
Chapter 140: Underground City Da’Umezalan – Part 2

Chapter 140: Underground City Da’Umezalan – Part 2

After dipping her head, Viine raises it and shows she has her usual silver faceguard equipped.

Her smile tells me that her preparations are perfect.

Her outer garment is a thick piece of leather clothing that’s sleeveless and scarlet.

Since she’s wearing the magic silver dress below, her bluish-white skin is visible at both her shoulders and her collarbone.

At her waist, there’s a black belt adorned with golden threads.

A tool bag is attached to that belt. Both the black katana Black Snake, with its conspicuous black-scaled scabbard, and a silver sword, which is affixed to a sword cord, are dangling at her sides.

The long, dark red gladiator boots, which seem to fit with her black undergarment that reaches almost until her thighs, are also stylish.

How nice. Beauties are the best.

Although three days haven’t passed yet, I believe the expression that one will get tired of a beauty in three days is a lie.

Once I look at Viine’s figure that gives one the impression that she’s a skilled adventurer…

Except for the bow and quiver on her back, I could see that she’s carrying nothing else.

It looks like she’s going to leave her backpack behind.

“…You don’t need your backpack?” (Shuuya)

“Yes. It’s possible to come and go through the gate, right?” (Viine)

It appears that she has absolutely no intention of staying in her home city, even if we are going there.

I’m sure she said that she wants to get revenge, but…

“You’re probably right, but is it fine for you not to stay there? It’s your home. The target of your revenge is there too, no?” (Shuuya)

“Yes. I do have the desire to carry out my revenge. But, I devoted myself to following you, Master…” (Viine)

Ooh, so she intends to give me so much priority?

I’m a bit moved. I have to respond to Viine’s determination here.

“Got it. Let’s start the investigation from here and obtain information.” (Shuuya)

“That makes sense. As we are now, our information about my home city is too lacking.” (Viine)

She’s calm. However, apart from exploring the other side of the gate, I will help Viine with her revenge.

I wonder whether she will be alright with my assistance?

There’s also the matter with Mia. Let’s ask her.

“…Information is certainly important. And, although it’s from now on, are you alright with me helping you with your revenge, Viine?” (Shuuya)

There’s a small pause.

“…That’s not like you, Master. Though I do not wish to, I will take advantage of your kindness, I could ask for no better assistance.” (Viine)

She says with a serious expression. After revealing a broad, evil grin for a moment, she lowers her face and goes down on one knee.

That’s not like you, Master, she says, huh?

What are you expecting of me?

That’s what I want to ask her, but she answers in her own style, meaning, “Don’t ask something so boorish” and “That’s only natural,” I think?

“…Aye, leave it to me. I will help up to the point you agree with, Viine.” (Shuuya)

“…It’s a welcome good fortune. It’s mysterious, but since some time ago I had the hunch that everything will be solved if Master handles it… But I never expected that an opportunity that would allow me to go home would show itself so soon…” (Viine)

Viine speaks while looking overwhelmed with emotion.

A teardrop spill from her moist eyes.

While I wipe off that tear with my thumb,

“—You are overestimating me too much. It means that you had good luck this time, Viine. Well then, at first we will go with the strategy of obtaining information and reconnaissance. Once we got our hands on a certain level of intelligence, we will move to the next strategy or return here for a moment to take a rest. I guess we will decide on the other side.” (Shuuya)

“Of course. I agree.” (Viine)

She bellows.

A tear drops from her eyes, but her pupils were overflowing with energy and happiness.

“Well, give me your hand then.” (Shuuya)

“Yes, Master.” (Viine)

I grasp her hand.

It’s the “holding hands with a lover” event I wanted.

Hehe, I’m slightly happy.

Making eye contact with each other, we nod.

Alright, I guess it’s time to enter the shining wedding gate.

“Let’s go—” (Shuuya)

“Yes!” (Viine)

We went inside the gate.

Just as we entered the dim room through the mirror, a cloud of dust rises up into the air.

