
Chapter 504 Dream World

Chapter 504 Dream World

"Little missy.... even though you’re biased, I still like you.

So I’ll make this as painless as possible, alright?"


Cary struggled with all her might, as she watched the masked bastard walk slowly to the left side of the bed.

Just like last time the incident had occurred, her legs were once again tied to the legs of her bed.... while her left hand had been tied on the left post of her bed instead.

Her body was once again drenched in so much sweat that it felt like someone had splashed a full bucket of water on her now rosy face.

She struggled to keep her sight on the masked man, as her vision became somewhat blurry from all the tiny droplets of sweat that slid down her forehead into her eyes.


As for the masked man who was now standing on the left side of her bed, he just smiled underneath his mask.... and gently lifted up her already stretched nightgown, immediately exposing her smooth bare legs to all within the room.


Why are you looking at me like that?

I’m not a pervert alright?

How would I know where to cut if I don’t take a closer look?" Said the masked man, as he slowly traced his sword along her left leg.... as if trying to decide where he should make his cut.




"Little missy.... please stay as still as possible.

Because just like the last time... if you move, then I might cut a lot more than I intended to."

Listening to the man, of course Cary tried her best to calm down... Left he accidentally cut off any other parts.

But all she felt was panic and despair.... which began as a cluster of tiny sparks plunged into her lower abdomen.

She shut her eyes tight as the masked man slowly glided his sword across her leg.

Cary prayed to the ancestors and even her dead sister for mercy.

If there was ever a time that she was hoping for a miracle..... now would be that time

But how would she have known that even the heavens had abandoned her?

What goes around comes around..... and now, it was time for her to reap what she sowed.


"Sigh... such beautiful legs.

Even the toes are kept and managed exquisitely..... such that they don’t even have the usual brownish toenail colour that all ordinary folks have.


It’s almost a sin to destroy such a beautiful sight.

But oh well, they say beauty never lasts for long.

So I guess this is expected.

Farewell, beautiful left leg!"

With that, the man raised his sword and swung it with all his might at the targeted spot.



Cary’s body vibrated vigorously, as the pain coupled with tension..... continuously spread throughout her entire face and remaining limbs.

Her breathing became even more rapid, as she felt a hurricane of pain punch through her body unapologetically.

Previously, the bastard had taken her right hand away from her.... and now, it was her left leg.

What the hell did this basted want from her?

How was she to survive after this?

Tears fell down her reddish face, and blood also gushed out of her mouth as well..... as she had bitten her tongue so hard during the whole ordeal.

In short, she felt like she was truly in hell!


"Hey now little miss.... don’t lose consciousness yet, alright?

I still have one more part to cut off!


Last time I only did 1, but today... I’ll be cutting 2 off, so isn’t that great?

Hm... I see!

You’re worried about how you’ll survive this right?

Well not to worry, because you see..... one of my men here is a healer, so we brought in enough medicine to make it all better in the end.

Because no matter what, you must not die through all this.

You will live.... and you will enjoy your new life as a cripple that anyone can trample on!

Well, at least you’ll be a royal cripple.... so isn’t that still cool?"

Listening to the man say that he would still cut off another body part from her.... she didn’t even have the energy to protest anymore.

The pain from the first one had completely drained her dry.

"Well, close your eyes miss... because I’m about to make my second cut for the day

Farewell beautiful right leg!"



Cary gave out a very frail muffled sound, as she slowly lost her consciousness and finally fainted.

"Are you already losing consciousness?

Then there’s really no helping it now is there?

Well, Bye Bye little miss... and see you next time."

As she slowly lost consciousness, his words replayed in her mind like a CD.

What the hell did he mean by ’see you next time’?

She felt like this man was a demon in disguise, who was sent to Hertfilia just for her.

Why was he so stuck up on her?

As her mind wandered into the darkness.....all she knew at the end of the day, was that she now had no legs anymore.

In short, she had no limbs.... except for her left hand.

From the moment she entered the darkness within her mind, she became trapped in another nightmare..... where she had been repeatedly killed and slashed into pieces by another man in her dreams.

The nightmare never seemed to end.


Time passed by slowly, and by the time she woke up again..... an entire week had gone by just like that.

When she opened her eyes, she quickly realized that her mouth was extremely dry.... and her throat felt very sore as well.

The servants watching over her saw that she was now awake.... and once again sent for her mother, who came rushing in swiftly.

"My poor baby!

Mother will definitely get justice for you!

All of this is your father’s fault!

Why couldn’t he monopolize all his forces to look for that scoundrel who did this to you?

Don’t worry, mother will make sure to deal with the basted who did this to you no matter what!

As for the maids and those on duty that night, do my worry..... mother had killed them off, as well as their families!"

Seeing her beloved mother, she broke down in tears once more and cried painfully.

Finally, she was safe and in good hands.... or was she.

For all she knew, this could still be a dream.

Who knows... only time would tell.


[Cary: ( ;≧Д≦;)... what stupid dream?

I’m obviously awake, okay?]

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