
Chapter 282 - An Emergency

Chapter 282 An Emergency

But Ding Ning could not sleep. As soon as he sent Xiaoyao home, he began to perform these humiliating unequal treaties.

After he put everything in the room in order, he started to clean up the room, wash clothes, and mop the floor. Then, he was engaged in rubbing Xiaoyao’s shoulders and hitting her waist to relax her. He did all of these things to serve Xiaoyao the night long until dawn, which made her very comfortable and satisfied. After that, he made a delicious breakfast, especially for her. Finally, Ding Ning got what he wanted—Xiaoyao deleted the video.

“Great. I have to go now, my dear master.”

Without any attachment to this place, Ding Ning made off at once because he feared that he was unable to restrain himself from eating her up. This alluring woman was so good at seducing men. She deliberately made lots of enticing noises, which aroused Ding Ning with throbs of impulsion. Ding Ning made great efforts to endure that.

Watching Ding Ning escaping as rapidly as his feet could move, Xiaoyao covered her stomach, giggling. By the time Ding Ning got out of her room, humming a tune delightedly, she pulled the video that she had deleted right before Ding Ning out of the backup area on her phone. She then played the video in a continuous loop and watched it time and again with unfailing interest.

While Xiaoyao kept looking at the video, she felt shy, and her whole face turned red. Her pair of beautiful eyes now was covered with a layer of mist, she whispered, “Brother-in-law, you are so bad. I can’t believe that you hit my little butt.”

However, Ding Ning did not know that the “criminal evidence” was still in Xiaoyao’s hands. He secretly swore, “In the future, I must stay away from women hooligans, and I will never be alone with her. A woman like her is full of torturous charm. After this night, an old sow can be as attractive as a female of double-edged eyelids in my eyes.”

Driving the car fast, Ding Ning ran back to the courtyard in the western suburbs. With great difficulty when Ling Fei finally left for work, Ding Ning hurriedly picked up his cute little maid and rushed into the room.

The surprised little maid did her best to try to please Ding Ning and put her whole heart and soul in cooperating with Ding Ning. It seemed that their great love-making movements even shook the entire small house. Not until noon did they finally stopped.

Feeling quite refreshed, Ding Ning smoked after the sex, feeling Chu Yunna’s relax limps in his arms. Oh, no. Now her name Ding Luoxue because she had gotten her new ID card.

The satisfied Ding Ning sighed with emotion. “My little maid is much better. Otherwise, I could only release the sexual desire aroused by Xiaoyao with my five fingers.”

While talking sweetly, the little maid fed the meal to him a mouthful after a mouthful with love. Ding Ning finished the lunch, which was filled with overly sweet love. Ding Ning looked at his slightly uplifted full stomach, his heart dancing with happiness. He felt as if he were the king who was so deeply indulged in spending time with the woman he loved that he even felt reluctant to get up early to deal with state affairs.

With his guidance, Ding Luoxue progressed by leaps and bounds in her cooking skills. Now her culinary skills were definitely no worse than those of the five-star chefs so that Ding Ning could not help praising her, saying that her cooking skill had surpassed her master’s.

Upon hearing Ding Ning’s praise, Ding Luoxue felt so happy that her eyes curved into a smile, just like two crescent moons. At this time, she wished she could let Ding Ning taste all the new dishes that she could do.

“Ding Ning, where are you now? Come to school immediately.”

Ding Ning put his arm around Ding Luoxue, and they huddled together on the old-fashioned wooden armchair, enjoying the sunshine. But just when Ding Ning wanted to take a sweet afternoon nap, a call from Principal Lu made all his sleepiness vanish in no time.

“Principal Lu, I am on my way now. Is there any urgent matter?”

Ding Ning stood up and answered the phone, and then waved his hand to say goodbye to Ding Luoxue.

“Come here as soon as possible. Go directly to the conference room.”

The voice of President Lu sounded very dignified, which made Ding Ning feel a little uneasy. He did not know what had happened that made Principal Lu, who was always calm, became so severe and even asked Ding Ning, who was only a student, to go to the conference room immediately.

Quickly, Ding Ning responded, “Okay, I will be there as soon as I can.”

Forty minutes later, the anxious Ding Ning rushed to the school. The time he entered the conference room, he noticed that the room was filled with an invisible sense of oppression.

Principal Lu, Lin Zongming, Zheng Haiyan, Mr. Hu, Mr. Zhang, and so on.

