
Chapter 819 - Cursed Pirates!

Chapter 819 - Cursed Pirates!

’Shrh! Shrh! Shrh!’

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Mitchen and his team moved stealthily with their heat vision on.

And any beast that they spotted, they tranquillized its ass swiftly.

They couldn’t afford any loud cries or disturbing noises that could affect them.

And very quickly, they found themselves near their targeted pirate base.

It was already past 1 in the morning and the majority of people were sound asleep on the ground.

But of course, some of them startled alert to overlook the scene, lest any beasts happen to venture into their base and attack those sleeping around.

They could go to their rooms and sleep there.

But for many, there was just something about sleeping in the summery out night starry night that made them feel alive and vibrant.


The loud sounds of snoring could be heard all around the camp, as well as the sounds of those on the night shift talking and telling tiles here and there.

Mitchen and the rest who were hiding a little deeper in the forest away from the base, carefully looked around with their heat vision goggles and determined that no beast or animal was around them.

They were now waiting for the scouts to come back.



"Sir on the Northside, the enemy is acting just as we predicted.

And so far, they seem not to have noticed our arrival."

Mitchen contacted each scout team on ground via Walkie Talkie and confirmed the situation’s current situation.


They were all good to go!

"Just as planned, Triggo, Jane, Mace and Cryeo.

Your teams will lay in the shadows and surround the Base in all directions; North, East, South and West.

Leave no spot unturned!"

All 4 leaders nodded and quickly went back towards their teams a little further behind.

"As for the rest of you, you know what to do.

I’ll lead my team of 150 toward the largest building at the center.

And the rest of you will clear the remaining 12 buildings within the camp.

Remember, the moment any of you spot the target, signal for backup immediately.

Now Go!"

"Yes sir!"

With that, all team leaders made their way back towards their teams and quickly scattered themselves around the base at an angle that was close to their targeted building.

’Buboom! Buboom! Buboom!’

Everyone’s heart more or less trembled with all sorts of emotions.

No matter how many times they’ve gone on missions, facing life and death always brought out a wave of emotions hidden within them.

They tightly gripped their silencers and squeezed the levers while secretly counting down in their hearts; ’5, 4, 3,...’



Mitchen silenced several muscular pirates while making his way towards the building at the center.


They dropped like flies, as if they were drunk.


What the hell are you guys doing?

Don’t you know that we’re supposed to stay alert?

If everyone falls asleep then wouldn’t those wild creatures feast on us out here?"

Several pirates further away scrunched their faces up and walked towards the fallen angrily.

What the hell?

Did they think that they too didn’t like sleep?

How could they let these bastards shut their eyes when they were also feeling sleepy after all that heavy drinking earlier on?

No way!

They marched angrily and were about to kick the Sons of a b**chs on the ground.

But before they could do anything, they too found themselves falling in shock.

Hell, what was this situation?

Shock, fear and confusion had already forced their way into their hearts.

And as their eyes slowly closed while dropping mid-air, they seemed to see several shadows passing them by.


Had they been under attack this entire time?


They weren’t reconciled by how they went down.

As pirates, they had pride.

So how could they die like this?

They wanted to curse out loud and vomit all over the enemy for making them so down in this manner

Who was it?

Who was it that attacked their crew?

While mid-air, they struggled to gain control of their bodies and fight these villains angrily.

But unfortunately for them, they could only swallow their rage while closing their now heavy eyes.


Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Mitchen and his team stealthily shot their way past several buildings.

But when they were just 2 buildings away, one of the nearby teams was discovered by some of the pirates.

"We’re under attack!"


Who would dare?"

"Show yourselves you Scallywags!"

The pirates who seemed to be asleep, quickly woke up in a flash, as if they had been up this entire time.


They grabbed their swords while looking left and right continuously.

Very soon, one of the largest and mightiest pirates stepped out fearlessly with a ridiculously large sword over his shoulder.

Even though his belly and waist were well-rounded and huge, he was still a tough nut to crack and a force to be reckoned with.

The other pirates saw him and felt their fear slowly dissipate.

"Show yourselves now!

How dare you attack the Stone-Chest Pirates?

Stand out now you cowards!"

"You tell them Big Man Binnie.

If they’re so tough, then they should show themselves."

"That’s right.

Why are they hiding if they are that tough?

Do you think that we will be scared of you?

With Big Man Binnie here, we have nothing to worry a...."

Bang Bang!




Everyone’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets from the scene before them.

What just happened?

Everyone looked at the massive man who slipped to the floor in confusion and horror.

There were no arrows or anything on the big man.

So what made him fall?

Was the enemy even normal?

Were they the ghosts of all those that they had killed?

Or were they ghosts that were after them because of the treasure chest that they had retrieved from Statum island?.

Was the treasure really cursed?


The legends were true!


Everyone held their swords anxiously while taking several steps back in dismay.

They took a big gulp of saliva and kept questioning themselves inwardly if they should run or stay.

But the answer to their question came and real soon when several others fell mysteriously.

Forget it, they were off!


Captain Gobona!

It’s after his treasure!


Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Everyone scattered around in all directions making their way towards the surrounding forest.

The noise had undoubtedly caught the attention of Marlo and his men.

"My lord!

Bad news!

The Rock-Head pirates are under attack."

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