
Chapter 478 Foolish Men

Chapter 478 Foolish Men


Landon and the rest drove in complete silence towards the barracks.

And while they were heading over there, chief inspector Morgan.... went to the bank instead.

From what Hemrew said, he had given the men close to 15,000 Bays each as payment for the information.

Of course, they would receive more later on once they completed their job by giving out the manufacturing procedures of all weapons in Baymard.

Landon thought that it was almost an impossible job to accomplish... because things like the pure chemicals needed, were extracted in percentages by the Alchemy industry, before being sent to the weapon manufacturing industry.

How could they properly separate compounds and chemicals like nitric acid, other nitrates and so on.... while making sure that the percentages of these chemicals are at least above 97% concentrated?

Even making bombs and so on need the right composition and concentrated chemicals that were produced by the Alchemy industry.

More still, did these people know how many departments and industries worked together with the weapon manufacturing industry?

Even synthetic rubber production that was gotten by oil distillation, and other components from the plastic manufacturing industry and so on..... also contribute to making these weapons.

So they were basically asking these 2 men to steal over 50 procedures from over 7 or 8 manufacturing industries.

After all, Baymard had a ton of weapons available.... and each weapon was completed with chemicals and parts produced by both the weapon manufacturing industry and other industries too.

So when Landon first saw the amount that these traitors had received, he didn’t know whether to feel bad for them or pity them.

These procedures were all worth over millions of Bays each... but these people only took that much?

Looking at everything, since no one really knew the production process.... they probably didn’t know how much work, procedures and companies work alongside the weapon manufacturing industry.

In their minds, what they might’ve envisioned could even be a single sheet with bullet points on it.

How silly!


Anyway, Morgan was going to the bank with written permission from the Chief of police Lucius.

He was sent there to check if those 2 traitors had deposited the amount in their bank accounts.

Because if so, then he could bring up their bank statements as proof as well.

Obviously, they wouldn’t keep such a huge amount of money in their lockers within the barracks for fear of being caught.

So it would have it be either in their bank accounts, or their residential homes outside the barracks.

Hence Morgan had also planned to stop by their homes after leaving the bank.

Time was of the essence and he had to make haste with his search.


As for Landon and the rest, they went back to the barracks.... but secretly kept a lookout for those 2 traitors.

It was especially hard for the Captains, because whenever they saw them.... they felt like running over and beating them into a pulp.

But as leaders, they bottled up everything and pretended to be their regular selves.

As for Landon and Lucius, they quickly sent out a notice that 2 days from now on Thursday morning, all jobs and classes will come to stop at 12 Noon.

Of course, only those operating public transport, working the ports, hotels and other jobs that needed to stay operational, would be exempt from this.

This also included those who would be guarding the empire, prisons, military buildings, Coastal relation and the walls in King’s Landing.

So with all that said, Landon expected to see most of the police officers, military men and civilians on site.

Anyway.... even though Landon had said that work should stop at 12 noon.... he still wanted to give everyone time to eat and relax.

So he requested that everyone assemble in District G around the place where they usually kept the empires Christmas tree at.

It used to be the city square when Baymard was still a city.

Now, it was known as the ’Wishing ground’, as people believed that making a wish here during Christmas....or even kissing your lover here during Valentine’s day, meant good wishes or a long union together.


As for what Landon called assembled them for, it was apparently to announce some new changes in Baymard.

As well as to appoint some new soldiers who will go out to Carona and help give a going hand to the doctors and nurses dealing with the Shinjep disease there.

Apparently, since his majesty felt that the talk might be somewhat boring to the children, he also requested for the children to stay at home with a guardian too.

And so everyone made a mental note of the notice that was posted and announced everywhere.

They also made plans just as his majesty had said, and planned for someone to babysit their children.... be it their elder daughters, sons or even the nannies at the daycare centers.

As adults, they knew how serious things like this could get, especially when it concerned a disease like the Shinjep disease.

Even others from other empires decided to come as well, as they too had been flowing up on how Baymard’s attempt to cure the disease.

One should know that it was similar to major viruses like ’AIDS’ and other illnesses that didn’t have a cure yet.

So it would be a miracle if Baymard actually cured it.

Healers from all over the world would flood to Baymard in attempts to know how they did it.

Even kings and nobles had sent their spies into Baymard just to get info about the situation, as they were too scared to get Ngum city in Carona.... for the risk of getting infected.

So any Shinjep news, made people’s ears stand up at attention..... not to talk about the fact that newspapers that published articles on Shinjep typically got sold out like hotcake.


"Inspector Morgan..... I need everything on your end ready before then."

"Yes, your majesty!"

"Captains.... in the meantime, keep an eye out on our targets.

I want to know where they go, what they do and who they mingle with regularly."

"Yes, King-Father Army General Lucius!

We will do as you’ve instructed."

"Doctor Mitch...

Make sure that Hemrew is alive and kicking... And watch him very closely.

We will also send some secret guards to watch over him as well.

We need him on that day as well.

And get the fake injured man to prepare for that day too.."

"Understood your majesty!"


With everything sorted out, Landon and Lucius decided to turn in for the day.


Two days went by in a flash.... and soon it was already 2:50 P.M on Thursday afternoon.

The crowd quickly gathered while looking at their watches.

And of course, trust the reporters with their news crew to already be there too.

They had their equipment set up, and were ready to get down all the juicy details from this assembly.

For sure, the soldiers, police officers, guards, marines and other officers were there too as well.

They looked very heroic and made many people look at their formation in awe.

There was also a white clean van parked at the back of the stage.

The van looked like a delivery van, so everyone just assumed that his majesty probably wanted to distribute things to everyone.

Time passed by quickly, and soon..... Landon, Lucius, Inspector Morgan, Gary, Josh, Mark, Trey.... and the 2 Captains who helped them with the case, came up the stage just in time.

Landon looked at his watch and smiled.

3 P.M

Time to close the case.


"Today, I will call out 18 names of soldiers, who will later join the team of doctors and nurses that will be going to Carona after Christmas."

With that, Landon began calling out some of the soldiers’ names... which included the names of the traitors too.

Of course, he spaced their names apart when he called them out so that they wouldn’t be suspicious about it all.

"Simon McBeal!..... ... Yoshi Hanoir!"

Hearing their names, the traitors excitedly walked onto the stage with their heads held high.

Hehehehe.... after successfully managing to fool someone like his majesty Landon Barn, they still got picked for such an important mission.

So how could they not feel proud?

If they knew that it would be this easy to deceive a messenger from the heavens.... then wouldn’t they have done it ages ago when they had first arrived in Baymard?

At this point, weren’t they above the heavenly messenger then?


Forget it!

At this point, the saw themselves as immortal beings.

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