
Chapter 273 - Everyone Lies

Chapter 273 Everyone Lies

Ding Ning disgraced him, skewing his head to look at him without emotions in his deep eyes. “You know me?”

Qian Xi’s embarrassment flashed and vanished. Withdrawing his hand shyly, he went to him and whispered, “I am Xiaoyao’s cousin and Xiao Nuo’s friend. We are all friends.”

“You are Third Brother Qian, sorry!”

Hearing the names of Xiaoyao and Xiao Nuo, Ding Ning could not disgrace him anymore and held his hand as he smiled. “Sorry, Third Brother Qian, we’ve wrongly fought against each other.”

His expression changed so quickly that all the people were surprised. Ling Yun and Lu Zhan took it as normal, but Chu Yunxiu had been stunned seeing it.

She didn’t know Qian Xi, but she had seen him from a distance many times. Each time he appeared, he was followed by many people, looking powerful like a great figure.

Each time this took place, several of her female friends married into wealthy families would whisper with admiration, saying he was the Qian Family’s son and the Ladies Clubhouse was the family’s asset.

But she never thought such an unreachable, influential man in her eyes looked so humble in front of Ding Ning.

Yes, it was humble. Then, Chu Yunxiu’s look at Ding Ning became odd. Was he still the little poor guy she laughed at daily and belittle and reprimand cruelly?

Qian Xi was overjoyed instantly as he realized Ding Ning surprisingly called him Third Brother. Bending slightly but hurriedly, he held Ding Ning’s hand with his hands and shook it. “Childe Ding is too courteous. How can I allow you to call me Third Brother? If you don’t mind, just call me Xizi.”

Without knowing if it was their illusion, all the people seemed to feel Qian Xi’s anxious joy from his attitude. So, they were even more surprised about Ding Ning’s identity.

“Hey, since we are all friends, Third Brother doesn’t have to be courteous with me. Don’t call me Childe Ding because I am not a Childe. Third Brother, just call me Ding Ning.”

Mutual flattering was appreciated by everyone. Since Qian Xi flattered him so much, Ding Ning would not appear aggressive, speaking hospitably.

“Since Childe Ding respects me and I am a few years older, I shamelessly accept the title Third Brother, Younger Brother Ding!”

Qian Xi smiled with his face glistening, as if Third Brother was exceptional respect from Ding Ning. Then came the feeling of building ties with someone more influential.

Among the Qian Family’s four brothers, he had the best and closest relationship with Xiaoyao. So, he was clearer than his other brothers about the great power of the family behind Xiao Nuo who looked ordinary.

No one did dare to predict what achievement the man Xiao Nuo wanted would have in the future. In Qian Xi’s view, Ding Ning was bound to have a promising future.

Even if he didn’t take an official’s path or join the army and was only a doctor, Qian Xi should make all efforts to be his friend due to his identity as the Xiao Family’s son-in-law and his terrific martial arts level.

After their chat, Qian Xi became serious. “Brother Ding, I want to know the silly man who did dare to offend you and make you furious.”

“Nothing, only an elder member of mine is imprisoned here, threatened to hit and kill. I came to take a look at what was going on. As a result, I was surrounded as I came here. I could not resign myself to extinction.”

Speaking of real business, Ding Ning also looked peaceful.

Qian Xi became angry, turning and shouting at the club’s manager, “Qian Fang, what on earth is going on here?”

“I,I don’t know, either, I also only heard Squad Head Zhang shouting someone was making trouble, then I asked our guards to maintain the order.”

The club’s manager Qian Fang was a collateral relative of the Qian Family. With some management talent, he was arranged to serve as the Ladies Clubhouse’s manager. Facing Third Childe Qian’s question, he answered submissively.

“Zhang Wei? Where is he?”

As a sharp look flashed in his eyes, Qian Xi shouted.


Pointing to the fainted squad head of the guards, Qian Fang said fearfully.

“Wake him up!”

With wrath on his face, Qian Xi snarled.

“Yes, Third Childe!”

Several guards came and pulled Zhang Wei up, but they couldn’t wake him up in whatever ways. Embarrassed, they turned to Qian Xi.

“Stop pretending. If you keep pretending, I promise you’ll never wake up.”

Thoughtfully looking at the somewhat familiar face Zhang Wei had, Ding Ning suddenly said in a cold tone.

Suddenly, everyone understood, looking at Zhang Wei strangely.

“B*stard, if you dare to pretend to faint again, I will put you into a sack and throw you into a river.”

Qian Xi felt like his face was burning. “F*ck, as squad head of the guards, Zhang Wei also dares to pretend to faint!” Suddenly, he went furious.

“I, I am awake. Uh, when did Third Childe come!”

Zhang Wei scrambled up. Also pretending he had just wakened up, he rubbed his eyes and greeted Qian Xi shyly.

“Tell me what was going on? How did the fight begin?”

Qian Xi glared and asked unhappily.

As his eyes shone, Zhang Wei spoke confidently, “I don’t know, either. I heard a waiter shouting someone was making trouble, then I led our men to maintain the order. I never thought as they saw us, they began fighting without saying a word. They had conflicts with us.”

Qian Xi frowned, feeling unhappy. If Zhang Wei’s words were true, he had performed his duties. Then, Ding Ning obviously came here to make trouble.

