
Chapter 797 - Theyre Here!

Chapter 797 - They\'re Here!

Today was another perfect summer day.

The bees buzzed, the flowers bloomed and the clear blue sky seemed to have the ability to mesmerize all that glanced upon it.

The birdsongs drifted away beautifully, making many appreciate nature even more.

The newly radiant sun stepped forth and wrapped a blanket of warmth on the land below.

Its warmth was like that from a love letter from a beloved that promised warmth to its reader.

The air was stagnant and hot, yet it made the people glow.

This weather made many turn on their air conditioner and fans a day long.

It was indeed a perfect summer day.

Its splendour added to the already joyful day.

But why was it a joyful day?

Well, that was because everyone else was both curious and excited about the news.

2 days back, an explosive piece of news was publicized all through the Capital city.

The news stations and newspapers were all over the news like crazy.

Everyone wanted to know more about the incoming visitors.

Of course, they had heard of the continent of Romain before... Since they learnt Roma.

One could say that they only knew that the continent existed.

But, no one had ever visited the continent before so they didn’t know a lot about the place.

Even the foreign merchants within the other Pyno continent had never visited or seen the continent before.

So this in itself was a learning opportunity for them to see how the people of that continent faired.


Ever since the news broke out, many foreigners were a little bit sad at the fact that they didn’t have that many chances to study Roma as the Baymardians did.

Who knew that it would come in handy so fast?

Roma was easily accessible to foreigners within the academies and learning institutions that allow foreigners to study.

Academics like Law, Theatre, Culinary, Beauty and whatnot allowed these foreigners to take these courses.

Funny enough, even though it wasn’t mandatory to them, just because his royal majesty made it mandatory to all Baymardians, they too decided to take Roma seriously.

But even though there were many foreigners in these institutes, the number of foreigners outside these institutes was vastly great.

So when it came down to numbers, one could say that only a small group of foreigners knew how to speak and communicate in Roma.

Many didn’t know it and frankly didn’t have the time to learn it since they came to Baymard as tourists, unlike those in the academies and schools that came to learn for several months and years.

Today, everyone was more than excited to learn more about these Roma-speaking people.

A little part of them hoped that they could speak to them and test out their skills too.

And so just like that, many had turned on their T.Vs and radios gleefully, while preparing their popcorn to watch the event.



Finally, we’ll be able to meet the Romainian princess.

They said that she comes from an empire called Zalipnia, and her people are also called Zalipnians too.

I can’t wait to see what she looks like!"

"Me too!

I heard that they are very close friends with his majesty Landon."


No wonder his majesty had us learn Roma.

This way, if we ever find ourselves in the continent of Romain, we wouldn’t be lost at all.

As expected, his majesty liked to plan for the future."

"Oh my God!

Why is time going so slow?

They said that they would arrive between 1~3 P.M.

It’s now 1:05 P.M so why aren’t they here yet?

Did someone disturb their travels?

Have they been captured or disturbed?


No one better disrupt my plan to see them or else I will personally take revenge!"


I feel the same way too.

Do you know how anxious and excited I’ve felt as the days went by?

Now, I’m so jealous of those volunteers who were chosen to welcome them to Baymard.


Why am I so unlucky?

Why was the volunteer list filled up before I got there?

It’s not fair!"



All around Baymard, several people waited for the Zalipnians to arrive eagerly.

But the most anxious of them all were those in the Coastal port.

On the massive dock which has several columns of parking spaces that extend into the sea, there was an entire column that was always reserved for foreign royals.

Each side of the column had ample space that could fit 12 massive royal-sized sh.i.p.s that were built slightly bigger and taller the regular sh.i.p.s in this era.

So the column had a total of 24 parking spaces on it.

And standing on the column were a large number of soldiers, police officers and guards who were neatly lined up patiently while waiting for the visitor to arrive.

They all dressed up in uniform and gave off a majestic vibe.

Again, the column had been lined with a gorgeous red carpet and the number of security around the entire port had tripled.

But, they had organized everything in such a way that it didn’t disturb the regular tourists who were coming in or leaving Baymard.

Just because they had special visitors coming by, didn’t mean that they would neglect those who regularly came here.

Doing so might only bring about hate from those who were travelling.

After all, they had their own personal schedules to follow.

So imagine if they couldn’t arrive on time because Baymard had decided to stop or block them due to some unknown visitors.

They might hate the visitors instead, which was something that Landon didn’t want to happen.


Anyway, all preparations were done in such a way that wouldn’t be an issue to these travellers.

And while they were waiting patiently, several Coast Guard sh.i.p.s went ahead to escort and direct these Zalipnians to the royal docking sight.

Of course, amidst everything that was going on, who could forget the news reporters?

"What a spectacular scene this is!

What a day this has been."

"Yes Kendra, just look at how uniform they are.

I tell you, these guards are something else.

Fun facts, did you know that they’re popularly called ’statues’ by the people?

It’s said that when they’re on duty, they never get distracted.

And many even wonder if they can blink.

Some even claim that they have seen some of them do pushups with their eyelids.

Now that’s something!"


Their discipline is otherworldly.

In fact, they... Wait!


Look over there!

If I’m not mistaken, that might be them."


You’re right!

It’s them.

They’re here!

They’re here!

They’re finally here!"


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