Dozens of authoritative professors from the medical community all gathered here, each of them wearing a serious look. To Ding Ning’s surprise, many faces of the professors here were strange to him. But all of them seemed to recognize him and nodded to him.

At the head of the conference table sat two men, about forty or fifty years old. Their temperament was totally different from those professors who developed academic careers. Although they did not show any anger, all the people presented looked up to them with owe because of their sense of dignity brought by being in a high position for a long time.

On the left side of the two men, there was a square-faced man with bushy eyebrows and large eyes as intimidating as tigers’ eyes. Ding Ning was sure that he was Mayor Du, the mayor of Ninghai. Because Xu Minglu slightly nodded a greeting to him behind this man.

Ding Ning got into the room on tiptoe, but he still alarmed everyone.

“Come here!”

Principal Lu waved to Ding Ning and gestured for him to take the seat next to him. Ding Ning sat down in a somewhat reserved manner. Apparently, the people who joined the meeting were at least associate professors. Ding Ning did not know why he was called to participate in it.

“You must be Ding Ning, right?”

On his stern face, Mayor Du squeezed a slight smile and asked in a gentle voice.

“Yes, I am Ding Ning. Hello, Mayor Du!”

Ding Ning stood up and bowed slightly to show his respect.

“Great. You are the last person we are waiting for. Now the participants are all present. Allow me to introduce them to you. This is Jiang Kairong, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Health. And they are Kong Xiangyun and Yang Taihe, academicians from the Department of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences...”

Wearing a gentle face, Mayor Du was introducing the man next to him, who was nodding and smiling at him.

“Minister Jiang, hello! Hi, Academician Kong and Academician Yang...”

Ding Ning was astounded, and he stood up again to greet each of them in turn before his butt touched the chair.

“Sit down. The matter is urgent. Let me talk about the situation first.”

Jiang Kairong abandoned the bureaucratic style of work and omitted the tedious opening remarks. After a brief introduction, he went straight to the subject. It was thus evident that the thing they were about to discuss must be very urgent.

The more Ding Ning listened, the more solemn his face became. He finally knew why so many professors from the medical community were called here to take part in this meeting.

It turned out that this meeting was related to the current international situation. Moreover, it was a major event that involved the national economy and the people’s livelihood.

The U.S. and Shenzhou Country had many serious disagreements in their political ideologies, social systems, and development paths, which was the main reason for the interference and fickleness between the two countries.

However, Shenzhou Country had always believed that the two countries should bring the disagreements between them under reasonable control, based on which they should also maintain the friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation with each other. Only by doing so could the two countries extend their relations in various fields and finally achieve a win-win situation.

However, the U.S. had never given up its aim to Westernize and even subverted Shenzhou Country.

Once again, the U.S. played the “world policeman” role to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries. It launched a military strike on a country in the Middle East, which then gave rise to its conflict with the Russian Empire.

The international situation was suddenly severely aggravated. Shenzhou Country had strongly condemned the hegemonic behavior of the U.S., which caused a sharp deterioration in relations between the two countries.

The shortcomings of the Shenzhou Country’s westernization began to emerge. The U.S. imposed restrictions on Shenzhou Country’s trade. Then, the U.S. announced that it would place restrictions on Shenzhou Country’s investments in the U.S. After that, it began to crack down on Shenzhou Country in the fields of high technology.

Of course, Shenzhou Country was not willing to show weakness. It had imposed anti-sanctions on the U.S. industries like aviation, agriculture, automobile, energy, and so on, which produced disastrous consequences in international trades.

Ding Ning also kept his eyes on the international situation every day, but he really did not know the news today.

The people in Shenzhou Country had produced a strong dependence on Western medicine because of its long-term invasion. Now the antibiotics had become a must for hospitals.

The antibiotics were a drug that had relatively low toxicity and high security when it was applied to the human body at a very low concentration. The function of it was to kill the pathogens and control the disease. Ultimately, it would cure the disease.

The antibiotics could be considered as the largest species in western medicine. It was the first thing that came to people’s minds when they became sick because it was a panacea in their eyes.

A scientist named Abel in the U.S. invented Abel antibiotic, which was a primary drug and was widely used to treat various common diseases.

As soon as Abel antibiotic was developed, the pharmaceutical giant McCabe Pharmaceutical Corporation bought out its patent.

