jiang Chen did not care about their exchanged in French and simply handed Zaid a dagger.

“Kill him. You are our companion.”

Zaid took over the dagger, and Jiang Chen also raised his gun.

The information conveyed by this gesture was clear.

[If you do not kill him. You are our enemy!]

“Come on, look at my eyes and kill me!” Mangala’s eyes were crimson but with a stiffened neck, he stared right at Zaid.

Knowing that he was dead, Mangala chose to die in the most quick and painless way.

Zayed swallowed, thinking that since he was already an enemy of Arrow and the boss behind the company, an extra life in his hands wouldn’t matter.

Therefore, he made up his mind, grabbed the dagger, and slashed at Mangala’s neck.

At the same time, he mumbled in his heart – “I’m sorry, brother.”

However, this inner monologue could not be completed.

Just as his dagger sliced through Mangala’s throat, blood spewed from his own chest and spilled onto his former friend.

It was his blood.

Blood began to pour out from the hole in his chest. Zaid stood there blankly, looking down at his chest.

Jiang Chen lowered his gun. His face was cold.

Zaid, using all his strength to turn around and stare at Jiang Chen.

The eyes seemed to be saying “Why?”

“I said you are only an ant to me.”

Not even considered a dog, how could he be a companion?

From the moment he ordered the execution of the four soldiers, his fate was sealed.

Everyone must die.

[Pay for your own behavior!]

Jiang Chen casually put away the gun and made a gesture to the soldiers next to him. Then he left the alley.

The soldier understood his?gesture and stepped forward. He slammed his fist on Zaid’s face and knocked him unconscious. Then, grabbing his collar, he dragged him to the man named Mangala and returned the pistol used by the dead Colonel.

The two died together as if they killed each other.

Before the last lingering consciousness faded, Zaid heard the following words floating in the alley.

“Pull down the bodies of the pirates from the ship, put clothes back on them again, and throw them here… Also, toss a few bodies around the corners of the slum. Don’t forget to give each person an AK. Be fast, Madagascar’s government should realize what has happened by now. Evacuate immediately after five minutes!”

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