
Chapter 1205 - One Percent Chance

Chapter 1205 One Percent Chance

Twelve tanks were nothing to fear.

But if twelve tanks were combined with 20 power armors, the tank-infantry synergy would be terrifying.

“HAHAHA! Charge! Crush them!”

Yegor was full of arrogance as he laughed nearly hysterically. His fist smashed against the top of the tank and then he sat back down.

Almost a split second after he gave the order, the two power armors sitting behind the KV-9 became alive. The eyes of the power armor flashed a dark green light. The hook behind their back popped out and the power armors stepped onto the cement road with force. The deployment wheels left a curved trail on the road.

On the roof of the building, Ding Liwei, who was a kilometer away, said in trembling voice as his pupils constricted.

“It’s the SU-50.”

“What is the SU-50?” Wan Peng frowned.

“Fu*k, this is my first time seeing it too,” gulping, Ding Liwei forced out his next words, “I have only heard that these things are difficult to deal with and have a nickname.”

“What nickname?”

“Tanks that can walk...”

Within ten seconds of landing, the twenty-four power armors were moving beside the charging tanks. They formed an attack formation using their high-speed movement. The rifle in front of their chest exuded a chilling vibe.

The giant steel armor was bolted onto the power armor with bolts as thick as a thumb and formed a jagged front armor, just like the chest armor of the Polish Wingedhausser. The vortex engines on its back were not embedded in the armor’s surface but mounted on a pair of outwardly extending short wings. The front and rear ends of the leg’s armors were enlarged like bells. The traditional two pairs of wheels design was modified into four pairs under the Soviet hammer to match the burly armor.

To maintain its balance, they even added a tail to counter the weight!

The rifle was held steady in front of the chest. The short wings ignited eerie blue sparks, and the SU-50 power armors charging on the highway looked like beetles with expanded wings, fearlessly marching beside the tanks.


With a roar, the CCCP tanks launched an attack. Twelve barrels fired together simultaneously, and the 75mm high-explosive shell landed on the streets and buildings near the Second Militia.

Ding Liwei did not dare to take his guard down. He jumped off from the top of the building and jogged to the rear of the frontline. He took over the radio from his deputy and shouted in the communication channel.

“PREPARE TO FIGHT! GET READY TO LAUNCH A COUNTERATTACK! Team A attack from the flank! Team B, stand in position! Team C use anti-tank equipment! BOMBARD!”


The P-series power armors hiding behind cover quickly fired the anti-tank rocket on its shoulders.

Although these militias had never been on a real battlefield, they did participate in several exercises and did not completely forget how to deal with sturdy steel armors.

The more than 70 power armors were divided into three teams. 30 units moved to the side of the CCCP tanks; 20 power armors held their position under the bombardment while the remaining power armors switched the RPG missiles on their bank to an anti-tank rocket, locking it on the charging tanks.

When the tank entered their range, Ding Liwei roared.


More than 20 white trails formed in the air from behind cover, directly flying toward the CCCP tank formations. They exploded simultaneously under the ground of smoke bombs...


When X71291 proposed to Jiang Chen that it wanted a body and for Jiang Chen to bring it to the modern world, Jiang Chen’s response was of course no.

He couldn’t bring something full of danger to the modern world.

However, the next sentence X71291 said made him hesitate about his decision.

“Are you not fighting against aliens?” The AI asked.

Jiang Chen suddenly looked at it with vigilance. “How did you know?”

“Do you think players only discuss quests and bosses in the game?” The AI shrugged. “I not only know that you are facing threats from an extraterrestrial civilization, but I can also use your limited information to figure out ‘the extraterrestrial civilization’ comes from the Gliese 581 galaxy 20.5 light-years away. And if my analysis is not wrong, those bugs are ultimately from the Brahma Space Colonization Ship launched from this world. The second ship of Pan-Asia Cooperation.”

Jiang Chen looked at it in shock.

Its analyses were spot on.

However, how did it deduct this conclusion with such limited information? How could it even determine that the origin of Harmony is the Brahma Space Colonization Ship from this world... Could this even be deduced from such limited information?

“What do you know about Brahma?” Jiang Chen frowned.

“I know their routes, their staffing, the dilemmas they might face, and ultimately how they will make choices,” The AI shrugged as if nothing had happened. “Also, my calculations tell me that the reason you can travel across two worlds may be related to this.”

Jiang Chen was silent.

If the first two sentences gave him a reason, then what convinced him was the next sentence.

“Don’t want my help? My presence can at least increase your winning percentage by one percent.”

One percent!

It was already very high compared to Celestial Trade’s current odds of a small decimal percentage.

While he remained vigilant against artificial intelligence, he ultimately agreed.

However, he must put a collar on its neck and hold it firmly in his hand.

“I can give you a body. Of course, it is a purely mechanical body.”

NAC possessed research on digitalized humans, and Lin Lin is an expert in this field. He just didn’t know how Lin Lin would react if she saw the “demon” that captured her was still alive...

“It’s just what I wanted, I don’t intend to be a weak carbon-based life,” the AI said.

“In addition, I will install a self-destruction device on your body, whether it is your server or the mechanical body.” Jiang Chen looked at it and warned, “If you reveal my secret, or if I know what you did is against my principle, you know the consequences.”

The huge data volume of advanced artificial intelligence meant it can’t hide in small-capacity terminals anyway. It was precisely because of this that Jiang Chen did not worry that it would “infinitely breed” through the small data transfer channels to create some kind of intelligent crisis.

Even in the apocalypse, not many computers could act as its server, let alone the modern world.

Jiang Chen would give it a body, as well as an experimental quantum computer as a “container”, and then install a self-destruct device in these two things. If it makes any dangerous moves, it would only take a click of a button for the thermite to turn those two devices into dust.

“It doesn’t matter,” The AI said without being surprised at the added conditions Jiang Chen proposed, it then calmly added, “I don’t intend to bring harm. This is pointless. If you have asked all your questions, can we start moving? The outcome of the battle outside is almost decided, and there’s not much time left for you.”

“Last question,” Jiang Chen said, fixating on it. “You are not afraid that I lied to you?”

“You won’t do that,” The AI shrugged. “I said, my presence can at least increase your winning percentage by one percent.”

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