
Chapter 582 So Many Sinful Feelings

"AHHHHHH!!!" Donna\'s moans echo although the hallway, growing louder, entering the Sea Devil\'s other rooms as well.

"Something is wrong!!" Eve quickly leaves her bedroom and runs toward the captain\'s cabin door.

But before she can open that door, Pride materializes her body in front of it and mentally speaks to her. \'You must not bother them right now.\'

\'But…\' Eve can\'t help but be worried. \'These screams… Donna seems to be in a lot of pain; I have to stop them!\'

\'You\'re not wrong about the pain.\' Pride speaks. \'But she\'s been in pain since always, and just now, she\'s actually unleashing it with Lucien\'s help.\'

\'What if this is too much for her???\' Eve asks.

\'Hahaha...\' Pride laughs sarcastically. \'Remember that day we made our soul contract? I had no doubts about you, but Wrath chose Donna even more quickly. She would only choose someone capable of withstanding pain better than everyone else... and that ability is only gained by experiencing a lot of pain.\'

Eve sighs and makes a sorry expression. \'Donna never accepted being abandoned by her mother. She understands that it was our father\'s fault and her mother was just trying to protect her family and people, yet... she just can\'t help but feel a lot of pain and anger at everyone who hurt her.\'

Pride can\'t help but feel bad for Eve. The fact that she can\'t help Donna with that problem directly affects her ego as her big sister, though she\'s very happy that Lucien is able to help their sister.

"Ahhh... harder, please!!!" Donna\'s constant screams leave Eve more and more embarrassed.

\'I have to get out of here, or I\'ll go crazy!\' She talks to Pride before quickly running towards the deck.

\'You should help your sisters now; they\'re with some problems.\' Pride comments.

\'Which problems?\' She asks.

\'Envy and Greed.\' Pride answers. \'They are the problems of your sisters and all the other women listening to Donna\'s moans right now.\'

Eve can only sigh as she passes in front of the kitchen door and notices Lucien\'s wives excitedly cooking for him. The friendly and competitive mood between the girls creates a warm family atmosphere, something she always wanted for her siblings.

"Don\'t eat it all!!!" Jeanne exclaims in an annoyed tone, and then Eve notices Naomi running between the girls and stealing pieces of every dish they\'re preparing.

"No, no, no!!" Dawn tries to run away with a fruit platter, but Naomi is quicker and catches a mystic peach with her mouth before running towards the door.

"But what are you-" Eve tries to question Naomi, but the greedy little brat sister ignores her big sister and runs toward the deck.

As she runs away carrying lots of delicious food, Naomi looks back and smiles at Eve. "If Luci isn\'t going to give me that yet, I have to find other delicious things to fill my belly, you know."

"That??" Eve is confused about what Lucin has that Naomi would want to fill her belly, but then that memory from a few years ago becomes vivid in her mind, and she quickly blushes. "NAOMI!!!"

\'Being angry won\'t help anyone.\' Pride comments in Eve\'s mind. \'I knew we couldn\'t stop Gluttony and her host from getting too attracted to Lucien\'s essence, and as it must be very beneficial to them, I suggest you get used to it.\'

\'Damn!\' Eve can\'t help but be frustrated. \'First Sophia, then Amelia because of her, now even Donna... and you tell me that Naomi will inevitably soon be doing it with Luci as well???

\'Don\'t forget Claire.\' Pride quickly responds. \'Regardless of Greed\'s will, Claire has already made her decision, and it is to fight for Lucien\'s attention and love against all the women around him. So... well, it\'s already out of your control.\'

"Come on!!" Eve punches the hallway wall. \'Are you telling me that all Lucien\'s sisters will inevitably become his wives???\'

\'You know that neither you nor I have that answer.\' Pride explains. \'But you seem to be accepting it pretty quickly.\'

\'I wasn\'t talking about me…\' Eve blushes even more and then steps onto the deck as Donna\'s moans continue to echo through the hallway even after half an hour.

As soon as she reaches the deck, Eve notices Amelia running after Naomi and screaming. "Give me just a little bit!!"

"No way!!" Naomi tries to eat the food she stole from the kitchen quickly, but Amelia uses her teleport ability to steal a few pieces of meat, fruits, and vegetables from her sister\'s arms.

Eve sits down next to the other girls on the sofa and smiles while watching the familiar scene. "Some things never change..."

With that familiar atmosphere, nearly an hour passes before Lucien ends his intense lovemaking session with Donna.

Despite being able to ignore any weakened state and have a high tolerance to any type of energy, Donna\'s body reaches a limit on how much Lucien\'s demonic energy she can absorb, so he stops as not to harm her body.

As they destroyed that bathroom, Lucien takes Donna to the bathroom of another room and helps her bathe, washing her body gently. He also takes a bah before heading to the kitchen while she keeps relaxing in the tub.

Upon reaching the kitchen door, he notices that half of the girls have already finished their dishes and are helping the others finish theirs as well.

That warm, friendly, and lovely atmosphere makes him have the same thoughts as Eve. Before, he just wanted revenge for his mother and didn\'t think much about his future, but now, the happiness and well-being of his family are the priority.

