
Chapter 394 The Master Of The Estate

It looked completely shabby-looking and out of use, as everywhere one looked.... he/she would find dust, cobwebs and a lot of spiders crawling around the place.

The men followed the hidden guard out of the storage room, and into a massively long and wide hallway..... which had several guards stationed at different points on it.

Looking at the hallway, the men were completely taken aback by how contrasting it was in comparison with the tiny storage room that was just behind them.

It was clean and looked like it was in some sort of knight training estate.

And once they stepped out of the estate, they walked past 5 more.... before finally arriving at the largest one of them all.

It was also at this point, that the men had quickly realized that they were in an estate located in a neighbouring town... Which was a little bit far away from the city which they had previously lodged at.



You all wait in this room for a bit, and I’ll inform the master of your arrival."

With that, the men were all left in a massive audience room that didn’t have a single chair within it.... except for the throne of course.


They stood there silently while waiting for their master to arrive.


Finally, they would be one of the chosen few to catch a glimpse of their boss.

Time seemed to move in slow motion, as they felt like they had all been standing for more than 3 years now.



Finally, the massive silver door opened up once more.... and in came several masked guards, who all rushed in and lined up around the room.

Followed by another set of guards who rushed in and stood close to the throne room.

And finally, 3 men calmly walked in..... with the youngest one leading the pact.

Was that their boss?



They all dropped down on one knee and lowered their heads.... as they instantly remembered the rules of the mansion.

"We greet our Lord!" They said in unison, but all that they heard was absolute silence.

And this, in turn, caused a lot of them to grow impatient with every passing minute.

Of course with all the anxiety building up, 2 out of the 55.... slowly raised their heads, as they wanted to get a close look at their master.

But who would’ve thought that what they had met with, was the fierce eyes of a bloodthirsty beast instead.


On the throne, the young man who had just walked in.

Even though the man was wearing some sort of robe, the aura he gave off was one of a killer.

His hair was left untamed, and his eyes looked like they would be even colder than ice.

The 2 that had looked at the young man.... immediately dropped their heads back down and prayed for mercy.

But how could they be so lucky?

Before they could even say anything, 2 strong guards had quickly grabbed them and pulled them right to the front.

Even though those guards weren’t allowed to also look at their master, they had been watching the group of men keenly..... and had immediately noticed those 2 head-raisers.


"M...Master, please forgive us!" they stammered from fear, while silently asking their ancestors for mercy as well.

The man on the throne looked at them coldly, got up and walked down from his high throne.

’Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

To these men, those footsteps sounded like that of some monstrous beast from hell.


"Do you know your crime?" Said the young man in a bone-chilling tone.

And as he spoke, he signalled for something to be brought towards him.

But what it was, these men who were kneeling face down.... had no idea of it at all.

"You were told the rules of the mansion while coming, correct?"

"Y...yes master" they replied softly.

"And despite that, you still wanted to challenge my authority by disobeying me so openly?"

"No!... No! .... No!... Master, it’s not like...."

Before the men could even defend themselves, they soon heard 2 ’swish’ sounds..... and that was it.


’Swishh! Swishh!’

Within the next moment, their heads could be seen rolling around on the ground..... and their kneeling bodies soon dropped to the floor soon after.


The rest of the 53 who heard the lifeless bodies and heads drop to the ground, immediately trembled from fright.

It looked like this master of theirs was not one to be trifled with.

Did he just kill their colleagues just because they looked?

But of course.... it was more than that!

If they couldn’t even restrain themselves in such situations.... then who’s to say that they wouldn’t look or open up a secret note for their master while on a mission?

They were to do as they were told and never fall into temptation.

It was that simple!

And anyone who couldn’t even do this much was of no use to their master..... hence they had to die!!


"Their master looked at the trembling men n an expressionless manner.


Has the message been delivered?"

"Yes, my lord!

Captain Theo and his team had successfully left a message for ’him’ to find.

Here is a letter for you master" Replied the leader of the team, who was already used to his master’s nature..... as he had come here several times in the past as well.

"Good!" The young man said while taking the letter from the leader’s hands.

He unravelled the red strings that held it in place and silently read the letter with a grin on his face.

Excellent!.... everything was going according to plan.


After reading the letter, he immediately folded it up and looked at the men still kneeling before him.

"For now, eat and retire to bed early.... because tomorrow morning, you all will be briefed on your new assignments.

Now Get OUT the same way you came in!!"


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