
Chapter 242 - Heinous Act (II)


As Rakesh looked at Typhir\'s injuries, he moved closer. He waved his hand and picked up Typhir\'s body that twitched in agony while moving his stomach. At a glance, Rakesh was hoping that the worst-case scenario didn\'t arise. If so, it would truly become a headache for him.


"Young boy, I need you to move your hand so I can examine the severity of your wound," Rakesh said. However, Typhir was in so much pain he didn\'t comply. It felt as if his lower inside were being bombarded by explosions. At the same time, he felt as if his body was losing copious amounts of strength by the moment.

Since Typhir was in no position to comply, Rakesh moved his hand aside with his finger. The terrifying wound on his stomach was apparent to all as Rakesh\'s frown deepened, \'It is as I fear, the wound is very deep and has touched his internal organs. If it were simply the outer shell, there would be no issue. Sadly, even his Dantian has been damaged.\'

Left with no other choice, Rakesh closed his eyes and relayed the message to Rezar who was still inside the room. Not long after, he responded and notified Rakesh that they would be there to assess the situation shortly. Upon gaining confirmation, Rakesh placed him back on the floor.

On the other hand, Apollo narrowed his eyes as he looked at the wound on Typhir\'s torso, \'That individual didn\'t hold his blow in the slightest. Even if he claims to be in danger, that\'s excessive means. Based on Typhir\'s defenses, he was in no state to guard another strike.\'

Silently, Apollo glanced at Odessa and sent a signal with his eyes. However, Odessa looked back at him and shook his head. It was academy protocol to not intervene in these types of situations until the matters were assessed. In the meantime, Apollo unsummoned Brynhildr. 

Similarly, Fuhrer returned to his shadow. Compared to the Tainted Temple, he preferred to keep the avatar in an idle state while still outside. Even if he failed to sense incoming danger, Fuhrer would surely be able to. 

"Lad,  that boy is dying. I can see his essence draining by the moment. A ruthless strike has landed on his body. If that wound isn\'t healed, he\'ll continue to lose strength. Soon enough, he\'ll regress to a lower level. From there, his end would be nigh unstoppable," Fuhrer commented while glancing in Typhir\'s direction.

When he heard this, Apollo clicked his tongue. For the first time, he felt a shred of guilt for what happened. It was never his intention to have Typhir damaged so severely. In fact, he didn\'t intend for anyone to join at all. In truth, he wanted to understand just what strength allowed these youths to think he would allow them to trample over him. But, Typhir\'s reaction was an anomaly. 

Nevertheless, like Rezar said, their silhouettes soon came into appearance. However, it wasn\'t just him, Rezar was accompanied by a few others. There was Geneva, Robyn, Sylvester, and even Sapphyr. It was evident that they were briefed on the situation due to Geneva\'s current dark expression.

As soon as they landed, Geneva glanced around before bellowing an order, "All parties unaffiliated with the issue have 10 seconds to clear out before I start distributing punishments!"

In little to no time at all, the area cleared. There wasn\'t a single soul present that wanted to experience the punishments administered by the Headmaster herself. Meanwhile, as she looked at Apollo, she sighed and shook her head.

"I should have known this would involve you as well. In this past semester alone, I have left my quarters more times than in the past 5 years. Tell me, how is it that you always get into trouble. Furthermore, you!" Geneva turned around and pointed at Grayson.

"I\'m more than sure you have something to do with this. Does your behavior not improve? Let me guess, you\'re the one who gave the order to do this to this young boy?" Geneva questioned. Slowly, her crimson hair started to rise with dark flames shooting off the tips. 

When enraged, her body exuded the past signs of her previous reputation. Be that as it may, if one looked closely, they\'d also realize her countenance paling. Of course, this wasn\'t immediately apparent to these young individuals.

"Tell me, who started this issue," Geneva stated but then added, "And I don\'t want to hear the answer from either of you. Odessa, Nadida, have any of you witnessed the situation firsthand?"

In response, they both indeed. While they weren\'t there as soon as it started. When Apollo started to retaliate against Reiner, they could see it from far away. It was only when he thrashed Selene that they had made it to the site of the issue. The two then started to reveal the events that they witnessed.

When she heard everything, she frowned, "So it was Reiner who inflicted the devastating strike. Tell me, why did you become so heavy-handed with your fellow classmate?" Geneva interrogated.

"Actually, I never intended to be heavy-handed. After I showed him his place, I backed off. When I saw Grayson suffering a loss to this person here, I thought it was imperative I intervene, so I did. It is his unfortunate fault that strike hit me. I was preparing it to launch towards those two but he disrupted me," Reiner answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

Upon hearing this, Geneva almost felt like pulling her hair out. When Nadida and Odessa indeed verified the Typhir had sprung from the floor, she found it hard to discern the party of blame. Not to mention, there was another issue.

Both Typhir and Reiner possessed nearly equal talents with Reiner possessing a marginally better one. If Typhir experienced such a dire injury, losing another talented individual would be detrimental to the academy as a whole. Hence, she was conflicted on how to judge the verdict.

In light of this, Sylvester stepped forward and offered his input, "I see the issue is quite simple. Here\'s how we solve it. We\'ll take the injured lad to the Spiritual Infirmary and the one who inflicted the injury is to blame. Based on what we have heard, the issue was instigated by your upperclassmen."

"Indeed, that is true. It may be an unwritten rite to \'scare\' your underclassmen into place, but that doesn\'t warrant extreme means. Thus, you all are in the wrong. This situation should be dealt with accordingly. Headmaster, what do you deem as a fit punishment?" Rezar questioned.

In response, Geneva was silent for a moment while pondering. Before she made a claim, there was a more important issue, "For now, we\'ll ignore that matter. We\'ll get him to the Spiritual Infirmary to assess the extent of his injuries. Based on what we find, we\'ll judge the punishment from there."

Without delay, Rezar had Rakesh picked up Typhir as they transported him towards the Infirmary. Since the matters were far from done, Apollo as well as the rest were brought along too.

Along the way, Geneva sighed to herself, \'I should have adjourned the meeting and monitored the state of the barrack. Despite this being a unique situation, there was bound to be sound issues regarding the countless interrupted cultivation.\'

Several moments later, everyone arrived at the infirmary. It was soon determined that not only was Typhir\'s Dantian damaged, but even his Natural Root had also been hit. In other words, there was a chance that his overall talent in the future would be affected.

Once this information was disclosed, Geneva had another annoying matter on her hands. How would she relay this information to Typhir\'s parents and how would this matter boil over. Typhir wasn\'t just a Glory, but also the only child of the current Matriarch of the Estrada Family. Such devastating news would definitely result in catastrophic changes. 

After all, the children were sent here to learn Spiritual Arts and refine their Spirit Cultivation, not have their potential damaged. Nevertheless, Geneva determined the verdict.

"All of the academic credits and half of everything Grayson Braum and Reiner Hardt would receive for the next 6 months will be given to your underclassmen, Typhir Estrada and Apollo Kaiser," Geneva stated, "This is non-negotiable, now dismiss yourself. You\'re lucky the punishment isn\'t heavier."

Silently, Reiner helped Grayson\'s weakened body to exit the premises. As they did so, the two discussed matters between themselves. The punishment they received was less severe than they thought. A student suffering a dire injury was something that hadn\'t happened for quite some time.

On the other hand, when Apollo heard this, he glanced in the direction of the two leaving.

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