But having to take care of so many women definitely doesn\'t seem like a burden. On the contrary, seeing those women so happy is what pleases him the most.

Although Lucien tries to keep his presence hidden from the girls to watch that scene longer, Madelyn notices small fluctuations in the air around him. "Hubby!?"

The other girls look up to him, including Mira and Kamala, who are getting help from Angela to finish their dishes.

"You girls seem to be having a lot of fun." He smiles at them.

"Not as much as Donna was just ago..." Mia says with a jealous expression.

The other girls blush when they think the same thing. Then Aria comments. "We\'re almost ready now. Can you go ahead?"

"Hmm…" Lucien makes a fake pensive expression before opening a wide and teasing smile. "But I\'m so hungry, you know..."

The girls try to remain calm, but even the more mature among them can\'t stop their hearts from beating faster.

Saria is undoubtedly the most powerful woman among them, followed by Kamala and Mira; yet, none of them can follow Lucien\'s movements with their eyes as he literally disappears.


He reappears beside Maggie, hugs her waist with one hand, and kisses her mouth passionately. She is caught off guard by that seak attack but immediately starts enjoying it.

When the other girls realize what\'s going on, he stops kissing her and takes a piece of squid from the tray behind her, and eats it. The mix of the already delicious taste of that food becomes even better with the flavor of Maggie\'s lips in his mouth.

"Delicious!" He exclaims in delight before disappearing again, using his teleport ability.


He reappears behind Dawn, hugs her, and starts kissing her neck. She is one of his shyest wives, and her close relationship with Amelia makes her benefit more from Envy\'s demonic energy. Hence, she becomes much stronger as Lucien kisses her in front of everyone, making the other girls so jealous of her.

But since he still has too many girls to please and too many dishes to taste, Lucien takes a bite of the food Dawn made and eats it before kissing her on the lips and then teleporting to the next girl.

*Blink* *Blink* *Blink* *Blink* *Blink* *Blink* *Blink*

Lucien pays attention to all the girls in the kitchen, satiating his hunger for food and kisses. He runs out of spatial mana just as he teleports in front of the last unkissed girl there.

It\'s Saria, and she blushes with embarrassment when she sees his teasing smile so close to her face. [Will he kiss me too???]

"Only if you want..." Lucien comments while already imagining the question in the mind of the beautiful Mermaid Princess.

"HOW?!?!" She is shocked that he can read her mind. Well, that question was evident on her face.

"How??" He smiles before starting to move his mouth towards her lips. "This way..."

Saria panics for wanting that kiss so much but at the same time not knowing if she really should want that.

Her mouth can\'t wait to taste his mouth again as her body is burning with longing for the pleasant energy that only he can give her.

But before she indulges in that wonderful feeling, Saria thinks about how upset her mom would be with it. That isn\'t about Lucien being trustworthy or not, or the possible future alliance between him and her people, but rather about Nea not having accepted him yet.

Saria has no doubts about Lucien\'s character despite having known him for such a short time, but she is totally loyal to her people, her Queen, and her mother, so she tries to contain her selfish desires for now.

Seeing his delicious lips coming towards her, Saria had to think fast. Then she takes a big apple from a fruit tray beside her and pushes it into Lucien\'s mouth. "Try it!"

"..." Lucien bites an apple piece before taking it in his hand and smiling at Saria. He can feel how much she wants to feel pleasure with him, which only makes him admire her even more for her will and loyalty.

"I thought you would want a kiss too..." He comments while eating the apple.

"I… I…" Saria wants to tell the truth, but she doesn\'t want to seem so attracted to him. "I don\'t want any kisses from you!"

"Oh..." He comments as he moves his face even closer to hers. She knows he is teasing her, so she tries to stay calm and doesn\'t back down.

Lucien hears Saria\'s heart beating faster and faster as fewer centimeters separate their mouths. Then, when their lips are so close, he opens his mouth.

"..." Saria closes her eyes when she\'s about to give in to the urge to kiss his mouth. But when a few seconds pass, and she doesn\'t feel his lips touching hers, she opens her eyes again. [???]

She sees Lucien biting the apple a few inches from her face. The sight of his lips touching the apple makes Saria imagine as if the apple is her lips, and she can even feel the taste of his lips based on the kisses she had during the fight with him.

Time seems to stop as Saria\'s eyes stay fixed on Lucien\'s lips touching the apple. That is like feeling all the hopes of a life being destroyed right in front of her; it is like someone dying of thirst that sees thousands of liters of freshwater being poured into the sand.

She wants to cry, beg, kiss him... But Saria can\'t do anything as conflicting feelings make a mess inside her. [Damn, damn, DAMN!!!]

The other girls, including Kamala, can\'t help but feel sorry for Saria. They know that Lucien can be as teasing as attractive and that he can drive any woman crazy in many different ways.

He could eat that whole apple slowly in front of Saria and really drive her crazy. But as he already likes her so much, he stops teasing her.

"You don\'t know how to lie..." He comments before turning and walking towards Aria, leaving Saria with a shaking tail.

He kisses Aria again before taking another bite of the meatloaf that she prepared. "Now I can go ahead."

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