
Chapter 953 - The Great King

Chapter 953 - The Great King

On the basketball court, one of the players caught the ball, he dribbled and advanced as if he were an assassin, protecting the ball at all times.

Then suddenly, he stopped, and his shot.


The ball went in.

~Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap~~

Everyone clapped loudly.

But amongst the crowd, a distinct group sat on some of the benches attached to the ground.

This group of people were surrounded by a few others that held several clothes over them to create shade.

"Gentlemen, I believe you know why I called you over," Eli said coldly.

Even though the others kelt their eyes on the game, their ears were all perked up, listening to Eli’s every word.

As for what this was all about, how could they not know?

Their sources and spies had told them all about it.

Instantly, the air grew tense as everyone couldn’t help but swallow hard a bit.

For such a youngster, even the older games leaders had to admit that he was terrifying.

Some opened their mouths and closed it back without making a sound, while others tried nervously moist their dry lips while following the ball on the court.

Those who had a hand in the incident dared not act rash, as they tried to make themselves blend and even disappear if possible.

The prison had over 25 gangs.

Some gangs were large, while others consisted of just 10 members.

Nonetheless, no matter how small or big their sizes were, they were all here.

Of course, the mighty ones sat closest to Eli, while others sat further away from Eli.


Connor looked at Eli thoughtfully: "Brother, if you have something to say, then just say it. But I personally think that the incident might’ve been an accident that doesn’t involve anyone."

"Oh? How so?"

Seeing Eli’s piercing gaze, Connor’s heart speeded up as he coughed to disguise his mood.

"Well, that’s just my observation. it’s up to you to listen or not."

Connor was still somewhat afraid of Eli’s influence here.

At first, his gang used to be 2nd to Eli.

But after some Pirate guy named Quick Eyes came over, his position had changed, and now his gang had been pushed to the 3rd position within the prison.

Connor knew that if he didnt work hard enough, the more people came in, the more his position would get threatened.

His gang was the 3rd largest and powerful one within the sector, but all that could change in a heartbeat.

But what made him depressed was that no matter who came in, Eli’s position never changed.

Connor just felt that his entire existence was just on this world to make Eli shine more.

When they were Princes, Eli was the crown prince, while no was just a regular prince.

Now, even in such a dire situation like this one, Eli was still the big Boss here.

What sort of joke was this?

Why was life so unfair?


Connor was very unwilling to accept such a fate.

Eli was his nemesis in this life.

In truth, because Connor was too focused on Eli, he didn’t realize Ulrich’s similarity to Eli.

Ulrich was too good at hiding his cards.

In truth, the same could be said about Eli.

So just like Ulrich, apart from Connor who knew him well, many hadn’t figured Eli out yet.

Likewise, it was hard for them to figure Ulrich out too, unless they were Winston Tudor.

However, both Ulich and Eli recognized each other the moment they saw themselves.

Ulrich was first taken aback before feeling a heavy sense of crisis.

Ulrich knew that in this prison, the person who could actually succeed in pulling him down was Eli.

And Eli thought the same too.

Even though Eli suppressed Ulrich, deep down, he knew that no matter what he did, Ulrich would still climb up to some extent.

So in future, there would undoubtedly be a showdown between them... That is, if no one else like them came along.

Eli looked at the gang leaders and smiled coldly: "Why is everyone so tense? I only called you all for a little chat. So why the serious faces? Look. I even prepared entertainment for you as guests."



Everyone’s eyes were transfixed with curiosity and wariness as they kept their gaze on the basketball court, unable to look away no matter how much they wished.

Some of the newly established gang leaders started fidgeting on their seats, while others just acted as if they weren’t bothered at all.

But that was a lie.

So many questions popped into their heads as they tried to wrap their brains around what sort of entertainment this Great king had planned for them.

Just what was he up to?


Eli snapped his fingers, and a few of his men went away for a bit.

And a bit, the men came back holding someone playfully, as if they were close friends with that person.

The men smiled at the guards and stepped back into the outdoor courtyard.


The man was fiercely thrown to the ground right before Eli and the rest.

And in a blink of an eye, several men circled the leaders.

Their move indeed made it hard for anyone to see what was going on there.

It was like trying to find a child In a concert amongst the many tall people.

With Eli and the rest seated, those surrounding them from all angles.


The man was forced to kiss the ground as he fell and trembled pitifully.

He had no visible bruises or marks on his face, but the rest of his body was an entirely different matter.

The moment he dropped, everyone got a glimpse of several purplish bruises on his hands that looked like he had hit something hard.

A few of his front teeth were missing, and the way he limped walked indicated that he also injured his legs as well.

Make no mistake.

Even though they hadn’t even seen the bruises over his body, they were very sure that this guy’s body was riddled with gruesome marks.

For Eli to pay attention to him meant that the pain he received wasn’t a small thing.

Everyone scrutinized the man silently.

Who was this guy?

And what did this guy do to poss off the Great king?

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