
Chapter 160 159: An Interesting Class

I wanted to believe that maybe, just maybe the older Elf wasn\'t aware of the twisted, deranged woman that Jillian was, but considering how noble families tended to be, I was airing on the side of caution when dealing with him in the future.

Grabbing a wooden dagger, I stared at it and thought about the new one that the Countess had sent me.

It was a broad dagger, roughly half of my palm and a little longer than my forearm, and the weight was perfectly balanced just above the hilt.

I wanted to get some practice in before enchanting it, but I was excited to eventually learn some really awesome enchantments to inscribe on it.

Coming back to reality, I stood beside Jahi and the others as we waited for everyone to filter in and grab a practice blade.

Thorn was chuckling as he stared at everyone, while Liako wore her signature stoic expression.

The only one who was different was Hawn, as a small frown graced his elegant features.

Waiting beside the others, I heard Jahi whisper "Wonder what they want us to do today? Think we\'ll be blessed enough to get matched against Jillian?"

Anput smiled slightly, her ears twitching as she whispered back "If we do I\'m breaking her nose. Last night pissed me off a bit."

Leone just giggled, but contrary to her warm expression her eyes were cold, more like embers than the normal fiery warmth.

I remained silent, but I had to agree with Anput; if we were lucky enough to match against her, I was willing to \'accidentally\' give the deranged Elf a bloody nose...

Once everyone got their weapons, Thorn stepped forwards and said "Alright, listen up! So far you\'ve all had one on one practice, which is nice and all, but the real world ain\'t a kind place. So today, we\'re doing group fights, and eventually, one versus two.

To start, pair up with someone, and wait for us three to pick your pairs. Choose whoever you want; weapon doesn\'t matter today."

Hearing that, Jahi and Anput grinned at one another, only to pout as Liako said "Lady Asmodia, Lady Sera; you two will be sitting this one out so everyone has a fair chance."

Sighing, the two battle junkies moved off to the side, sitting down against the wall as they prepared to watch the ensuing fights.

Glancing towards Jillian, I saw her frowning as she looked over the available people, only to sigh and approach one at random.

Leone and I stuck together, and while I knew that, in this group fight, she would be more of a liability than useful, I much preferred having her than someone random.

I also didn\'t want some idiot attempting to get close to her, and I reckon she was thinking the same thing.

Standing beside me, she sighed as she whispered "If I could use magic, this class would be much easier..."

Letting out a quiet snort, I said "If we could use magic, this class would serve no purpose; we both know that."

Nodding, she sighed again as she whined "Still, I hate up close fights; they simply don\'t do anything for me..."

Pursing my lips, I remained silent, however I could tell she knew I disagreed immensely with that, considering-


Hearing her murmur that, I glanced over at her, only to narrow my eyes as she smirked, saying "I think it\'s rather cute, and it could definitely be worse. Bloodhound is right there you know."

"If any of you call me \'bloodhound\', I will stab you."

Her melodic chuckle swam into my ears, but I still glared at her, only to turn back to the professors as Liako started speaking.

"Like Thorn said, we will be placing groups against one another, meaning you need to work together to fight and win against another team. How you do so is up to you; will you engage one on one? Or maybe have one member take the hits while the other tries to surprise your opponents? The choice is yours.

Now, each of us will be overseeing three fights, meaning twelve students per professor. If we don\'t call on you then you will move off to the side and wait until it is your turn. Understood? Good."

Each professor made their way towards the students, and Liako approached us first.

"Miss Zara, Lady Presa-Ash. You will be up first."

Leone and I nodded, and we moved to the designated area.

Sadly for us, Jillian was picked by her cousin, which meant we were fighting...

Standing across from us was a grinning white haired Dragonkin and a tall blonde maid; Draka and Poshka.

Giving Liako an amused look, I turned back to see Draka pursing her lips as she stared at Leone, saying "We\'re in the same boat huh? Terrible swordplay, incredible magic..."

Leone nodded, only to nod again as Draka asked "So wanna let those two go at it? Spar one another?"

Looking at Poshka, I tilted my head slightly as I stared at her, watching as the tall blonde chuckled, her expression relaxed.

"Then I guess we shall spar, hmm? Come; I\'ll tell you about Fresca while we exercise."

We moved off to the side and swiftly launched ourselves at one another, holding back as we talked.

She told me that Fresca was already getting slightly cranky every once in awhile, and she had started craving dark chocolate at random points in the day.

We talked for a while about the brunette maid, and eventually Liako had to come over and tell us to stop as we were \'evenly\' matched the entire time.

As for Leone and Draka, the two were panting slightly as they sat against the wall, their bodies glistening with a thin sheen of sweat.

Noticing that, we both went to our Mistress\' side and used magic to clean them off, much to their enjoyment.

Our next fight was a more interesting one, as Countess Aurim and Greselda stood opposite us.

Countess Aurim waited behind Greselda as the adventurer launched herself at us, swiftly pushing Leone away from me and keeping me from Leone.

Greselda had also managed to split her attention between Leone and me, using herself to keep Leone in between herself and Countess Aurim, forcing her to be wary of any attacks against her back.

I managed to overwhelm Greselda eventually, landing a well placed kick on the woman\'s midriff and making her skid away a few feet, only to grunt as her dagger slammed into my ribs moments later.

She charged at me, her hands empty.

What followed was a rather intense up close and personal brawl, as my dagger attempted to land on her muscled body, only for her to redirect my arm somewhere else, using my momentum against me.

Leone and Countess Aurim were almost evenly matched, but the Countess showed more experience in fighting as she managed to disarm Leone, making the Vampire forfeit.

Seeing her move to approach me, I let my dagger drop from my grasp, holding my hands in the air.

Just like that, Leone and I lost our match against the Countess and her friend, much to Jahi and Anput\'s amusement.

Rejoining them off on the side, Leone pouted as Jahi chuckled, her face slightly red as the Demoness whispered "Should I give you some more... \'lessons\' on how to better handle your \'sword\', Princess~?"

Anput joined in on the teasing, a smirk on her lips as she added "A more \'hands on lesson\' would be best I think... but maybe you learn by being the target of the \'lesson\', hmm~?"

Watching as the Vampire grew more flustered, I chuckled slightly before sitting beside them, watching the matches unfold.


So whenever I do these double upload days, the second chapter will always be shorter than normal, since I usually have other things I need to write, or games I want to play lol.

Anyways, I might keep this up for a bit, but who knows?

But yeah, I got y\'all another chapter today, your welcome~!


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