
Chapter 982 - I curse you!

Chapter 982 I curse you!

Silence ensued for a long time in the conference room.

Glen Krupp now knew that the Rothschild family had been planning this for a long time. At that time, he only thought that shift to the right in politics was just because of a feudal grudge between the Jews and the Middle Easterners, but he didn’t expect that all of this was foreshadowing today.

Glen spoke slowly.

“Then Frankberg will become the State of Frankberg?”

“Yes.” Rothschild smiled.

“What about France?”

“The State of France.”

“Haha, what about Poland?”

“Naturally the State of Poland.”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Glen raised his head and began to laugh hysterically as if he heard a great joke. He took two steps back and suddenly spat next to his shoes.

“Hitler should’ve killed you idiots! I’ve never prayed for him to climb out of his grave like this.”

After he cursed out, Glen pulled his coat and walked to the door without turning his head.

He opened the door, but he froze.

Blood slowly flowed down, soaking his soles and freezing his line of sight.

Outside of the conference room, a man in disbelief had his throat slit by a dagger.

“Your bodyguard is strong, but that’s it.”

Johnson grinned and leaned against the door, wiping the blood on the dagger with his hand.

“How could it be…” Glen squeezed a few words out of his throat and turned stiffly, but his eyes met a black muzzle.


There was a spark, a gunshot, and Glen collapsed to the ground.

Smoke emitted from the revolver, and Rothschild looked straight at the expression still filled with disbelief with a sly smile.

“For the glory of the Freemasonry, please go to hell.”

“Cough-” Blood coughed out of Glen’s mouth. He used his blood-filled pupils to stare at his former friend. “The Krupp family will not spare you… you won’t succeed.”

“Is that the case?” Carmen kneeled down and looked down at Glen’s face. “Unfortunately, as soon as you entered this building, your younger brother became the new chairman of the Krupp Group.”

Carmen paused for two seconds and added a sentence.

“With the help of Rothschild Bank.”

Glen’s eyes widened, and fury was blazing in his pupils. It was directed at the betrayal of his family or the hatred of the name Rothschild.

The muzzle gently stroked his chin, and Carmen stared into his eyes and suddenly sighed.

“My friend, I gave you a chance; you don’t have to be like this. If we had just reached an agreement, today would’ve had another ending…”

“I curse you!” Glen interrupted Carmen, and the blood was gushing out of his mouth, dying his white teeth blood red. “I curse your family and you will go to hell! Tortured by Satan!”

Carmen slightly nodded.

“My friend, you don’t have to say all this. We will meet again in hell, but you will go first.”

Carmen gently placed the pistol on his chest, reached out and slowly closed his widened eyes. Then he removed the blood-stained ring from Glen’s stiff finger.

“And how can Satan punish his believers?”

Retrieving the ring symbolizing the Level 33 membership, Carmen laughed in self-mockery then stood up.

Back to his former friend, he looked at Johnson.

“Clean this place up. Even if he’s abandoned, he’s the former head of the Krupp family and deserves the respect of allies.”


Johnson nodded.

In eastern Kane, in the northwestern suburb of Oesk, the city ruins turned into frontlines littered with trenches and bunkers. Fortunately, some Russian Warfield engineers helped the civilian armed forces to fortify their defenses to prevent the war from being so one-sided.

With the support of EMP weapons from the Russian-Uzbek border, the civilian armed forces successfully pushed the front line to the east bank of the Dnieper River, but now the situation suddenly turned south.

Ten kilometers away from the frontline, Natasha, wrapped in a heavy coat, saw the informant, the Ukrainian government officer, Skanov. She handed a document from Moscow and a box of crumpled cigars.

Skanov grinned, and the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes cracked like a spider web. He took a cigar from the cigar box and put the document in front of his chest.

“Say hello to your father for me and say that the old guy thanks him for his gift.”

Natasha spt out a cloud of white mist, and she glanced through the shadows between the ruins. Somewhat absent-mindedly, she said, “I will.”

For three years, even if she returned to Kane occasionally, she only operated in the relatively safe Crimea area. It was her first time in three years being so close to the front line. The environmental changes made the place somewhat unrecognizable, and the cold climate made her feel even stranger.

Even she was surprised that she became used to the small island of the Western Pacific, and the man who was sometimes “shrewd” and sometimes “naive”.

If it weren’t for the drastic changes a few days ago, she would still be on vacation on a private island.

Skanov grinned and teased.

“Thinking about a man?”

Natasha glanced at him coldly. “What’s the situation on the front line?”

Extinguishing the cigar with his thumb, Skanov stuffed the half-smoked cigar back into his dirty pocket.

“The Future Group once destroyed the Freemasonry Arrow in Madagascar. We once thought they destroyed it. But in fact, the Freemasonry only moved it from South Africa to North Africa. Now, it is in Europe, it is across our… or your side.”

NATO promised not to send troops to Ukraine, so mercenaries who weren’t bound by laws and international conventions stood across them, and most of these mercenaries came from refugee camps on the borders of Sweden, Norway and Finland.

No one expected that the refugee camps, which were jointly funded by major European consortiums and built after the Frankberg tragedy, became the source of mercenaries of the European consortiums. In order to get their families away from the cruel and cold refugee camps, they fought tenaciously on the battlefield.

Natasha looked more serious.

“You are so smart; you should’ve guessed it?” said Skanov. “The integration of the EU, the new puppet taking office, and the fact that many of the original ridiculous things have become natural.”

“I don’t think that’s how the EU managed to unify.” Natasha shook her head.

“What’s not possible?” Skanov shook his head and said indifferently. “Although I thought they were joking until a week ago.”

“Standing in front of the civilian armed forces is no longer a weak and incompetent Ukrainian Army, but a well-trained, well-equipped private arm. They bought the ‘Faraday spray’ from the other side of the Atlantic in the name of counter-terrorism and applied it to the tank armor on a large scale, which effectively counters the EMP weapon in our hands. We can only hope for those brave and fearless Oesk citizens after losing this one card, .”

Faraday Spray was a tactical anti-EMP weapon developed by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the UA Department of Defense. By spraying droplets of a specific content and diameter, it formed a simple “Faraday cage” within the white mist envelope so that the electrons wrapped in were protected from EMP weapons. The technical content of this weapon wasn’t high, but it was surprisingly effective when defending against electromagnetic pulses. It was tested in the second MLL Island War.

“Is there no way to sanction them?” Natasha said with a frown.

Although Russia also secretly sent its own soldiers dressed as civilians to support the civilian armed forces, this practice was ultimately not allowed. Most of the soldiers who participated in the war were instructors and military advisers and rarely participated on the actual battlefield.

After all, if Russians died there, it wouldn’t be easy to explain.

Skanov shook his head.

“International law can’t sanction them because they don’t belong to any country in principle but are employed by the Ukrainian government.”

Having said that, Skanov paused for a moment thoughtfully.

“Unless… we hire another mercenary force and fight with them.”

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