
Chapter 114.1


"Hey!!!" Li Yundong hurled the dress shoe at Wang Yong . The shoe hit Wang Yong in the back with a loud smack . The impact caused Wang Yong to stumble forward, but it wasn’t enough to knock him out . A second later, Wang Yong was up on his feet again .

"What the f*ck?!" Wang Yong turned around angrily, scanning over the crowd with murderous eyes .

"You!" Wang Yong pointed the knife at Li Yundong . "Did you throw something at me, punk?!"

Li Yundong removed his suit jacket and dropped it to the floor . "So what if I did?" Li Yundong said, rolling up his shirt sleeves . From the corner of his eye, he saw a lady pick up his jacket from the floor and then hold on to it .

Li Yundong advanced towards Wang Yong, smiling confidently as he did . Behind Wang Yong, President Yin was slowly pulling President Cao away to the side .

"You’re that eager to die, punk?" Wang Yong growled .

Li Yundong answered the taunt with a smirk . He stopped walking and curled his finger at Wang Yong . "Stop yapping and come kill me already," Li Yundong said, then quickly activated Xianjue’s clairvoyant mode . A second later, he was back in normal mode again . His smirk widened just a tad .

"Have it your way!" Wang Yong lunged at Li Yundong . Having already anticipated when and where Wang Yong’s attack would come, Li Yundong grabbed Wang Yong’s wrist mid-slash, and then applied one of Lin Youfa’s wristlocks on Wang Yong’s wrist . Wang Yong screamed, and the knife clanged to the floor a second later .

Li Yundong released Wang Yong’s hand and then bent down to pick up the fallen knife . Wang Yong scrambled away on his knees .

Li Yundong straightened up and stood over Wang Yong . He held the knife in front of Wang Yong and then bent it until it snapped at the hilt . He dropped the hilt to the floor, then snapped the blade in half again .

"It’s over," Li Yundong said, tossing the broken pieces aside . "You’re done . And your prison cell awaits you . "

Wang Yong recovered from his shock at the mention of prison .

"It’s only over when I get my money!" Wang Yong growled and climbed back to his feet .

Li Yundong shook his head and narrowed his eyes . What the hell is he planning? "Listen, dipshit . How is she supposed to give you the cash when she doesn’t have it?"

"She’s lying!!!" Wang Yong screamed . "She’s rich! So she must have it!"

Li Yundong rolled his eyes . Ever heard of something called a bank? F*cking moron .

"And you think stabbing her is gonna get you the money?" Li Yundong snorted . "How stupid are you?"

"Shut up!! That stab wasn’t meant to kill . She’ll give me the money once she experiences a little pain!"

Li Yundong rolled his eyes . What kind of stupid logic was that?

"It is over . " Li Yundong took a step towards Wang Yong . "You’re gonna come with me now . I will hand you over to the security guards and they are gonna escort you downstairs . Don’t try anything funny, or I swear to God I’ll break your legs . "

Wang Yong started to back away . At the same time, he was reaching for something inside his trench coat’s pocket . A moment later, he pulled out a palm-sized cylindrical object .

A dozen of alarm bells rang inside Li Yundong’s head . "Hey! What’s that in your hand! I said no funny business!"

All of a sudden, Wang Yong dropped the trench coat . "Give me the cash! Or everyone here dies!"

For the first time since the whole mess began, Li Yundong saw Wang Yong as real threat .

The bastard was wearing a suicide vest .


Li Yundong stared at the cylindrical object in Wang Yong’s hand, which he now knew was the suicide vest’s detonator .

"Not so smug now, huh? Punk?"

Li Yundong tore his eyes away from the detonator and studied Wang Yong’s face . "Who put you up to this? A debt collector with a suicide vest? Come on . . . "

Li Yundong clenched his jaw . Was it He Shao again? Or was it Zhou Qin’s father?

Wang Yong sneered and kept backing away until his back hit door . "It doesn’t matter . Either I get the money, or I die . " Wang Yong pushed the door a few times . It was locked . "Damn it!" Wang Yong pounded the door with his fist . "Who has the keycard!"

Keycard? Li Yundong’s glanced around until he saw a tiny scanner attached beside the door .

"I’m gonna ask one last time . . . Who . Has . A . Keycard! Step out now, or I’ll blow up this goddamn floor!"

Whispers washed over the crowd . Seconds later, a man stepped out . "H- Here . . . I have the c- card . . . "

"Stop! Stop moving! Throw the card towards me!" Wang Yong held out his hand . Suddenly, he was looking towards the hallway . "Hey! Stay where you are! Nobody runs unless you want to get blown into pieces!" Wang Yong brandished the detonator in the air .

