
Chapter 11


“Yes, do you have any plans today?”


Jaegun’s reply didn’t come right after .

On the other side of the phone came a repeating unknown buzzing sound .

Tewon became nervous .

He worked a long time as an editor, he had that ‘feeling . ’ Now it seemed that feeling was coming to him now . It might be that writer called Jaegun was already…

“Sorry . ”

Jaegun’s voice returned with the signal .

“I must have pushed a wrong button with my ear . You wanted to meet today, right?”

“Yes, Writer, are you ok?”

“Of course . I’m fine . I’ve finished writing the series and I’m free . Where do you want to meet? The same place?”

“I’ll go close to where you live . ”

“No . There’s nothing to eat here . It’s not far so I’ll go to Guloo Station and see you there . How about 7?”

“Yes, Writer . That seems fine . Ah, also…”

Tewon slurred his words and moved his glance to editor’s office .

Somii was already putting her face on the screen and was typing fast on the keyboard . She was already ordering Jaegun’s books in a list .

She was always doing more before even being told to do so . She knew how to do her job, and so, she never got intimidated when facing an overload of work .

With both his eyes on Somii’s laudable self, he replied back on his phone .

“If it’s fine Writer Ha, could your head editor also come as well?”

It was good for the head editor to meet with the writer . Especially with a writer like Jaegun who seemed to be close to success . Tewon wanted Somii to get more opportunities and experience as a editor .

Jaegun didn’t stop and accepted the offer .

“That’s good for me . We can see each other’s faces and exchange greetings . ”

“Yes, Writer . I’ll see you at 7 .

“OK . Thank you .

Tewon stretched as he cut off the phone .

After he finished that call, he felt refreshed . He felt that his ‘feeling’ was getting worse as time went on . Jaegun didn’t change . He was the same diligent hardworking nice guy .

“Representative . ”

Tewon, surprised, stood up . A man with half hair about in his 60s was walking in with his hands clasped behind his back . It was StarBooks representative Park Jeguk .

“Hey hey . Don’t stand up . Just sit down . ”

Jeguk pushed Tewon’s shoulder and made him sit down . And he pulled a chair on the side and asked passing by .

“Is there anything good going on?”

“Nothing changed except Martial Rankings . ”

“The freaking market is terrible . ”

Jeguk scratched his neck and complained . Looking at Tewon’s schedule, he continued his question .

“Is that book selling well right now?”

“The reviews are good . From book 4, there’s going to be more copies . If the reactions are good, there might be more . ”

“Hmm . That’s good . I just wish he could write faster . We have to finish printing in paper to release it electronically and suck the juice out . People these days don’t even read paper books . They use their phones . ”

“The world is changing after all . ”

“No, Editor, How about we slow the book down and start the electronic service quickly?”

“Speaking of, I needed to tell you something . I’ve got the last book of the series . ”

“What? When?”

“He sent it yesterday . Somii skimmed it, but it didn’t seem like there was anything wrong with it . ”

“He sent 10 books already? Wait, but he wants to end it in only 10 books? You said the reviews are good? Isn’t this a series that we can push over 20 plus books?”

A publisher wants to pull a successful series as long as it can . Tewon shook his head and answered .

“We were going to meet today during dinner . We can start discussing the contract for later . I’ll ask him if he has any intention of stretching the series . ”

“Ah . Yes . Good job . ”

Jeguk tapped his shoulder and stood up .

“Give him some expensive food, 300 or 400 dollars doesn’t matter so just swipe it . Give him some specials . You eat as well . And persuade him well . You need to lock him up . ”

“Haha . Yes . ”

“We need to lock this writer up . At a time like this, we found a selling writer, this is good news . We can’t miss this money line . Hmm . ”

Jeguk walked out with his hands clasped on his back, the same way he walked in the office .

Tewon gazed at Jeguk’s back with a complex expression on his face . It has been 9 years since he joined StarBooks, the representative was old and unmarried when he joined; but now he was a dad of two children . A lot of things have changed .

“Somii, You and I are going to leave together today, so please finish the work by 6:30 . ”

“Yes, editor . ”

Somii’s energized voice came back .

Tewon downloaded the book from the company’s mailbox and and started reading it . Even though he was in a position of an editor and had to treat a book like a job, he turned into a reader and immersed himself into the novel .

‘I should get ready to leave now . ’

It was 6 and Jaegun started to get ready to leave .


The phone rang on his pocket as he was putting on his shoes . When he checked the phone number, Jaegun’s face tightened .

Hetae Media’s Assistant Manager Park Gyungsoo

‘What is it?’

Jaegun couldn’t answer the phone right away and was stuck in his thoughts .

Even though he deleted Ma Jonggu’s phone number, there was a reason why he didn’t delete Park Gyungsoo’s .

Even though he didn’t have much power, he was a person who tried to help out Jaegun as much as possible in the company .

‘Are they planning to use Gyungsoo to try and get a contract out of me? If then, they are completely mistaking the game . ’

Out of Jaegun, a laugh came out . Business is business . Gyungsoo’s niceness was a different problem .

Jaegun picked up the phone .

“Assistant Manager Park?”

“Ah . You had my phone number . Hello . Hello . Writer Ha . Anything happened?

It was the same rushed and nervous voice .

Jaegun felt the same sorry feeling and answered .

“Nothing else happened . You’re doing fine?”

“Yes . I’ve been doing fine . Hahaha . Yes . I’ve been doing fine .

Jaegun’s eyes were on the clock on the wall’s minute hand . If he didn’t leave right now, he was going to be late so he was going to have to talk while walking .

“Did general manager Ma tell you to get a contract signed?”

Jaegun closed the door and walked through the hall .

He didn’t want to beat around the bush . Gyungsoo was the type of person who was careful with every writer he spoke with . He also had a weak hearing . It was better to talk straight away .

“Ahhh . That is… I wanted to to ask how you’ve been doing and with that purpose…”

“I’m sorry to you, assistant manager, but I have no mind to sign with Hetae Media . No, since this is business, there is no reason to be sorry to you . Right? I have no bad feelings with you, assistant manager . ”

With Jaegun’s sure tone, Gyungsoo’s voice became more rushed .

“That is, Writer Ha, the general manager said he would listen to any conditions at all . He said he wanted to give you the best conditions . Seriously . Can’t you listen just once?

“Assistant manager, I’m not sure if you understa…”

Jaegun’s stopped mid sentence .

Just 10 steps away was a car . And next to that car, there was Gyungsoo in a crouching position holding a phone .

“Ah… Writer Ha . ”

Gyungsoo, noticing Jaegun, put down his phone and laughed awkwardly . Of course, Jaegun couldn’t laugh . The only people who knew where he lived out of Suwon’s people were the employee’s of StarBooks . Did his personal information get exposed or something .

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