
Chapter 1440 A Smiling Ball Of Santa -Carona’s Star

Chapter 1440 A Smiling Ball Of Santa -Carona\'s Star

Santa felt that his guards were blind.

What was the nickname that his little bro gave him?


The name alone speaks for itself.

Do you know how loved one must be to get an entire holiday character made after them?


Christmas was when Santa gave gifts.

And his bro had made Christmas after calling him Santa!

It\'s clear that his bro felt inspired by his kindness and loving nature, creating the jolly Santa.

Whether it was the ministers, cooks, gardeners, or anyone else, they appreciated all his help.

So what were his ignorant guards saying?


"Don\'t talk nonsense! Everyone loves me!... Ah~... So delicious!"


The men around Santa almost raised their hands in defeat.

Forget it.

They would just let his highness continue living in his make-believe bubble world.

Sometimes talking to him was like talking to a stone wall.

Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock.

Looking at his watch, the guard leader felt more and more desperate.

"Your highness, can you eat and walk at the same time? We not only have to beat the traffic, but also move a far distance too!"

At this rate, won\'t they be late?


Everyone felt like pulling their hair out one by one when recalling their sworn promise to Her Majesty Penelope this morning.

It was in her palace office. And their conversation went like so;

[Penelope]: I\'m heading out to handle another project. So the reason I called you all is to remind you of the urgency of Project Airport. I\'m sure you\'re all aware that the Delegates, representatives, and chief Road Builders from Baymard arrived 2 days ago. And today, we begin Operation Airport at 11 A.M. So... I expect you all to ensure that your master gets we\'re in time! And if he\'s being stubborn, you have my permission to bundle him up. He must not be late! The other Caronian ministers and representatives will be there too... Is that understood?

[Them]: Yes, your majesty. Leave it to us. We will guarantee his early arrival!

The image of their bold and determined faces when promising to complete this mission successfully now flashed in their heads once again.

If they said they wanted to cry, would they be laughed at?


Well, a guard has to go what a guard has to do

Many had already begun rolling up their sleeves, ready to bundle him up.

"Your highness, if you don\'t move, don\'t blame us for what we are about to do."

1, 2, 3...

"Take him away!"

Santa hadn\'t reacted yet. And the next thing he knew, he was already in the carriage.

"Eh? Is that a kidnapping? Did I just see that man get kidnapped?"

"Holy cow! Where are the patrolling police when you need them?"

A few people who have been used to having controlling police safeguard the streets were already about to call and alert one.

But after seeing Santa unmasked, as well as the now visible credits on the guards, they no longer bothered.

"Never mind, it\'s just his highness."

Santa was a legend in Carona.

Who didn\'t know that he was always buried around like this?

His endless tales could be put in books and read for comedy.

For sure, he was driving his guards again.

Many shrugged.

"I want extra tomatoes on the sandwich, please!"

"Can I have a small pack of ketchup?"


The people who noticed and realized the truth chuckled and went about their day as though blind.

Meanwhile, the guards who shoved Santa in gritted their teeth and sent the horses moving.

If it were in the past, they would\'ve been allowed to rush like mad people on the streets.

But now, there are traffic and road laws.

Horses pulling carriages, wagons, and carts could either wall or gallop at an average pace.

No high-speed flying.

For medieval people, they have known and lived with horses all their lives.

Their horses were their locomotives. So how could they not know which level of speed they were going?

Their idea of speed might be termed differently from what modern people know. But it was speed all the same.

Back on earth, anyone who has driven a vehicle for long can know and roughly estimate what speed it\'s going without even looking at its speed meter.

You just feel it, understand the pressure pushing you back onto your seat, understand the fastness of your surroundings, understand your vehicle itself, and you\'ll know.

Some can even guess how fast other vehicles went just from looking.

Likewise, these people knew horses like the back of their hands.

How far a horse can leap while running, how wavy its mane is while on the move in the wind, how its body reacted, the surroundings, and many other factors told them all they needed to know.

That said, there were lanes where horse working and those for horse galloping with a certain maximum galloping speed in mind.

And once several feet away from a Stop post or bend, they must all walk.

This way, people could switch lanes.


The stop post was where the traffic police always stood. And in Baymard, this stop post was where the stoplights typically were.

In short, every bend or turn had stop posts and Caronian traffic control officers.

Of course, in some smaller streets, both walking and allowing horses would merge together in the lanes.

But everyone was more or less kept everyone at the same speed.

Things have changed, and the accident rate, as well as death rate, has vastly decreased.

Before, horses would run wildly, knocking into each other at many turns.

Sometimes children or those on the sideways could get stumped by these horses. Some have been crippled with broken spines.

Others smashed to death. Their weak bodies couldn\'t withstand such a disaster.

Wagons and carriages smashing each other, wood getting broken and stopping people... Those inside having heavy injuries, loss of goods, and so many other common occurrences greatly reduced.

Again, there were laws that even if one was a noble, they had to abide by the laws.

Before, all peasants would move aside every time a nobleman\'s carriage passed.

From Baron to all the rest... Every time they moved, the world was forced to give them way.

But now everyone has to follow the rules.

The lead guard\'s gaze moved from his watch to their surroundings back and forth.

If they take the less congested roads and lanes, they should be able to avoid the traffic and get their master there 10 minutes before it all begins!

"Quickly! Head to Apple street and follow a long Scribe Street! We can make it!"


Gallop. Gallop. Gallop.~

The horses moved at the maximum galloping speed allowed.

And as they traversed, the men all felt as though the fate of the entire world rested on their shoulders.

Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock.

The hands of their watches never stopped.

And after what felt like an eternity, they finally made it to the site.

But how could they relax?

9 minutes more!

In a blink of an eye, Santa was forced out.

And at this moment, a few surrounded him, creating a privacy curtain while others quickly checked his appearance.

Straighten his attire, remove the meaty food stains from his mouth cheeks, force a Baymardian mint snack in his mouth, place his weapon on his waist, adjust his hair... And they were good to go.


The men felt like collapsing.

They were currently within a very grand estate and property.

And in a far corner, they could see the many silhouettes of people already gathered.

From here, everyone looked as tiny as their pinkies.

They were currently standing beside their vehicle at a grand circular roundabout.

From here on out, they would have to walk.

Though carriages could indeed go above this point, all vehicles were parked behind this spot. So wouldn\'t it be awkward if they alone drove in?

It seems. Like everyone walked to the point they were at.

Then it\'s settled. His highness must also walk as well.

Even the Baymard vehicles didn\'t go above this point.

Escorting Santa forward, they only prayed that the coming prince or princess would be different from his father.

That\'s right.

3 days ago, a wet nurse confirmed Queen Penelope to be pregnant.

The news wasn\'t made to the public, with only a few of them directly working for the royals knowing.

The Queen planned to announce the news later on.

And a few months before delivery, she planned to head to Baymard.

Such joyous news was a blessing for Carona!... Only many prayed that the child would inherit all of its mother\'s qualities and none from its father!

Step by step, the men brought Santa along.


Penelope lightly nodded at them once they arrived.

Mission Accomplished!


It was quite a tough mission.

They deserved some accolades.

"See, I made it on time, didn\'t I?" Santa commented, revealing a radiating smile while taking his place beside Penelope.

And as he walked, he greeted everyone excitedly.

But the Caronian Ministers all had cold sweats.

\'With our Baymardian guests around, this bastard won\'t try anything funny here, right?\'

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