
Chapter 1082 - Eyes on its Prey

Chapter 1082: Eyes on its Prey

An informal Federal Reserve Shareholders Meeting was being held in the Morgan Stanley Building on Wall Street.

The man who sat by the door was Daniel Morgan, the head of the Morgan family. Also sitting at the conference table with him was a member of the Rockefeller family, representing the Loki family of the B City consortium…

Those who were qualified to sit around the conference table possessed influence no less than Franklin on the bill, and they could breathe. Any decision around the table could cause an earthquake in the financial market.

To put things exaggeratedly, at least one-third of the world’s capital was housed in this conference room.

“First, let’s toast to our victory.” Daniel Morgan picked up the champagne and looked around. “Victory belongs to the ‘WASP’ and Wall Street belongs to the ‘WASP’!”

Old Rockefeller smiled and also raised his glass.

Without an extraordinarily long introduction, twelve wine glasses were held high and celebrated the victory for the WASP consortium, led by Daniel.

Twelve waiters stepped forward and handed each member a towel respectfully. They then took the towels and wine glasses away and proceeded to leave the room.

Daniel tossed the towel into the waiter’s tray then proudly looked at the members around the conference room. Among the influential individuals around the world, he was the youngest at forty years old and undoubtedly the most successful.

After all the waiters left, Daniel clapped his hands and gestured everyone to look at him.

“Just yesterday, Morgan completed the acquisition of Citibank shares under Rothschild Bank. So far, I’m honored to announce to you that we’ve completely kicked those Jews out.”

Courteous applause resounded, and even old Rockefeller clapped gently, but his murky eyes showed an intriguing brilliance.

Daniel nodded slightly and humbly accepted the members’ praise to him and his name.

When it came to the control of the Rothschild family, the word “Fed” must be mentioned.

As everyone knew, the Federal Reserve was equivalent to the central bank and possessed the power to regulate the macro “world banknote.” An interest rate hike could mean that some factories in a weak economy just worked for free for a month, and a country’s debt just became unpayable. Interest rates were equivalent to nuclear weapons in the financial sector.

The most terrifying thing was that this nuclear weapon was controlled by private hands.

Although the members of the Federal Reserve Board were nominated by the president and appointed by the senate, they strictly acted in the political sense. However, according to the Owen-Glass Act, the Federal Reserve were divided into 12 reserve areas, each of which established an independent regional reserve bank. The equity of each regional Federal Reserve was subscribed to by the member banks of each region according to the proportion of their assets.

Take the New York Reserve as an example. According to the latest public data, the major shareholders were Citigroup with 15%, Chase Manhattan with 14%, Morgan Trust with 9%, Hanwha with 8%, Hanover with 7%, and these banks were often controlled by the financial families such as Rockefeller, Morgan, and Rothschild.

Goldman Sachs fell last year, and the Rothschild family was just kicked out. The shares of banks such as Citigroup and Hanover were divided by Rockefeller and Morgan.

If Wall Street in 2018 was controlled by the Jewish and Anglo-Saxos and the button for nuclear weapons was in the hands of two people, then Wall Street in 2019 was dominated by the WASP consortium.

Old Rockefeller coughed, pulling Daniel out of the intoxication of victory.

“Celebrating victory can be left to the evening banquet. Gents, now we have more important things to discuss.”

“That’s certainly true.” Daniel smiled, no dissatisfaction apparent on his face.

Old Rockefeller raised his hand over his shoulder and moved his finger. The secretary standing behind him understood the gesture and put a document on the conference table respectfully.

Tilting his back forward slightly, the old Rockefeller put on his gold-gilded glasses and opened the file.

“Yesterday, on June 11, the Central Power Company, the Yoto Power Company, and Celestial Trade reached an agreement to increase power imports. According to the electricity consumption data of Nippon last year, Celestial Trade successfully monopolized 20% of electricity in the country.”

Everyone in the room exchanged glances in shock; even Daniel showed a hint of surprise.

“This news hasn’t yet entered the disclosure process. You might not have received the news yet. My information came from a cabinet official.” Old Rockefeller glanced at the audience. “I don’t need to say more; you might have already felt it.”

“We’re losing control of the situation in Asia.”

When the statement came out, the room was stunned.

All of them were representatives of major consortia and were financial giants on Wall Street. With their IQ and senses, they obviously noticed this point. However, prior to this, everyone was focused on Europe. Everyone was trying to snag a piece of meat from Rothschild, so no one focused on the opposite side of the earth.

“The dominance of the dollar is being shaken, and it might’ve been a wrong choice for the Freemasonry to fall so quickly.”

“What can we do then? Are we going to drag them out of the grave?”

“Maybe we can help the Krupp consortium. As long as there are new rivals to contain Future Group–”

“That’s even more unrealistic.” Daniel interrupted everyone’s arguments and shook his head. He tapped his chin with his fingers. He was still immersed in the joy of victory, but he already noticed the looming crisis facing the WASP consortium. “We must curtail the influence of Celestial Trade from expanding. The bad signs have emerged, and if we allow their Global Grid Plan to progress, we will be at more and more of a disadvantage.”

“That’s right.” Rockefeller nodded and looked around the table. “I know everyone here is cooperating with Future Group in many fields, but if they shake the foundation of the dollar, I think everyone knows what that would mean.”

The financial empire of Wall Street was built on the dollar. Through the two levers of the exchange rate and market, Wall Street giants had plundered the world for nearly a century. Once the dollar lost the aura as the “world currency”, central banks would decrease the dollar reserve, and every dollar bill issued by the Fed would become useless. The Wall Street financial empire built by bills would become worthless overnight.

Two hours since the start of the meeting, everyone including Daniel was completely sober from the joy of victory. The Jewish consortium had fallen, but the jackals who killed them weren’t satiated yet. They had already aimed across the Pacific.

When the interests of all people present were threatened, it was clear the WASP consortium had never been as united as it was now. In the past two hours, they developed a plan to block the Global Grid Plan.

After the meeting, representatives of the major consortiums got up and left in a hurry.

Daniel Morgan, who was the moderator of the meeting, didn’t get up. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

At that moment, he suddenly remembered his conversation with Carmen a month ago. At that time, the former Rothschild financial tyrant lowered his stance and asked him for help, but he refused Carmen with almost no hesitation.

“…Just the opposite—I’m extremely convinced that one day in the future, I will be grateful for the choices made today…?” Fingers gently tapping on the table, Daniel muttered to himself the lines he once said, but his tone now carried a hint of hesitation and no longer carried the same certainty.

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