
Chapter 1243 - Jonah, The Archangel

Chapter 1243 - Jonah, The Archangel

The man listened to his Captain and nodded subconsciously as if his Captain was right before him.

The Hunt?

Heh... Interesting!

"Roger that, Captain. I\'ll get on it now!"

With that, the man pressed another button on his Walkie Talkie and changed the frequency yet again.

Now, he was directly connected to all guards on all various Towering posts.

Yes! Whether they were other superiors or regular Post guards, they would get his message.

"Code Silver! Code Silver! All posts stay sharp!

I repeat. Code Silver! Code silver! All posts stay sharp!"


Code Silver on a festive night such as this?

Not Good!... Definitely not good!

Instantly, several Post guards stationed all across District B\'s perimeters, all prepared to injure any intruders that tried sneaking in or leaving the District!

Hmhm. They were now supposed to act as a true Wall, blocking unwanted guests from moving to or fro the District.

And like them, word had also gotten out along the main roads and around the branch roads stretching towards the prisons, barracks and other regions in the district!


One shouldn\'t forget that the 6-land highway road main road divided the entire district into 2 parts.

One part had the prisons and Security Guard & Police training Academy In it... While the other side had the barracks, Navy, Coastguard & Marine Training Academies and other training regions, etc.

So in a flash, word had gotten out, and the entire District became bubbling with activity!

Those guarding the main roads and branch roads leading into the various academies, barracks and prisons, all became extraordinarily attentive, watching for any suspicious activity nearby.

Granted, everyone had already been given a hunch that these people might be headed for the Prison instead.

But even at that, those in the other regions dared not slack off just in case their hunch was wrong.

At the same time, those along the main roads formed a tight blockade, with some jumping onto the trees and waiting to shoot anyone who tried to flee the District and mingle with the others on the roads.

Yes! On the trees were rows and rows and hidden men who were ready for action.

But just as the orders had given them, they weren\'t to make any move at all, and only block any intruders from stepping in or out the roads.

As for who will catch these bad guys, well, that was left to their superior to decide.

So no one was allowed to hope into this matter.

And right on cue, deep in the massive Jungle Zone on the Prison side of the District, a group of 30 soldiers were out, jogging around in training, when they suddenly got an urgent message from their Walkie Talkies!

The well-bodied men and women all stood calmly while listening to the message.

In particular, the message was directed to their squad leader Jonah... A.K.A... Jonah the Archangel.

Yes. He was called an archangel because Jonah was a priestly sort of man. Even when taking out an enemy, he would quote the Baymardian Bible and also pray for the enemy as well.

He was a man of great faith who believed wholeheartedly in the heavens!

He was Jonah... Jonah the Archangel.


["Archangel! You\'re still within Area B1-6, yes?"]

"Affirmative Brigade Commander. Because of how a few of our brigade soldiers performed in the last battle, I\'ve taken a selected few out to train on this side of the District, just as planned."

[Yes, Archangel. I know that. I was the one who approved your move. But that\'s not what I called you for... Listen up. You and the team will begin a HUNT."]

A Hunt?

Jonah licked his dry lips in surprise.

They hadn\'t had one of those for more than 2 years now.

And by that, he meant they hadn\'t tried it out on enemies ever since the last time years ago.

Jonah cupped his hands and looked heavenwards as if praying for the souls of any that might die in his hands.

It\'s not his intention. But if it got real bad and he had to kill, then he might as well pray for the souls of these poor unfortunate people.

The others looked at their leader and stood as still as a rock as if all this was a normal sight to behold.

Area B1-6.

That was the area they were currently in. The letter B in it, represents District B in general.

And, the number 1 in it stands for the first area of the District.


As stated, the main highway road running through the District, divided it into 2 main parts... B1 and B2.

And again, each part had different individual comes or sectors in them.

So at present, they were training in Zone 6, which was still far away from the Prison in Zone 4.

Here\'s how the Zones worked here.

One can think of each Zone as a circular ring.

The first ring was Zone 7. And following that would be another smaller ring, Zone 6.

Like so, the Zones were marked and had been used in that way ever since.

Of course, another thing to note was that since the Zones were so big... They would at times, use directions like North, North-West and whatnot when telling their positions.

So in this case, these men were in Area B1-6SW.


Jonah prayed while listening to the Brigade leader on the other side of the phone.

His prayers weren\'t long, but we\'re just one-liners or so in his heart.

So it didn\'t disrupt their conversation at all.

["Archangel! We\'ve already gotten air force on it. So keep in touch with them, and take down the enemy!"]

"Roger that, Over!" Jonah said before looking upwards again as if glancing at the airforce units hovering above.

What a joke!

On such a day, how could the airforce not be already flying over?

Many might not know, but because of statistics, they found that whenever any celebration or holiday commenced, they always had to deal with intruders trying to do something here or there.

Look at the history! It\'s been like that for years now. Whether during Christmas, weddings, or just simple holidays, some people always feel itchy to pull crazy stunts.

It was also because of all this, that Baymard had taken 2 and a half years to put up several towering posts along the perimeters of Districts A and B... As well as that of the Lower region and the Coastal regions.

Okay. So with the sort of history they had, how could they not make extra precautions on nights such as these?

Last time, some people tried to sneak into the Lower Region, and another time, they wanted to sneak into the barracks instead.

There was also another time that the Ports, as well as the Navy headquarters within the Coastal regions, had captured intruders trying to break in.

These regions were all precious to the empire.

And that\'s why on days such as these, there would always be airforce team\'s around.

Heh. Even above Lucy\'s entourage, there were still airforce teams up in the sky personally watching over her too.

Any disturbances, and they would take the shot!



Jonah and his team quickly dashed through the jungle-like terrain, jumping over shrubs, logs and other hurdles in their way.

Their muscles clenched as all the veins on their bodies popped out with an explosive force that compelled them forward.

Like a cheetah, they sprung into action without wasting any time, all the while communicating with the air force teams above.

[A.F-023 calling in! I have eyes on the target! The intruders are heading towards Bushy Valley! I repeat! the Targets are heading towards Bushy Valley!"]

"A.F.-023... How many?"

["About 28~35 maximum!"]

28 to 35?

Jonah\'s brain quickly went to work.

With him included, they were 30 soldiers in number.

At ordinary times, maybe this would be a disadvantage.

But here\'s the thing.

District B, irrespective of how large it was, was just like walking through his home to him and the others.

They were too familiar with almost every part of the District. And yes. It was as large as a massive town, with various regions in it.

But once one has lived and walked around a place so much, maneuvering around it was truly a breeze.

And as military personnel, they spent more time in the District than any other place in Baymard.

So even though they might be outnumbered, they had the advantage of knowing their terrain so well.

And this alone was what would guarantee their victory!

Moreover, the enemy was headed towards Bushy Valley!

Of all the places to pass by, the enemy had chosen to head towards that place of all?

Heh... There was a reason why it was named that way.

But then again, the enemy\'s choice was only so because the enemy probably didn\'t know much about the inner workings of District B.

If Jonah guessed right, the enemy should be trying to look for the nearest roads. And once a route was found, they would probably trail the road and make calculating guests as to where to go.

If these people were heading towards the prisons, then during the day, they might have already visited the prisons to see the way.

So their only option now is to find the Roads within District B1.

But it was just that the path they chose to hurdle over wasn\'t exactly an easy one, to begin with.

Nonetheless, it would make the Hunt even more interesting, no?

Jonah placed his Walkie-Talkie back in its holder and chuckled: "Soldiers, it\'s time to enhance your training."

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