It’s a dry, gloomy, and wide space.

Viine coughs as if her throat was stuffed.

“You alright?” (Shuuya)

“…gh, yes.” (Viine)

“Nn, nya.”

Rollo descends on the ground.

However, she stays close to me and Viine.

While watching Rollo at my feet, I check for magic sources with Grasping Perception.

There are no responses except for Rollo and Viine within its range.

I suppose we are going to explore this room for a bit.

“Let’s check our vicinity.” (Shuuya)

“Yes.” (Viine)

There’s nothing but old, high-class furniture.

We open the cabinets and the drawers of a desk but find only an iron spoon set, nothing else that stands out.

As we are checking the furniture that has been set up in rows, the light of the mirror behind us vanished.

It became pitch dark.

『Your Excellency, are you going to use my sight?』 (Helme)

『No, as usual, I will use night vision at this point.』 (Shuuya)

『Okay.』 (Helme)

Helme appeared in my visual field with an expectant expression and immediately vanishes while looking disappointed.

I activate <Night Vision>.

“…I guess it will stand out if I make light?” (Shuuya)

“Yes…Master, have you spent time in darkness?” (Viine)

The red located around the silver color of Viine’s eyes was conspicuous.

I think they become like that if it’s dark?

“I am. But it probably pales to the time you stayed on the surface, Viine.” (Shuuya)

“…You are certainly not saying that you lived in the underground world, are you?” (Viine)

“Haha, you are perceptive. It was for a period of time…” (Shuuya)

“You are full of surprises.” (Viine)

That’s just the tip of the iceberg though.

At that moment, the 24-faceted orb, which was embedded as a decoration at the top part of the mirror, disconnects.

While rotating, it flies towards me, floats above my head as usual, and then it starts to revolve around me.

Grabbing that 24-faceted orb, I put it into my bandoleer.

“…I guess this is one of the storehouses? Let’s go to the opposite side.” (Shuuya)

It’s a bit far away, but there’s a door in the direction I’m pointing.

Using the time, I activate Kaleidoscope.

My sight is engulfed by a light blue filter, but since it’s displaying frames, I clearly grasp the size of the space.

I realize that it’s a quadrilateral room and that there’s a door on the left side of the wall in front of us.

“…It seems so. I can’t guess the name of the family, but there’s almost no doubt that this is a storehouse belonging to a high-ranking Sorcery Noble.” (Viine)

Sorcery Noble, eh?

Will it immediately turn into a battle if we run into a Sorcery Noble of the families opposing Viine?

If we encounter another dark elf that’s not an enemy, I guess I will pretend to be Viine’s slave.

“Viine, in case we meet another dark elf and it doesn’t turn into a battle, treat me as your slave.” (Shuuya)

“That is…” (Viine)

She looks at me, obviously hesitating.

“Huh? What is that eye?” (Viine)

She notices my right eye.

As expected, it’s recognizable?

After all, it’s something like blue glass that is equipped on my right eye.

“…This is a unique magic tool I obtained as a reward from the item box for having supplied it with magic stones. You can think of it as a reconnaissance tool.” (Shuuya)

“…A reward for magic stones? So you possess such mysterious items as well.” (Viine)

Interested in my special right eye, Viine draws close to my face and stares at it.

It’s not like she’s messing around and doing a kabedon2, but Viine closed in on my face with a momentum of kissing me and started to talk,

“—About the slave issue, either way, if a magul man is seen here, the dark elves will be taken aback and feel like screaming to their god, right?” (Shuuya)

She widens her eyes as if shocked and moves her lips,

“Y-Yesh, certainly. I think it’s very likely that you will be cut down without any questions asked.” (Viine)

She stares at my lips, her silver eyes showing her agitation as her cheeks blush.

She might want to kiss me. That was such a cute reaction.

However, “Immediately cut down,” she says?

I have to be careful.

It’s as expected, but my mood for exploration has taken a hit.

