
Chapter 1338 - Speed of Life and Death

Chapter 1338: Speed of Life and Death

Mitsui Hiroto rolled up his sleeves and glanced at the diamond-encrusted gold watch on his wrist, and his sparse eyebrows gradually twisted together.

From the moment he left the mansion, he had a feeling of anxiety that lingered in his mind.

“How long before we arrive?”

“It depends on the traffic. At most half an hour...” The driver really wanted to scorn, If you are in such a rush, why don’t you let me drive the magnetic levitation model Toyota. However, he could only curse in his mind.

At this moment, a black car next to them suddenly sped up and overtook them.

“Do you know how to drive!” The driver cursed under his breath as he was about to turn the steering wheel to overtake again.

But at this moment, two black cars sped up simultaneously and sandwiched him in the middle as they blocked both lanes on the side.

Mitsui Hiroshi knew something was wrong.

The bodyguard next to him already realized something was wrong. He put his hand into his jacket and held onto the Glock while the other hand patted the driver’s shoulder, he said in a calm and collected voice, “The two cars next to us are—”

Before he could finish, the windows of the two cars shattered at the same time. Without the slightest warning, two muzzles sneaked out from the shadows and aimed at Mitsui Hiroto’s car.

Mitsui Hiroto’s pupils shrank in an instant, but he and his bodyguard did not have time to react before orange flames burst out from the muzzles—


In just two seconds, a brand-new Toyota was turned into a sieve. The windows shattered into glass shards and there were dense bullet holes on the doors, hood, and trunk. Blood covered every corner of the car, whether it was the driver, the bodyguard, or the owner of the Mitsui Consortium, they were all covered in blood.

The Toyota that lost its driver was like a wild horse without its reins. It slammed into a street light next to the highway. Not all the bullets hit the car, and many stray bullets flew into the crowd on the street, wounding innocent pedestrians.



“Help! My legs...”

People screamed in all different languages and fled in different directions. No one thought that this kind of incident would happen. No one thought that this kind of incident would happen in Yoto and on the eve of the Olympics...

The unexpected event completely stunned Gill as she continued to follow the car. Then she slammed the gas without hesitation as she sped up to a hundred kilometers an hour and chased after the three fleeing vehicles.

“Lu Wei, mark them!”

“I’m already on it.” The ghost agent next to her clicked on the tablet in her hand, selected the three vehicles with three different colored boxes, and then transmitted the information to the Skyeye X1 observation satellite. The moment she completed her actions, the three cars ran a red light at an intersection and headed for three different directions.

“Attention, Group B, Group C, the target vehicles have been marked, capture the targets! You have permission to fire!”

Gill pressed the button around her collar and ordered. At the same time, she slammed the gas even harder and chased the black car straight ahead.

Sirens echoed on the streets, but because the location was busy downtown, it was not easy to set up roadblocks to stop the murderers. These assassins also obviously had accomplices helping them, as they created traffic incidents to slow down the Yoto Police.

Gill pressed down the gas to the limit, and in the downtown area, she started street racing with the obviously modified black car.

The black car noticed the chaser behind it. When the car that previously blocked Mitsui Hiroto’s vehicle realized that it could not get rid of its tail, it suddenly drove to the middle of the road. At the same time, a gunman smashed through the car window with the gun stock, leaned out his body, and smoothly took out the automatic rifle on the door.

The pupils above the mask revealed a deep desire for blood!


Flames spurted from the muzzle as the gunman fired at the hood and tires of Gill’s car.

The bullets directly deformed the hood and left thumb-sized cracks on the front window. These bullets were obviously a special kind, but fortunately, they still failed to penetrate the nano-ceramic bulletproof layer designed by Future Heavy Industries.


Gill bit her tongue and immediately turned her steering wheel. She drove onto the lane next to the black vehicle to get into the gunman’s blind spot. Just as the gunman was about to change sides, she shouted at her teammate next to her.

“Lu Wei, make it stop!”

“Roger that!”

With a sneer, the short-haired girl next to her pressed the button on the tablet.

“DAMM*T! It’s the Ghost Agents!” The target entered the shooter’s blind zone, and Chuan Yuanxing immediately retracted the rifle into the window, smashed the window on the other side, and leaned his body out again, “Keep it steady! Let me get the tires.”

“I’m already trying my hardest to stabilize the steering wheel...”

The person driving cussed under his breath while his hands tightly grasped the steering wheel and his eyes fixated on the road ahead. However, a drone suddenly appeared in front of him and slammed into the window of the car with its chassis. “What’s that—”

Before he could let out a scream, the dazzling white light and harsh sonic boom robbed him of his sight and hearing. He felt like a heavy hammer just smashed his head.

In a panic, he subconsciously turned the steering wheel, and the assassin that leaned out of the car window was thrown out and collided directly with an oncoming van. He couldn’t be more dead. The out-of-control car slammed into the guardrail next to the highway and the whole car spun in the air before it landed upside down and slid forward.

The car was completely deformed, and the wheels stopped turning. The surrounding crowd screamed and fled. The employees hiding in the shop hid under the counter and called the police with trembling fingers.

The door of the driver’s seat opened, and the man in a blue jacket struggled to get out of the crashed car. As he looked up with his bloodstained face, he drew the pistol in his pocket and attempted to aim at the Ghost Agents’ vehicle. However, before he could even raise the gun, he passed out due to excessive blood loss and fell unconscious.

Gill slammed on the brake and stopped twenty meters near the crashed vehicle. Gill was the first one to rush out as she aimed directly at the vehicle with her foldable assault rifle. She then gestured to her teammate and approached the overturned car from both sides.

There was a piercing alarm bell from afar; these assassins had nowhere to escape.

“Use EMP first.”

She gestured Lu Wei to stop, took out a grenade from her belt, and was just about to pull the fuse.

But at this moment, flames burst into the sky.

With a loud boom, the explosion of molten flame engulfed the car completely. Gill and Lu Wei searched for shelter as they leaned against the car parked on the side of the road, and escaped the raging explosion.

Gill stood up, bit her lower lip, and stared straight at the destroyed car. Then she slowly lowered her rifle.

The flame was still burning, and the ground and surrounding shops all turned black because of the high heat

There was no possible way for those assassins to survive with the power of the explosion.

After a while, Gill finally squeezed out a word from between her lips.


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