
Chapter 1114 - The Form of War

1114 The Form of War

Giles’s speculation was indeed correct. It was a microwave weapon that caused them to be temporarily blind.

The microwave weapon was a prototype from Fallout Shelter 027, a laser array air defense system called “Light Suppression Weapon”. It was used by countries as “peaceful” means to repulse fighters trespassing.

But this form of weapon was short-lived and forgotten in history by the end of the twenty-first century. In future warfare, drones dominated the battlefield. Even if piloted fighters were not outdated, they gradually became the supporting cast in air combat.

Disregarding everything else, a fighter jet flying at a speed of ten Mach could experience a force over 10G by making a simple turn. If the turn was a little wide, the pilot’s eyeballs would be squeezed out. The human reflex was only so fast, and it was far slower compared to AI’s responsiveness.

From identification to locked down for destruction, while the pilot may still be confirming the target, the AI ??may already have calculated the trajectory.

However, for the sixth-generation fighters still in the exploration stage, this weapon was simply too effective. It was the same as covering the pilot’s eyes during air combat.

Of course, it served more of a mean of deterrence.

In actual combat, if the enemy planes already entered the defensive radius of the laser array air defense system, directly attacking the wings, ammunition depot, and fuel tank with high-power lasers would be very effective.

“It’s perfect.” In the military base of New Moon Island, Jiang Chen praised as he watched the two F-35Cs in the holographic screen blindly maneuvering in the sky. He then looked at Ivan, who was standing across from him. “Who is the captain?”

Ivan replied immediately.

“The Captain of Frigate Ship (FS) Ange is Captain Lei Zheng.”

“Lei Zheng is very talented. He handled this very well.”

While he praised the captain, Jiang Chen already got an idea of how to use the video that they just captured.

You are planning to conduct a military exercise? Okay! You are planning to flex on your allies? No problem! I’m not going to interrupt anything, but I will actually help you!

We won’t discuss anything about the fighters. First things first, the maneuvers of the two pilots were quite amazing! Celestial Trade can testify that they pulled everything off with their eyes closed! As for why their eyes are closed?

Oh, that is a long story...

At this moment, Jiang Chen was planning on when he should play this card to maximize its effect]


It was already more than a week since he returned to Hua. Lu Hao didn’t have any time to rest since his return. He was either being pulled into meetings or being asked to make a report. From the employees to the executive council, everyone seemed to be in a tense state, but they couldn’t agree on a direction.

He understood the impetuous and contradictory atmosphere that permeated at the top of the Republic. He also believed that all countries in the world shared the same struggles.

Whether to create history or become history, no one was prepared for what would happen next.

The opponent was an extraterrestrial civilization. Apart from knowing that it possessed powerful biotechnology, the Earth civilization knew nothing more. However, Lu Hao also understood that he couldn’t be too demanding in this matter. It was not easy to have the courage to fight against an extraterrestrial civilization capable of intergalactic travel.

Of course, his exhaustion was not entirely due to meetings, but also due to other things.

The people above him tried to find a way out, and the people below him tried to gain benefits.

A semi-state-owned aerospace technology company already saw him twice, as it hoped to learn some insights from him about the future direction of the Earth Fleet. What type of battleship would be prioritized? Would engines be the focus or weapons? Or armors? Or even shields?

However, it was never this easy...

Even the Earth Fleet didn’t know its future, let alone his future. Perhaps that man saw something further away, but he was not a god after all. He would also be confused about the distant future.

The once unpopular astronomy and aerospace became one of the hottest disciplines. Not only greedy businessmen came to see him, but many academics have found him to sell their theories. They shoved their papers in front of him, begging him to take a look.

Some of these people came for the name, while others searched for the benefit.

In this day and age, professors may not necessarily be good at scientific research, but even graduate students knew how to write papers. Many universities even used SCI papers as a hard indicator for assessing academic performance. In this kind of environment, anyone could offer an opinion.

For those scholars and experts, if their own thoughts would be agreed on by the members of the Earth Defense Alliance, this meant the opportunity to become a guest of the Earth Defense Alliance Committee, even a technical consultant. Even if they performed poorly in university or at a research institute, they could still become famed within academics and even go down in history.

However, the root of the contradiction lied here.

Everyone thought they were correct and even brought evidence to justify their opinions.

However, it was too easy to falsify evidence. Just look at the science fiction novels of the early twentieth century and look at what authors imagined the year 2000 looked like. It was easy to determine how unrealistic the fantasy of human beings is.

These days, Lu Hao either spent his time in meetings, or dealt with the piles of papers and research reports.

Sometimes he really wished he could stuff these papers into the shredder.

But he knew at this moment, he couldn’t make such a decision. In his subconscious, he hoped to see a paper or research report that offered a clear path for the Earth Defense Alliance.

To be honest, being in his position, he was naturally a supporter of the carrier battle group theory. However, Wu Changfeng’s words on the elevator made him question his previous certainty.

After he let out a sigh, he leaned back onto the sofa in the living room. Lu Hao massaged his soar temples and tossed the paper onto the table. Then, his sight drifted to the globe on the window sill.

He heard the sound of a key turning at the door.

He looked up and saw a clever looking boy and his lips formed a kind smile.

It was his son who was still in the first grade of elementary school. He just came back from school.

The little guy ran towards him in happiness after he saw his dad sitting on the sofa. He didn’t even take his shoes off before jumping onto his dad’s legs.

“Dad, Dad! Are you working in the Earth Defense Alliance now?” With his innocent eyes, the little guy shook his dad’s arm with adoration.

“You can say that.” Lu Hao rubbed his son’s head and said with a smile.

It was not a secret that he joined the Earth Defense Alliance Committee. The state television even created an exclusive interview with him and Wu Changfeng. However, in the interview, he only mentioned the duties and obligations of the Earth Defense Alliance. He also spoke about the plan to create a fleet and intercept the extraterrestrial civilization in the Kuiper Belt.

As for the issues discussed at the committee meeting, even with his own membership, these sensitive issues were directly averted...

“Great! Our classmates don’t believe it. They said that I’m lying.” The little guy excitedly waved his fist and continued to look at him with adoring eyes. “Dad, Dad, will you build a Gundam?”

A Gundam?

Lu Hao shook his head.

A Gundam was absolutely impossible.

Having said that, he didn’t want to dim his son’s hopeful eyes, so he said in a comforting tone, “Your father is too old to pilot a Gundam. So, this task will be up to you. Promise Dad that you will study hard.”

“Can I drive a Gundam if I study hard?” His son’s pupils flashed with excitement.

“Of course!” Lu Hao smiled.

The little guy climbed down from his dad’s knees after receiving the confirmation he was looking for. He skipped out of the living room and ran away.

Looking at his son, his lips formed a curvature that belonged to the kindness of a father.

Even if it is to protect the smile of the little guy, at least he can’t let him down...

He shook his head and picked up the paper he previously tossed down.

What will a war in space be like?

Just as he was feeling puzzled, he suddenly remembered someone.

A person who might give him the answer.

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