Li Yundong glanced towards the hallway . Those in the hallway had been jostling their way towards the elevator before Wang Yong’s warning, no doubt trying to sneak away . But at Wang Yong’s warning, they all stopped moving . Li Yundong returned his gaze to Wang Yong, who was now picking up the keycard from the floor .

There was a loud beep followed by a green flash on the scanner . Wang Yong pushed the door open with his back and slowly backed his way into the office . Shrieks and yells sounded from inside . "Silence! Gather around over there! And sit down!"

Seconds later, Wang Yong emerged from the office . "Cao Kefei!! Get your ass over here!"

Li Yundong turned around . President Cao was sitting on the floor . She looked dangerously pale and she was holding her chest with both hands . President Yin suddenly bent down and whispered something into her ear . After that, President Cao stood up on shaky legs .

Li Yundong shook his head and refocused his attention on Wang Yong . There was only one way out of this situation—he needed to get his hands on that detonator . But how?

The crowd stirred as President Cao and President Yin made their way towards the door . Wang Yong was watching the two women’s approach with murderous eyes . C’mon Li Yundong . Think . How can I get the detonator?

Wait . What if he didn’t try to take it from him, but force him to drop it instead?

A tiny smirk tugged at Li Yundong’s lips . He reached into his pocket and took out a coin, then held it inside his palm . When President Yin was walking past him, he whispered, "Stick close to him . And stay on his right side . When he drops the detonator later, kick it away . "

President Yin stiffened for a moment, and then walked on ahead . Wang Yong opened the door wider . "Get in! And shut the door after you!" he yelled, then slipped back into the office . President Yin paused at the door and gave Li Yundong a fearful glance . Remember what I told you, stay on his right side, he mouthed the words to her . She nodded and entered the office,

Seconds later, the door closed with a loud bang . Li Yundong turned to the crowd . "Another keycard," he said, glancing around . "Quickly!"

A girl stepped forward . "Here . Take mine . "

Li Yundong took the card and turned to the rest of the crowd . "The rest of you should get outta here . And tell the security guards to evacuate the building . "

Once the crowd began to move, Li Yundong turned around and walked towards the door . Su Chan once told him that the Renyuan Jindan had enhanced his reflexes and hand-eye coordination to superhuman levels .

It was time to put that claim to the test .


Li Yundong shut the door as quietly as possible . A group of women huddled together near a desk . Wang Yong and the two presidents were nowhere to be seen . Li Yundong crept towards the women first . There were seven of them in total, all of whom shot fearful glances at him when they saw him approach . Li Yundong lifted a hand to calm them down .

"Where?" Li Yundong whispered .

"I-Inside President Cao’s o-office . . . " a girl with a pony-tail answered . "Who are you?"

"I’m a new employee," Li Yundong said . "And I’m here to help . "

"B- But how?" another woman with short hair asked .

Li Yundong thought for a moment . This wasn’t what he had originally planned, but he had to improvise . He turned to Miss Ponytail . "Can you take me to her office?"

Miss Ponytail nodded, then moved to stand up .

"No, wait . I changed my mind" Li Yundong said, pulling her back down . Then, he turned to face the other six women . "Do you girls know what’s going on here?"

"The guy has a bomb . . . " Miss Ponytail said .

Two of the women burst into tears .

Li Yundong held up his hand . "Girls, calm down . I’ve got a plan . But I might need your help . "

The girls looked at each other fearfully .

"W- What can we do?" Miss Ponytail asked .

"Okay . Here’s the thing . " Li Yundong looked pointedly at Miss Ponytail . "Yes, you’re right, the guy has a bomb . And he’s got a detonator in his right hand . " Li Yundong looked at all seven women again . "The detonator looks like a cylinder with a red button on top . Do you follow me so far?"

When the women nodded, Li Yundong continued, "Alright . Tell me about office . Is it big?"

Miss Ponytail nodded . "Very . "

"Is there a way for me to sneak in quietly?"

"Um . . . Yeah, I think so . It’s pretty big, and it’s got an L-shape floor plan . The door leads into the shorter leg of the L-shape, and the desk occupies the end of the longer leg . "

"Anything else? Furniture? Balconies?" Li Yundong asked .

Miss Ponytail nodded . "A sofa set . Oh, and a coffee table . All those are set up at the bend of the L-shape . And then there’s a balcony beside the long end of the L-shape . "

"Okay . So if I walk through the door, I’ll see the sofa set straightaway . And then if I take a left turn at the corner, I’ll see the desk at the end?"

"Yes . . . "

"Alright, that will do," Li Yundong said with a nod, then rose to his feet .

"So what’s the plan?" Miss Ponytail asked .

"Just a sec, okay?" Li Yundong walked to a random desk and poked around it for a while . He needed something larger and heavier than a coin . He took a stapler from one of the drawers and then walked back to the girls .

"Alright, listen up . Here’s the plan . . . "

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