“…How scary. I will have to pay attention to make sure my hood stays low so that my face won’t be exposed. Since I will stay silent, I leave the decisions to you in case it becomes necessary to negotiate or draw out information. And, if we get separated, remember this storehouse as I will hide here.” (Shuuya)

Using both of my hands, I put on the hood attached to the back of the Illias Overcoat.

“Something like that won’t happen. After all, I won’t leave your side.” (Viine)

“To the bitter end, it’s if. It’s a hypothetical story.” (Shuuya)

“Yes, Master.” (Viine)

Moving the conversation to happier topics, we continue chatting in such manner until we arrive in front of the door.

It’s a huge triangle.

I don’t sense any magic sources from the other side of the door.

Viine grasps the knob and tries to open the door, but it only clatters as it was firmly shut. It seems to be locked.

“Please…wait a moment.” (Viine)

“Aye, I leave it to you.” (Shuuya)

Just like she opened the treasure chest in the labyrinth the other day, Viine retrieves a wire-thin piece of metal from a small bag hanging from her belt.

She inserts that wire into the keyhole and tampers with it.

Before long, a light clicking sound is audible.

The triangle, metallic door opened with a sliding sound while splitting in four.

I feel a rush of moist air flowing into the room.

Rollo runs ahead now that the door is opened.

I thought about cautioning her, but Rollo stopped moving at once.

There’s a short passage ahead as well as a corridor-like small entrance door.

“It seems we will be outside once we pass through that door over there.” (Viine)

Viine states while checking the left and right side.

“Let’s go ahead.” (Shuuya)

“Yes.” (Viine)

Once I place a hand on the entrance door and press, the door opened readily.

Is there no lock? How easy…

Well, they probably judged that it’s unnecessary since the inner door was special and sturdy.

I check the outside. Of course, it’s brighter than the room.

But, the air was very humid.

In front of us is a door to another storehouse. A muddy path continues to the left and right.

—I look at the cover, the ceiling, but as it’s dark, I can’t make out anything.

Since I naturally can’t see anything like stars, I grasp that we are in the underground world as I had expected.

Even with the sight of my right eye, I couldn’t verify the frames of the ceiling.

The cavern has considerable height.

I look at the door of the storehouse in front of me.

On the surface, there’s a carving of an emblem depicting green roses and a snake-headed woman.

I walk to the right of that door, gazing at the group of storehouses.

I look at the storehouses that are indicated with frames, wondering whether there are any hidden passages.

Overlapping with the frame display, it seems as if the storehouses are lined up systematically, like the intersections on a Go board.

However, there’s nothing here.

Only the family crests, which serve as proof of the sorcery noble it belongs to, are always engraved on the surfaces of the storehouse doors.

I touch the 卍-shaped attachment next to my right eye.

My sight returns to its normal state.

Once I go back to observing the surroundings,

“…It seems this place is the storehouse area located in the western part of 【Underground City Da’Umezalan】. Back in my day, it should have belonged to the 【8th ranked Sorcery Noble Sal’Mayarl】.” (Viine)

To me, it doesn’t look like anything but a dim group of storehouses, but Viine apparently remembered a part of this area.

“You did well to remember it.” (Shuuya)

“Yes. I paced around here and there, training as a spy from early childhood. The【8th ranked Sorcery Noble Sal’Mayarl】 is famous as a family boasting with high political influence, they’re an extremely rich family that own some excellent priestesses and a sorcerer corps.” (Viine)

Once I praised her, she shows a happy, innocent smile.

“High political influence, huh?” (Shuuya)

“Yes. Using the money they obtained through smuggling to other underground cities, they piled up an abundant fortune. Special Little Big Tree and Living, Talking Plants that allow one to aim for the higher ranks of the Sorcery Nobles have been placed in the basement of their head house… They own a lot of land, seemingly in order to hoard a part of their assets in the western area.” (Viine)

Their fortune is abundant. Is that the reason why they own a Paredes Mirror?

