
Chapter 1010 - A Sleepless Night

Chapter 1010 A Sleepless Night

Looking from a distance, a series of airdrops with flaming tails fell on the plain behind the hills, like the hellfire in a magical movie. The soldiers emerging the steel ruins were like those stepping out of the gate of hell. Like cavalries, they harvested the livings.

The cold wind was blowing, and the wind under the propeller was especially fierce.

Standing at the door of the Mi-8 helicopter, Jiang Chen was holding a military telescope while the heavy wind gust turned his hair into a bird nest. He was overlooking the tragic situation of the 11th Artillery Brigade a few kilometers away.

That night, in the house of General Nikolaev, Jiang Chen reached a secret agreement with Putin on behalf of Celestial Trade. At the cost of 100 billion rubles and a military base that has been in use for 50 years, Celestial Trade became involved in the civil war.

From that day on, he was accompanied by Natasha to the Russian-Uzbek border and lived at the military base on the border. First, he met with the interim government of the Republic of Donetsk, and with his nominal employer, the chocolate tycoon.

He had a relaxing week. Almost everyday, he would take a SVD and hop in a helicopter to hunt in the nearby mountains.

As a security consultant for Jiang Chen, Natasha naturally had to follow him everywhere. Just when she suspected that he was traveling, Jiang Chen suddenly made a rather excessive request.

“I don’t want to go hunting in the mountains this time. I want to go to the border to distract myself.”

Due to such close proximity to the battlefield, Natasha naturally opposed. The operation plan of Celestial Trade was known only to two Russians, and she was obviously one of them. Although her task was to fully cooperate with Jiang Chen, in her opinion, it did not include accompanying him.

However, Jiang Chen was the kind of person who only listened to himself. He had authority granted by the Russian President himself. He did not need Natasha’s consent and directly contacted the military base. The person in charge of the military base received his request and quickly approved it. Then a helicopter and two pilots were seated on the tarmac, accompanied by four Alpha special forces.

In desperation, Natasha had to follow Jiang Chen as he boarded the Mi-8 helicopter.

At the risk of being taken down at the border, the Mi-8 escaped from the radar at the edge of the forest and the mountain, reaching its current position.

Of course, the helicopter could only reach this point. The pilot said that he would not go any further.

This artillery brigade was often equipped with anti-aircraft guns and radar vehicles. Experience has taught him that they were quite close to the radar’s scanning radius. If they advanced further, even a blind man would notice a helicopter at this distance. Jiang Chen could only use his telescope to make up for the remaining distance, and could not see the first battle of Celestial Trade’s orbital airborne troops at close range.

However, the Russian pilot clearly did not expect the 11th Artillery Brigade to fall so quick. The brigade did not even have a chance to lock on the helicopter with its radar.

It only took ten minutes before the entire brigade was wiped by this unexpected attack. The bullets flew in the air, and explosions appeared one after another. The soldiers fired back with their AKs, but they efforts were futile to reverse this battle. One after another, they died under the guns of the orbital airborne soldiers.

The only two armored vehicles were penetrated by RPGs. The trucks carrying the rockets were blown into iron slag by sticky bombs. The ammunition racks piled up on the ground exploded, one after another, with countless blossoming orange-red mushrooms appearing on the vast plain.

The outcome of the 11th Artillery Brigade was evident, and there was nothing more to look at. Jiang Chen hopped into the helicopter again, handed the telescope to Natasha, who was spacing out, and jokingly asked.

“Isn’t that spectacular?”

She caught the telescope thrown by Jiang Chen and woke up from her blanked state. Then she raised the telescope to examine the battlefield in the distance.

She had never seen such a strange war.

The battle there was basically over, with only sporadic resistances.

Before the establishment of the military base, Celestial Trade did not have the conditions to accommodate prisoners, nor did it intend to accept surrenderers. As for the Geneva Conventions, the rules could only restrain a regular army, and there was no point for a group of hired mercenaries.

“Those are…airborne soldiers?”

“Yes.” While answering Natasha’s question in an understatement, Jiang Chen reached out and patted the pilot’s back. “Today’s flight is over, you can return. Go quickly, as the enemy plane will be here soon.”

Even without Jiang Chen’s reminder, the pilot was fully aware.

With what just happened, the entire region was about to erupt. The door was pulled up and the helicopter began to turn around and return.

Natasha lowered the telescope. Her sight finally came back inside the cabin.

“Where did they come from? Crimea military base? Or…”

“No.” Jiang Chen shook his head and raised his eyebrows proudly. Then he raised his hand and pointed. “They belong to the Celestial Trade Air Defense Force, Orbital Airborne Brigade.”

Jiang Chen could not see the expression hidden behind the Alpha Special Forces’ green and black camouflage ink, but it was not difficult to guess the shock in their minds at this moment.

Natasha took a second to process the information before she immediately whispered anxiously. “Stupid! Don’t just say this kind of thing—”

“It doesn’t matter. The whole world will know about it by tomorrow.” Jiang Chen looked at his watch. “In about five hours, we will have a second round of airdrops. As a result, we will have two brigades in this region. Although we lack in numbers compared to Arrow, we will be fine. We never win by numbers anyway.”

In addition, he did not expect to be able to finish the war in such a short period of time.

There was a substantial gap between the government forces here and Country F, which determined that this war was unlikely to replicate the great victory of the City M’s landing war. This gap was not only reflected in weapons and equipment, but in tactical thinking, organization, and politics and many other factors.

On the other hand, the supply line of Celestial Trade would be extended. Although Russians promised to help with transportation, some sensitive weapons would not be handed over to them. They could only transport them by air to the military base on the front line, or directly ship them from outer space to the military base.

If Arrow mercenaries continued to replenish the forces at the front line, this war was bound to become a tug-of-war.

But the only thing that Jiang Chen did not worry about was the ending of the war.

Natasha gasped as she listened to Jiang Chen’s speach, then she repeated his words in with a unbelievable tone.

“Two brigades? That is, you just…”

“Yes,” Jiang Chen smiled. “You are very surprised by the fact that I just dropped an entire brigade.”

“I shouldn’t have been surprised. I should have known that a madman was sitting across from me.” Natasha rolled her eyes.

Jiang Chen grinned.

Recently, he noticed that she was not in the best mood after she dodged the cocktail party that night. The main reason why he dragged her along tonight was to distract her.

In the next hour of flight, the two didn’t say a word. Jiang Chen leaned in his seat and closed his eyes, and Natasha was digesting all the shock she felt that night. Because she was too astonished, she even began to worry about the report she must draft.

The direct airdrop from outer space and the deployment of an entire airborne brigade anywhere in the world within a few hours. If this tactic could become universal, it would undoubtedly revolutionize the pattern of future wars.

Whether voluntarily or not, for all those involved in this whirlpool, tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.

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