In order to promote the popularization of Abel antibiotic, McCabe Pharmaceutical Corporation distributed it to pharmaceutical companies all over the world at a low price. The pharmaceutical companies in Shenzhou Country were no exception. Gradually, the citizens in Shenzhou Country had formed a dependence on this antibiotic.

However, yesterday, McCabe Pharmaceutical Corporation announced that it would cancel the agency rights of the major pharmaceutical companies in Shenzhou Country to cooperate with the government of the U.S. to impose trade sanctions on Shenzhou Country.

After that, Abel antibiotic was in short supply, but the demand for it did not reduce. Now, people in Shenzhou Country could only rely on the previous inventory or other similar antibiotics imported from abroad to treat their diseases.

If only McCabe Pharmaceutical Corporation made such a decision, Shenzhou Country would not become so stressed.

The critical point was that the relationship between the two countries became increasingly tenser. Many other pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. had exported the antibiotics and other drugs to Shenzhou Country before. Therefore, once these companies also stopped applying their products, most of the hospitals in the entire Shenzhou Country would fall into an embarrassing situation with no available medicine.

At that time, numerous citizens in Shenzhou Country would die because they could not get the proper drugs for their diseases. It would become a great disaster for Shenzhou Country. Let someone else took hold of the lifeblood would end up like this, and this was the horror of cultural invasion.

Therefore, the state attached great importance to the news. In order to avoid the panic of the people, the news was temporarily blocked, and an emergency meeting was held to discuss countermeasures the same night. However, in the end, it could only be decided that all relevant scientific researchers should be gathered to develop the drug that could replace Abel antibiotic as soon as possible.

However, the development of a new drug was always an extremely long process. Beyond that, there were many kinds of antibiotics. Even if they successfully developed the type of drug that could replace Abel antibiotic, the same problem would still be there once the U.S. stopped exporting other kinds of antibiotics to Shenzhou Country. But even so, there was no other way. At present, people in Shenzhou Country could only take it one step at a time and see how the situation would change. Nevertheless, they would never give in to the U.S.

At the moment, Abel antibiotic in major hospitals of Shenzhou Country was allocated to some people who needed it. The inventory of Abel antibiotic could only last for up to three months.

The Shenzhou Country’s government had offered the highest reward. Anyone who was able to develop a drug that could replace any antibiotics would be recognized as a national hero. The supreme Chief would personally award him the medal of National Hero and put his ever-lasting contribution in history.

Speaking of this, Minister Jiang bowed low to them. “All of you present are outstanding talents of the medical community. Not just for the honor, but more importantly for our motherland, I am here to request everyone to do everything you can to help!”

All the others stood up and returned a bow. “For our motherland, we must do our best.”

The scene made Ding Ning’s flesh numb, and he could feel the hot blood in his body rushed directly to his brain. Ding Ning did not care about the medal of National Hero. What he truly cared about was the fact that more people would see the real evil face of Western culture’s invasion because of this incident.

Ding Ning thought in his mind, “This is a huge crisis that affects the whole nation, but it is also the best opportunity for the recovery of the traditional Chinese medicine. We can only win this battle and can never be defeated!”

“Well, tonight, some people have already organized scientific researchers to do the research in Yan Jing. And Ninghai is the second research and development base. There is only one instruction from the supreme Chief. Regardless of any cost, all of you can get enough money, people, and instruments that you need. But you must successfully develop the kind of drug we need at this time. On behalf of the 1.4 billion fellow citizens, I am here to thank you for your future hard work!”

Minister Jiang bent down deeply and maintained the same posture for a long time.

“Serve the people!”

A young but loud voice mixed in the sounds from the group of old professors with gray hairs. They all straightened their waists and shouted out the slogan. It was also their most sincere heartfelt wish. At this very moment, the scene looked solemn and severe.

It was not abrupt at all, nor was it funny or amusing. Only the heavy responsibility and motivation inspired all of them and made their hot blood burn wildly.

“Then, please, everyone! Don’t hesitate to make requests. I will take them down and draw up a list. All the things that you need will be delivered to you tomorrow morning at the latest!”

Minister Jiang straightened up, his eyes shining. “This is not an academic discussion, but a war that is related to the fate of Shenzhou Country. There is no smoke of gunpowder, but the battle can be much crueler than a traditional war.”

“The central leadership pays close attention to this war. The people of the whole country and even the people of the world are concerned about this war!”

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