
Chapter 256 - Kill You Here And Now

There were a lot of small cities in the north that contained most of the evacuated people. Those who lived there were Rank 1 life forms so their military power was almost null and there was no real gain in destroying them.

If a group of Rank 3 Magi along with the rest of the Magi army were to attack them, the Soul Forging existences of the Heavenly race could easily intervene and kill the intruders. The only ones who could devastate those cities without the Heavenly race being able to stop them would be Rank 4 life forms, and they must either be very powerful or have laws that allow them to reach and leave those cities without being detected.

Most Rank 4 life forms would disdain such actions. They can kill hundreds or maybe thousands of Rank 1 life forms with one attack of their Law Avatars if they face them on the battlefield so hunting them was useless.

But it was clear that some members of the Magi invader force were furious by the acts of the Heavenly race and they had thrown civility away.

There was a small town with hundreds of Rank 1 Angels moving around. They were all preparing to move closer to Zenith City. In that city, there was a teleportation formation, so the Soul Forging existences of the Heavenly race could respond much faster to any type of incursion from the Magi.

Unfortunately for them, from the sky, a giant hand made of shadows filled with howling faces fell, and in an instant, the entire town was destroyed and all those who lived there were killed.

Totto and Zitra looked with coldness as the souls of hundreds of members of the Heavenly race shattered under the combined might of their attacks.

Zitra stared at the distance and felt the presence of several Rank 4 life form coming their way. She sneered before covering herself and the Lich in shadows.

Several hundred kilometers away from the dead town, from the shadow of a tree, the duo rose.

"There is another town not too far away, we should be able to reach it undetected in a couple of hours." The coldness in Zitra\'s heart was immense and no matter how many souls of members of the Heavenly race she broke, the thirst for revenge she felt did not diminish.

Totto just nodded and did not say a word but the killing intent in his eyes showed his feelings.

Just as they were about to leave they felt their communication crystals activate and when they took them out from their personal storage space, the voice of Ezequiel reached their minds.

"Lady Zitra and Mr. Totto, my Master, told me to ask you to come to the 11th tower, there is a message you need to receive. Do not share that information with anyone else. Other than you two and Heinz, only a few members of our clan received that information. Come as soon as you can."

Zitra\'s eyes shined and a beautiful smile appeared on her face while Totto started to laugh. In their minds, if Zatiel had left a message, it meant he had a way out of his predicament.

"Hahahaha, I knew that winged trash could not outsmart him."

Although he spoke those words, previously the Lich truly thought Zatiel was lost. With his mastery over necromancy and knowledge about the soul, he was sure that the one who was taken away was indeed the Neo-Demon and he could not think of a way to help him.

"We can\'t waste time, let\'s go." Zitra smiled and there was a peculiar light in her eyes.

\'I still have time.\' The Magus though that, before waving her hand and disappearing along with the Lich in the shadows


Oliver flew through the Saint City to the Silent House. Although that place was very far from the winged castle, it only took a couple of minutes for the duke to arrive since he used his maximum speed.

He was very angry since not only did he find out that thousands of his people had died in the Fornes continent, his wounds were more severe than he thought. Under his clothes, on his chest, there was a deep cut.

That injury was made by Zitra with a damaged dagger. She had channeled all of her energy and even burned a little of her life force to drive out the full power of her weapon.

The flesh and blood around that wound had been infected so the Angelic Paragon was forced to cut it off, and even then the injury did not heal, despite his great regeneration abilities and the purging effect his bloodline had over foreign energy.

The moment he passed through the invisible dome around the Silent House, cries of agony reached Oliver\'s ears, but that was not everything, he also was able to catch the conversation between two people.

"Come on! we have just started, why the long face. Don\'t tell you have reached your limit."

"Shut up"

"There is no need to behave like that. Where are all the spirit and stamina you showed the first day?."

"Shut up!"

"Hahahaha, you were so chatty at the start and now you can\'t handle a few words. I am honestly disappointed. When I first saw you I thought we could have a little fun but you give up so fast."

Although he could not recognize the voices due to the noise, it was clear to him that Zatiel had already reached his limit. A great smile appeared on Oliver\'s face, but the moment his consciousness entered the warehouse, it froze.

There was a young man nailed to a wooden board. The nails were the size of a baby arm and they pierced his body in multiple locations. His head was intact, but the rest of his body was a bloody mess.

His arms were twisted beyond recognition and pieces of his bones and muscles fell to the ground from time to time. His ribs were pulled outward and his guts were outside his body. His legs were shattered and flayed, huge worms ate pieces of them and left eggs inside.

In front of that young man, there was an Angelic Paragon and his wings were filled with blood.

What was truly absurd about this situation was that the young man whose body was destroyed was the one mocking the other party.

As Finibus heard Zatiel\'s laugh his body trembled due to the immense rage and impotence he felt. He had not even noticed Oliver\'s consciousness.

"I told you to shut up!" His wings headed to the place between Zatiel\'s legs and cut the thing that was resting there.

Zatiel saw his manhood fall to the ground, where it was devoured by rats. The only thing that scene produced on him was to make him laugh even harder.

"Hahahahaha! you know what they say, eunuchs have the most generous hearts and the purest of souls. Maybe I can now train in the Path of Buddhism and become a True Buddha." Zatiel\'s laughter filled the entire warehouse and it was so loud that it drowned the cries of pain.

In the next second, the doors of the warehouse were pushed with so much strength that they almost flew away and Oliver\'s figure appeared.

"Pipit, what is the meaning of this!" The face of the Angelic Paragon was twisted due to the immense wrath he felt and he yelled at the Angel of Supremacy that had just sent a healing spell to stop Zatiel\'s bleeding.

Pipit trembled when he heard Oliver shout his name and immediately went to him and bowed. Fear appeared on his eyes since he knew he had failed the mission the duke gave him. He thought for a long time and chose his words carefully before speaking.

Although members of the Heavenly race would never kill each other, for some reason he could not explain, Pipit felt the threat of death looming over him.

"My Lord, I have analyzed his brain waves and I can say with complete certainty, that he is experiencing everything we have done to his body. I have used a spell to hyperactivate his pain receptors but even then no matter what we do to him, nothing works. I and Finibus have destroyed and rebuilt his body hundreds of times. The same procedure had been done in a Rank 4 Fallen once?in the past and that person broke before the third day ended."

Oliver was able to calm down for a moment when he heard those words, but his peace broke in the next second when he heard Zatiel\'s voice.

"Winged rat, don\'t be too tough on them, after all, they are just amateurs. Don\'t worry, I am a professional and you and your loved ones will one day have the chance to experience my care."

The Angelic Paragon felt a level of wrath he did not believe possible. He flashed until he was in front of Zatiel and put his hand over his head.

"DO YOU THINK I WILL NOT KILL YOU HERE AND NOW!" Oliver only needed to release his energy and a jet of lava would destroy Zatiel\'s head and shatter his soul.

Even with death right in front of him, Zatiel continued to laugh. He pushed his head forward and stared right at Oliver\'s eyes.

"Do it, I dare you."

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