
Chapter 967

And almost everyone, after seeing Jiang Chen, enthusiastically walked up to say hello or converse. Although Jiang Chen’s circle was far from the entertainment industry, capital had no limits.

After staying in the VIP lounge a bit longer, Jiang Chen took Liu Yao’s hand and left the theater from the back door. His bodyguard had already driven the car to the back door.

Like a gentleman, he opened the door for Liu Yao, and after the beauty got in first, he followed.

“Luer FA6? This must be in millions.” Sitting in the car, Liu Yao touched the door then touched the sofa. “I only saw this in magazines before.”

Since being bought by Jiang Chen, Luer Motors had grown from an unknown pure electric vehicle company to a large-scale automobile manufacturer that now had operations in Asia and the Americas. Its luxury models received wide recognition from across the world. For example, the Luer FA6 pure electric car had a pre-tax price of more than 30 million RMB.

However, Liu Yao didn’t know the brand belonged to Jiang Chen.

“Your pay is probably around ten to twenty million? It shouldn’t be difficult to buy a car?” Jiang Chen smiled and gestured the driver to go home.

“How can I spend all my money on a car?” Liu Yao rolled her eyes. “I’m just barely able to pay for the maintenance for the two Maybachs and Lamborghini you gave me.”

“I’ll maintain them for you.” Jiang Chen smiled.

It was already eleven o’clock in the evening, three hours after the premiere began.

The road conditions in Yoto were surprisingly good. Jiang Chen didn’t encounter traffic and went smoothly on the highway to the suburbs. The mansion at the foot of Mount Fuji was about one hundred kilometers from Shinjuku, the distance from Jia City to Wanghai.

Although there were many inconveniences in choosing such a remote place to stay, the beautiful environment more than made up for the distance. Not to mention that Jiang Chen wasn’t particularly in a hurry. In addition to occasional passers-by, there was basically no one around.

They were almost out of Tokyo.

Surrounded by mountains and fields, except for vehicles that passed by them from time to time, there wasn’t a soul at night.

At that moment, the bodyguard sitting in the front passenger seat suddenly narrowed his eyes and put his hand into his armpit. The driver sitting in the driver’s seat also noticed the abnormality and reported to Jiang Chen.

“Boss, someone is following us.”

Liu Yao looked around anxiously and didn’t see anything

Jiang Chen just raised an eyebrow and calmly said, “Oh? How many people?”

The bodyguard in front tapped on his sunglasses, and a light blue interface suddenly appeared on the inside of the ink-colored lens. Two drones were released from the bottom of the car and flew out against the chassis of the car. They hovered beside the vehicles and locked on the followers with the hanging lens at the bottom.

“A total of four vans, around 20 to 30 people. There are no heavy weapons on the cars. Most of the weapons are knives, machetes… Seems like Yakuza,” the bodyguard answered.

Jiang Chen shook his head with a grin.

“Yakuza? They seem to be underestimating


Since the Los Santos incident, Jiang Chen spent a considerable amount of thought on his security. While he only brought two bodyguards, these two bodyguards were the elite of the Celestial Marines.

The injection of D-class genetic vaccines and participation in the two wars of MLL Island were only the most fundamental requirements. They must know at least four languages. The one bodyguard in the passenger seat could easily take down two Ghost Agents with the same equipment in close combat.

As for this Luer FA6, it was transformed by Future Heavy Industries. Not only was the chassis equipped with a drone terminal, but the outer casing was replaced with a titanium alloy material containing a graphene lining; even anti-tank snipers wouldn’t make a dent.

“Do you want me to take care of them?” Slowly taking out a pistol, the bodyguard asked in a low voice.

Liu Yao was scared by the gun.

The bodyguard saw the boss’s mistress was scared, and he quickly stuffed the gun back under his armpit.

“Pick a quiet place. There are too many people here,” Jiang Chen said nonchalantly, looking at the van that was closest to him. “If you don’t need a gun, don’t use a gun.”

“Roger.” The bodyguard nodded and gestured at his comrade driving.

The bodyguard sitting in the driver’s seat nodded, turned the steering wheel and headed off the road.

When the car went off the highway, it seemed to hit a bump. Liu Yao looked at Jiang Chen with some worry, gently grabbed his arm and asked nervously, “Are things going to be okay?”

“Don’t worry.” Jiang Chen patted her hand that was holding on to his arm. “It’s just a few skunks. They’ll take care of it so they don’t bother us.”

After a pause, Jiang Chen grinned.

“Not to mention that I’m also very curious as to who would actually dare to follow me.”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s car changing lanes, the four vans were delighted and didn’t realize a crisis had arrived. They also turned off the road.

After driving on the mountain roads for half an hour to an inaccessible place, two of the vans began to accelerate and overtook Jiang Chen’s car. The four vans sandwiched his car in the middle then slowed down, forcing Jiang Chen’s car to stop.

The Luer FA6 just stopped which made the people in the vans surprised.

While they were surprised, they didn’t think the people in the car could resist.

The door of the van opened. Twenty thugs wearing black T-shirts and carrying iron bars and short knives surrounded Jiang Chen’s car. Behind the crowd, a boss-looking young man with sunglasses jumped out from the last van and walked in front of his thugs with authority.

With his gangster appearance, Jiang Chen laughed and shook his head.

“It seems the thugs in every country are the same. You just don’t know your limit.”

The front passenger door opened, and the bodyguard wearing a suit got out of the car.

Liu Yao looked at Jiang Chen nervously. “Should we call… call the police.”

“No, leave it to Chen Sen.” Leaning against the cushion, he wasn’t worried about the bodyguard who got off the car.

When Chen Sen was in the jungle of MLL Island charging at enemies, these thugs were probably playing mud on the street. There were at least twenty soldiers who died under his muzzle already.

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