“B*llshit! The truth is these usury owners kidnapped my mother, I came here to ransom her, but these people talked arrogantly and lewdly, then Brother Lu couldn’t bear it and fought. As the fight began, you led your men here to fight, and we fought only to defend ourselves.”

Surprisingly, Zhang Wei lied. Seeing this, Ling Yun argued furiously at once.

“So many of our men are all witnesses. The truth is you guys fought first. If Third Childe doesn’t believe me, ask our men.”

Zhang Wei argued with his evidence indignantly.

He firmly believed that there were no surveillance cameras in this box. His men were beaten. They were all angry and would never admit they fought first. Anyway, there was no evidence. He could twist the fact.

As expected, these guards glared at Lu Zhan with hatred, shouting that Ling Yun twisted the fact and Lu Zhan obviously fought first.


Ling Yun flushed angrily. Before she argued again, Ding Ning stopped her with his hand, shaking his head slightly to signal her to remain silent.

Qian Xi looked embarrassed but didn’t want to offend Ding Ning, but if Ding Ning did beat so many people to make trouble, he would not make his family satisfied if he couldn’t get justice for it.

Ding Ning smiled coldly, staring at Zhang Wei with an incomprehensible look. “You are Zhang Wei?”

“Right!” Zhang Wei stared at him ferociously, his eyes with hatred.

Curving his lips upward slightly, Ding Ning ignored his killing look and asked peacefully, “Zhang Zheng and you are brothers?”

Zhang Wei was stunned with his heart shivering. Since most people on site knew their relationship, he could not hide it and said frankly, “Right, he is my younger brother.”

“Zhang Zheng was fired by the Qian Family because of me, and so you helped him revenge me by colluding with others, right?”

Ding Ning had a very peaceful expression, seemingly asking, but his tone was very positive.

Qian Xi turned and stared at Zhang Wei with a severe look in his eyes, wishing to see his reply. It was normal and correct for Zhang Wei to revenge for his brother.

But what he cared about was that Zhang Wei did dare to cheat him and also did it with over 100 guards. This was something he could not tolerate.

“No, don’t talk nonsense! When we had disputes, you were not here. How can you say I revenge you?”

Zhang Wei looked panic, but he calmed down soon and said righteously.

“Right, Brother Ding, I’ve also gotten some general information. When Zhang Wei and your friends had disputes, you were not on site. It should be a coincidence.”

Qian Xi felt relieved. If Zhang Wei and the over 100 guards had lied, the result would be serious. It was enough to prove that they looked down upon him, and this was not the result he would like to face.

Ding Ning’s lips curved upward slightly. Looking at Qian Xi, he sighed. “It seems these people really look down upon you. They lied to you.”

Qian Xi looked a little unhappy. “Brother Ding, the fact is very clear. It is your friends who fought first. So many people here can prove it, and I don’t believe they all lied to me.”

Ding Ning raised his brows with a severe look, staring at Zhang Wei and his men. “Don’t say I haven’t given you the chance. Now I give you the last chance to tell the truth. You guys have been hoodwinked by others. It is still not so late to tell the truth, and Third Brother Qian won’t blame you. But if I take out the evidence to prove that you get the Qian Family’s salary but cheated it. You should clearly know your result.”

With his eyes shining, Qian Xi observed these people silently, finding that many lowered their guilty heads. He was shocked instantly. “Is what Ding Ning said true? These guys did cheat me?”

“Don’t drive wedges between us and smear my image! You were not here when we arrived, and I didn’t know they were your friends. How come I revenge you on purpose?”

Zhang Wei was quite worried that his men would expose loopholes, shouting hurriedly. In fact, he indicated to them that Ding Ning was not here at that time and he could not have any evidence.

As expected, after these words, those guards became determined, speaking confidently, “We get the Qian Family’s salary and won’t cheat Third Childe. Childe Ding, don’t try to drive wedges!”

“Right, it is your men who fought first, but now you try to threaten us.”

“Take out your evidence to prove our innocence.”

“Don’t rely on Third Childe to threaten us. We are loyal to the Qian Family. How come we cheat Third Childe?”


These security guards shouted together, and no one admitted they had lied.

Qian Xi remained silent, but he was not stupid. How come he didn’t know these guards changed their attitude only because of what Zhang Wei said?

But they were over 100 guards. Even if he wanted to punish them, he also had to report to his family. Before he had evidence, he could not punish them rashly.

“You are all stubborn. Do you think I can’t prove you lied because there are no surveillance cameras here?”

Ding Ning spoke calmly and slowly with a cold killing look, staring at Zhang Wei. “Right, I was not here when you guys and my friends had disputes.”

“Since you clarified you were not here at that time, why do you deduce I helped Zhang Zheng revenge you? If this is not driving wedges, what is this?”

Zhang Wei became quite calm, showing an imperceptible happy look.

Ding Ning smiled peacefully. “This is the reason why I ascertain you’ve long known I would be coming today, and so you colluded with outsiders to set the trap, hoping to make the Qian Family my enemy and revenge me.”

Hearing this, Qian Xi narrowed his eyes, showing a cold, razor-sharp look. If this was a trap, as Ding Ning said, to make conflicts between the Qian Family and Ding Ning, the planner behind the scenes should be cursed.

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