
Chapter 506 Vision Testing

Chapter 506 Vision Testing

They were finally here!

Landon looked at the system’s monitors gleefully, while watching Sirius, Astar and their men check into one of the inns within Riverdale city.

Last time he saved them, he had placed trackers on both Astar and Sirius before leaving.

So he had been monitoring them ever since then.

After all, it was his ’job’ to take good care of them no?

And from what he had gathered so far, they were currently too tired to head on straight to Baymard first.... so they decided to stay overnight in Riverdale city, and only head on over tomorrow.

Apparently, they wanted to be fully charged with energy before taking a single step into this magical Baymardian empire.

’The system is reminding the hist to quickly use this opportunity to sign a treaty with King Sirius as soon as possible.’

’I know.

But from all that you’ve told me about Sirius’ situation, it would only alert his enemies and increase the number of threats around him if I make the treaty go public.

So just like the case with Terique, I’ll have to do it privately instead.’

’Whatever works for the host...Provided the treaty gets signed and Sirius stays alive

Of course just like the other 2 cases, the host can never force the chosen ones into accepting the treaty.

The host can only use his great persuasion skills in roping them in!

But even if it’s their choice, failing the mission is not an option for the host.

So the host should take note.’

As expected of those protected by the heavens.

There would always be someone to save them in the nick of time if they were about to die... Or they would encounter some miraculous encounter instead.

Landon could only sigh in defeat when he thought of these make leads.

Well, that was why they were the main leads of the world... While he on the other hand, was just a task completer.


’System, since Crown Prince Astar has been found... then wouldn’t that mean that, that particular mission had already been completed?

’Not necessarily host.

Your mission is only partially completed.

Once Crown Prince Astar arrives, the host is to reunite Astar with his lost family immediately.

Only then will the mission be considered completed.’

’System... Why do I feel like you just like making things hard for me?’

’The host had previously promised King Micheal to reunite him with his son.

So this system is just making sure that the host is a man of his words.’

’System, when did I ever say that I wouldn’t reunite them?

Don’t even try to use this as an excuse!’

’The system is a godly being with a kind heart, so why would I ever want to make things difficult for the host?’



Did this blood-sucking system even have a heart at all?


Landon massaged his temples and sighed softly.

Of course, he had planned to reunite both parties together... So it wasn’t really a big deal for him.

It was just that the system really loved to get on his nerves.

It was as if it was made with the sole purpose of annoying him to death.


Astar was the crown prince that he and King Michael were looking for.

So he had to come up with a way for both parties to meet coincidentally.

One should know that after saving Astar and Sirius last time, he left without even getting their names.

So it would be somewhat awkward and suspicious if he just magically knew that Astar was the crown prince.

Plus since they secretly wanted to visit Baymard, even if they told him their names..... Landon was somewhat sure that it would only be their first names.

From his observations so far, that was how they typically introduced themselves during this trip of theirs.

Because without the surname ... no one would really think anything of it.

If someone’s first name was John for example.... without the surname, how would one know who they were looking for?

There were just too many people without a name.

So even if they told him their first names, it would still be suspicious if Landon somehow knew their identities.

Hence he had to come up with a strategic way to bring up the matter ..... and more still he had to come up with a coincidental way for both sides to meet.

It was best for everyone to think that it was ’fate’ that brought them together again.


’Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!’

The loud ringing sound of Landon’s office telephone quickly snapped him back to reality.

"Your majesty..... there’s a call for you from the lower region.

It’s from the hospital."

"Thank you, Brian.

You can connect the call through."

"Yes, your majesty!"

After talking for a brief minute on the phone, Landon quickly made his way to the hospital.

It seems that they were finally ready for his final class on medical eyeglass prescriptions.

The earlier he got this done, the closer he will be in completing all of the system’s missions.

Anyway, medical eyewear had already been in production way back when he left for the Shinjep issue.

But it was only when he fit back, that he had to personally teach several workers how to test them... making sure that they were all medically graded and ready to go.

And of course while he was doing that, he also taught some of the doctors and nurses how to properly prescribe medical eyewear for the patients.

Today was his last day teaching them.

Because come next week Monday, all glasses.... be it medical graded or even casual wear, will all be available for the public to use.

Landon knew that several people from all over the Pyno continent might end up wanting these medical graded glasses.

So it was best for these doctors to know how to cater to everyone as quickly as they can.


Landon parked his car at the employee section and came out wearing his badge, as well his white coat.

He quickly made his way towards one of the many buildings within the hospital premises, got on the elevator, and finally arrived at one of the largest auditorium rooms within the building.


He pushed open the door, and everyone quickly rose up to their feet.

"Welcome your majesty!"

"Welcome your majesty!"

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