
Chapter 777 776: Deacon Renama (3)

Chapter 777 Chapter 776: Deacon Renama (3)

Deacon Renama looked almost rabid as she blitzed towards me, that heavy silver axe moving at incredulous speeds as she chopped it towards me seemingly at random, each swing leaving behind a glittering arc of greenish silver as her mana and incantations further empowered her already impressive strength.

Meanwhile, the silver chain attached to the bottom of the woman\'s axe flew at my face at even quicker speeds, threatening to rip my head clean off my neck as she battled me with all she had; her anger, her beliefs, her strength, her endurance...

All of it was pushing its limits, and I couldn\'t be any happier as I weaved around the random swings, analyzing them for a pattern and disrupting it with attacks of my own as I switched to a reactionary style of fighting, taking advantage of her mistakes as she continued to shout at me, her emerald eyes wide and bloodshot whilst her lips were peeled back to reveal her pearly white fangs covered in saliva.


A wide arc of compressed sound shot forth from her lips and cut through the air, while her axe cleaved down from my left and her chain arced around from my right, effectively trapping me between three separate attacks once more.

If there was something that this Foxkin was adept at, it was coordinating her attacks to weave together an intricate pattern of death that threatened to introduce me to that concept intimately, but...

That only made it all the more thrilling as I got to dismantle that weave and pull the threads apart, revealing the \'flaws\' in each pattern that could only be exploited by someone with strength like mine.

Focusing my mana in front of me, I created a thick shield of golden light that absorbed the incantation, while I stepped to my left and swung my great sword up to meet her axe, ignoring the chain as it sailed harmlessly past me and instead focusing on the weapon that was aching to drink of my blood.

As the incantation dissipated uselessly against the golden shield, I strained against the axe as I lifted two of my fingers off the hilt of my sword, losing a little bit of power and bringing the axe a little bit closer to cutting into my flesh, but with those two fingers I could control the shield some, and in doing so...

Rotating the shield onto its side, I sent it flying towards the Foxkin woman\'s chest, sending her back a few steps as the solid, dull shield slammed against her ribs and broke a few of them, surprising her and relieving me of the pressure from her weapon, which was pulled away from me just like her.

Not letting up, I dashed forwards and raised my sword, cleaving it down towards her exposed shoulder and forcing the woman to block with her chain covered arm, since her axe was still being disrupted by the backwards momentum of her body.

Renama raised her arm, that translucent green arm wrapped around it protectively alongside the chain, and the Foxkin grit her teeth as she watched my dual metal great sword slash down towards her arm, the woman unable to do anything besides pray as she tried to regain her breath, to regain control of the rest of her body, but...

Those emeralds glittered with a new sheen of water as we both watched her chain snap, the momentum of my downwards swing and the golden light that clung to the edge of my blade easily slicing through her mana, her chains, and her arm.

The incantation that had summoned a new set of arms was damaged as my Light Mana severed the forearm it created, a pulse of light traveling up the remaining portion of the arm and traveling down towards the other arm, while the chain clattered to the ground as multiple links were split apart cleanly.

With the breath still not in her lungs, Renama could only blink and stare at her left arm blankly, her forearm clattering to the ground and bouncing as it rolled out of the chains, blood pooling around the dismembered limb whilst more blood spurted from the stump that was her arm.

Already, the poison of the Stygian Silver was getting to work, the flesh around the wound darkening as the mana latent to the weapon I wielded began to eat away at the woman\'s body, threatening to consume her in a minute or two as it traveled from her arm towards her Core, where it would feast upon her mana and kill her quickly... and painfully.

However, before she could do anything about that, she needed to ensure she survived me first, the blade that was the cause of her wound arcing towards her stomach and gleaming dangerously as it drew ever closer.

Renama managed to pull her axe towards the trajectory of my blade, stopping it with the flat of her axe and sending herself skidding back a step, only to let out a surprised gasp as I pulled and hand off of my sword and followed her closely, taking a step with her and throwing a swift punch towards her temple.

Caught off guard, the Foxkin couldn\'t react in time as I slammed my knuckles into her skull, cracking her head to the side and causing her eyes to roll into the back of her head as she slipped into unconsciousness, our battle reaching its conclusion.

Letting her drop to the ground, I swiftly knelt and grabbed her left arm, unsheathing one of my Gladius and swiftly lopping off the dead portion of her arm, saving her from the poisons of the Stygian Silver.

I needed her alive so that we could learn something from her, though keeping her in custody would likely prove to be a difficult endeavor...

Seeing her eyes flicker open at the sudden onslaught of pain, I pulled back my fist and punched her again, sending her back into the warm embrace of unconsciousness before getting to work, tying her up and ensuring she wouldn\'t be any trouble as I pulled her away from the battle, which was slowly being won on our street.

However, this entire battle was far from won, and I looked towards the wall and frowned, my eyes landing on Deacon Fulbargn and his contingent of mages that continued to chant, wondering what calamity they were trying to bring about with the sheer amount of mana being pooled together.

Whatever it was, it wasn\'t good, but to get from here to him I would first need to take care of the Cultists still battling against Satanya and Luci, their numbers giving the two Demoness\' a challenge that would be made easier as I joined the fray.

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