“I see. With such a huge scale, there should be guards around here, right?” (Shuuya)

“Yes. Given that this place is close to where the masses live, there should definitely be skilled gatekeepers. Also, there should be exits with guard stations attached to them at the walls in all four cardinal directions.” (Viine)

“Got it. Let’s take a little peek then.” (Shuuya)

“Yes, Master.” (Viine)

After that conversation…we pass along the side of a building and peek ahead from a corner.

The wall visible from the corner’s end had an exit with an adjoining guard station.

…Certainly, it’s just as Viine said.

Two gatekeepers are standing on guard.

In addition, several dark elves hung out in the guard station

So those are dark elves.

It’s the first time I’ve seen dark elves except for Viine.

The gatekeepers have the appearance of soldiers with their bodies clad in black and grey armors.

They have slender faces, long silver hair, bluish-white skin and their chests are swelling.

I guess both of the gatekeepers are women.

As one might expect of a matriarchy.

Let’s hold back on breaking through that place.

They are not our targets nor is it necessary to do the unreasonable.

“…If we approach those gatekeepers from here, they will definitely notice us. Therefore, it’s better to leave by climbing the wall over there.” (Shuuya)

“Yes.” (Viine)

I measure the height of the wall enclosing this storehouse area by eye, but it’s not even five meters tall.

It’s a concrete-like block wall.

If it’s such height, I will get over it with one shot of <Magic Hand guided by Thought> and my chain.

Given that jumping while holding her is a bit tricky, we will cross the wall by riding on Rollo.

“Rollo.” (Shuuya)

Rollo, who was at my feet, looked at the wall, but she apparently predicted my thoughts.

“Nn, nyaon nya.”

She gives a light reply as if saying “Leave it to me nya,” and grows into her Lion Horse size.

Wrapping her thick tentacles around our waists, she placed us on top of her back.

“Rollo, all you have to do is to cross the wall, okay? Stop right after that. It’s not that high, but remember that this is the underground world.” (Shuuya)


Rollo meows once and then, using only her leg strength, she jumps over the wall in one go and lands in an alley.

The width of the alley is narrow and small houses line up alongside it.

Objects similar to weird-shaped electric lights, emitting a pale green light, have been installed in front of each house.

I don’t see any other dark elves.

“Viine, we are getting off.” (Shuuya)

“Yes!” (Viine)

Once we dismount her, Rollo returns to her usual size.

I don’t feel any gazes, but we move to a corner of the alley.

I let my eyes wander up, down, left, and right.

Once again I confirm that no one is around.

“Viine, what are we going to do from here on?” (Shuuya)

“Assuming that this is the western part of the city, I expect us to be close to where the lower classes live. If so, there should be a bar nearby called 【Flower of the Marsh Snake】, which was famous when I lived here. We will first gather information over there.” (Viine)

Going by its name, it gives me an image of a bar full of thugs.

“Flower of the Marsh Snake? What kind of place is it?” (Shuuya)

“To say it nicely, its atmosphere is that of a bar as talked about by magul. But in reality, you might as well call it a 【Dark Guild】 of the underground world.” (Viine)

My prediction has proven to be right. Truly a place where villains gather and various kinds of troubles occur.

I suppose we will gather information in that dark guild-like place.

Let’s ask her about the details.

“Can you give me the details in regards to that dark guild-like place?” (Shuuya)

“Yes. There’s a hidden organization called 【Defeat of the Venomous Snake】 staying at our destination. It’s one of the groups undertaking dirty work in this neighborhood such as: troops for the Sorcery Noble’s wars, spying, guarding, assassinating, robbing, and desecrating gravesites. Back when I was here, many of their members were ruffians such as stray dwarves and stray gnomes, in addition to the dark elves.” (Viine)

It’s the very definition of a dark guild.

“That place is nearby?” (Shuuya)

“Walking there will only take a bit time.” (Viine)

“Roger. Let’s go there then?” (Shuuya)

“Yes.” (Viine)

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