
Chapter 413 413 Combine

Chapter 413 413 Combine

She could tell that her own plan wasn\'t working out as she had excepted and she knew that if she didn\'t do anything about it fast that everything was going to come crashing down on her.

She knew that she had to act fast before her plan crumbled. She knew that Zach was starting to think that he had won or that he was at least in the process of winning but he had no idea what was coming to him.

She was a woman with determination and she wasn\'t going to stop until she knew for a fact that she had completely had him destroyed.

Candice was sat in her office as she realized that if she wanted to get things done she would have to get the other families to come in so that they would be able to team up in order for them to be able to defeat the Smiths.

She was sat at her table so she had her hands crossed over her chest as she allowed for her own thoughts to wonder slightly.

However she was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the sound of a harsh knock on her door. She sat up abruptly as she looked around before clearing her throat and turning her attention towards the door.

She watched as the door was pulled open and the new governors of the Brown and the Davis family, Andrew and Joyce, made their way through the door. The both of them were surprised when she had called them and they wondered what she wished to talk with them about.

They knew that she was their princess and therefore they were forced to respect her no matter what. The both of them were well aware of the power and the might that she possessed and they knew that she could just as easily destroy them if they went against her wishes.

Before they had come here to meet her the both of them had been severely warned by their fathers about her character. They knew that they had to be careful around her and they couldn\'t argue. They would simply have to agree with whatever she said to them.

They knew that was the best way for them to get through the industry and make sure that their families were booming with success in a similar way that the Smiths were. If they wanted that to happen then they would have to do it through princess Candice.

She was their key to success and they knew that the only way for them to get to the top was for them to get through her. 

They would have to follow all of her orders accordingly and they wouldn\'t be able to ask questions and whatever she were to suggest to them was what would be done.

If they were to upset her or to go against her then they knew that it would certainly not end well.

They knew that it would lead to their destruction and she would make sure that she completely destroyed their families until there was absolutely nothing left. They wouldn\'t allow that to happen.

When it came to having to deal with someone that was much stronger than them they knew that they would have to be tactical and they would simply have to agree with her sayings.

"You called for us to come princess?" Joyce asked her.

She hummed at them in response as she gestured for them to step forward and take a seat at the desk that was in front of her.

"Yes I wanted to ask you to come here because your workshops aren\'t cutting it anymore." She said to them sternly. She watched as they furrowed their eyebrows at her as they looked towards her in confusion.

"Well that can\'t be right. How so?" Andrew asked her.

"Well as you can see the Smiths are still making money. In fact they are still making more money than the rest of us combined. And do you know why that is." She asked them casually.

She watched as they shook their heads at her and she couldn\'t help but let out a sigh as she raised her hands up to her head and rubbed it sightly.

"You seem to not know much about the business. maybe it was a wrong decision on my part to give you such a high position." She said and she watched as they panicked before shaking their heads at her.

"No of curse we want to work with you. But princess we really don\'t understand how it would be an issue. We are doing everything that you have asked for. We are selling it at low prices and we are doing our best to show it to the people that they should want to get their sugar from us." Andrew said to her.

"Well that is the thing. The problem is that you are unable to see what is wrong. The fact remains that he is continuing to grow his own business because he had workers. He had endless number of them and they are able to produce triple the amount of sugar that you are. You need to change that." She said to Andrew.

"But we can\'t we already have all our available men working on the sugar. The only other men that we have are the ones who are working on the estate and it isn\'t as though we can simply get up and decide to leave the work that we have on the estate so that we can work on the sugar. The estate is our priority." Joyce said to her.

She felt a smirk come over her features as an idea slowly came to her. "Well that is where you are wrong because that is all about to change. The estate used to be your priority but it isn\'t going to be that way anymore. You are going to put all of your efforts and your manpower into the production of the sugar. That is the only thing that you are going to care about from now on. I don\'t want you to be having discussions unless it is about sugar. You will eat breathe and live it." She said to the both of them harshly as she slammed her fist onto the table.

She watched as they widened their eyes at her in shock. "But we can\'t do that we have to worry about the estates as well. We can\'t risk something happening to them or even consider the thought of them falling apart." Andrew said to her and she couldn\'t help but quirk a brow at them.

She had to admit that she was somewhat surprised that he was defiant towards her. She had expected them to nod at her and agree with everything. 

"I thought that you wanted my help and that you were willing to do anything in order to please me. isn\'t that why I appointed the both of you as the governors of your houses because I knew that I could count on you. Maybe you should let me know now if I made a mistake by doing that." She asked them with a quirked brow.

She watched as they both tensed up instantly at her words as they seemed to realize that she was upset and the last thing that they wanted was to make her mad.

"No we are not going to do anything to upset you of course. We are going to do our best to make you happy and we are going to leave the affairs of the estate for now. For as long as you need us to. We know that our main profit is the sugar farm and that is why we are going to draw most of our focus there." Andrew said to her and the other nodded his head at her in agreement.

She couldn\'t help but smirk as she knew that they would be loyal to her. When it came to getting what one wanted they were willing to go to any lengths and she knew that they wanted the power and the control that she would give to them.

They knew that it was going to be hard for them to put their estates aside. and that it wud mostly have some side effects that they would then have to spend a long time trying to fix.

However they knew that they would have even more terrible side effects if they were going to go up against her. They knew that the only thing that they could do now was to keep quiet and do as she said.

Joyce contemplated asking if they would get any rewards form focusing on the sugar however they knew how tricky the princess was. He knew that it was going to be much better for him and for the both of them if he chose to remain quiet.

She had already threatened their estate before and they didn\'t want to push her any further. If they were to get her any angrier she could just as easily take back all of the benefits that she had given to them.

They knew that would be as that they would have to start scraping form the bottom once more.

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