
Chapter 1512: Iron Monsters On The Move!

Chapter 1512: Iron Monsters On The Move!

\'Must report... Must report...\'

The one T.O.E.P member dragged his body, trying to find a way out of his current predicament.

But as for those in the Hall far above, they finally woke up from their calamity, only to see chaos all around them.

Cletus\'s blood ran dry.

This... This... Was this the end of the world?

He raised his feet and moved past the many injured and dead knights around the scene.

He and the only surviving T.O.E.P member within the space carried their heavy feet towards the balcony in a dazed-like state.

They didn\'t even need to go outside because from the massive balcony ironing, they could see giant mushrooms of fire and smoke explode into the air.

Before, if Cletus wasn\'t entirely sure if the Goddess\' powers were real, today, he fully understood just how puny they, as mortals, were.

Good Heavens... This was a sign that the end was near, wasn\'t it?

On the balconies, many nobles remained on their knees, daring not to move an inch, best they call the attention of the heavens.

It was clear that after today, the Goddess\' Synagogue will undoubtedly be filled with believers who would read her words of protecting the sacred Titarian land.

Protecting the land...

Again, many thought this was a warning to those with bad intentions who dared to disturb Gregory\'s coronation event.

Cletus\' body quivered.

\'I thought attacking before the oath ceremony would keep the heavens calm... But could it be that we were wrong? We\'re the heavens saying that once the overall Coronation began, no one was to stop it?\'



An explosion occurred at a near-watchful distance, followed by the gruesome wails of many.

And soon, Cletus began imagining himself lying in the smile, being killed by whatever creature lurked within it.

The ways of man were not the ways of the heavens.

Then... Then... Knowing he had offended them, wouldn\'t it be right for him to flee?

The one he wanted to kill was nowhere in sight now. So it was best he saved his behind first!!!

He was just about to make a run for it when he suddenly heard the T.O.E.P member beside him murmuring in disbelief.

"No. No. No... This can\'t be happening. We have been planning this for a long time now. So how can it end in failure? More than our ally forces are invited or dead. But how can Morgany lose? We have never lost to anyone or anything before!... No. No. It\'s all fake... It\'s all a lie... We still have a chance."

A chance?

Cletus sneered, listening to the rankings of this dazed masked man.

Before today, he was even willing to lick these people\'s feet, thinking them so skilled and superior, almost above human level.

But after seeing the heavens in action, he realized they too were mortal. Look! In the hall, aren\'t the other 2 T.O.E.P men dead?

They probably died without knowing how it all happened.

For him, all he could say was that he was constantly blinded and made deaf by the strange light that exploded out.

At that point, it was too late for him to react.

Every time his sight would recover even a little bit, more flashy lights and explosive sounds would burst into his ears again.

One couldn\'t even place their hands on their ears for fear someone around them would accidentally stab them.


Even in his deaf and blind state, he had been battling with those around him, trying to stay alive.


In the end, it can be seen that they massacred themselves while allowing their targets to flee.

And in the room, at least 7/10th of them were dead, with the other fraction either injured or miraculously alive without a scratch.

The hall reeked of foul blood, with a nauseating stench mixed in with musty sweat.

Blood. Blood... Blood everywhere!

The hall that was once golden and majestic now had splatters and spillings of blood everywhere.

\'I\'m afraid even in narrative, no one would ever believe we could massacre ourselves so blindly!\'

Cletus\'s confidence was shattered.

This was not how he wanted his name to go down in history.

A person the Goddess disfavored would be undoubtedly hated and cursed at wherever he went.

But why? Why couldn\'t he be monarch?

Back then, the throne was passed to his brother when it should\'ve gone to him!

He had always been more talented than his brother in everything. So why would his father be so adamant about making his brother monarch?

Flash forward many years later, he successfully killed that bastard brother of his.

Yet, he was once again defeated by his son instead?

It\'s just not fair!!!

Cletus truly felt the urge to cry.


\'No! This isn\'t the time to wallow in sorrow. If fate doesn\'t want to give me an opening, I will just have to go against the heavens!\'

In no time, Cletus regained his child exterior.

\'What\'s important now is to flee.\'

With that, he rushed back into the hall and decided to find a way out of this mess!

\'I\'m already part of the T.O.E.P... Though they ended up being useless today, being with them is still my best bet... It\'s never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.\'

Like so, Cletus and the only surviving T.O E.P member around him fled the scene together.

Yes. The T.O.E.P man had also regained his former self, knowing that today, they won\'t be able to make any more progress.

\'Abort Mission! Abort Mission!\'

The alarm bells rang out in their hearts.

And like so, the duo fled the scene jointly, knowing they were now wearing the same pair of pants together.


Though one of them liked to hold himself in high esteem, in the moment of truth, their thoughts were all connected as one right now.

"We must leave the Capital city fast!"


Cletus agreed. And in no time, the duo vanished from the scene, feeling things should be easy for them who had mastered the way and had allies by the city walls.

Too bad they had underestimated the \'wrath of the heavens.\'



Around the gates, the many Baymardian vehicles had long stormed into the scene, causing havoc.

"Run! Run! Strange metal monsters have infiltrated the city!"

"Archers go! Shoot! Shoot with everything you\'ve got!!"

~Thup! Thup! Thup! Thup!

For a moment, a dangerous blanket of arrows flew into the air, trying to hit these dancing iron creatures moving about maniacally.

What great speed!

They thought all these iron monsters could do was dodge. But before they could react, a long tube emerged from the corners of the creatures.

And in no time, small balls fell into the window openings along the city walls.

In a particular section of the stone wall, the strange ball fell through the opening.


A strange poisonous eye-tearing smoke abruptly sprayed out.

"Ahhh~... There\'s fire inside the ball!"

"So painful! So painful!... My eyes... My eyes!"

Many felt a swinging pain erode their eyes, as though one had rubbed all the spices (pepper) in the world into them.

Tears trickled down their faces uncontrollably

Please make it stop…

Their eyes were already swollen red and very itchy, so much so that they couldn\'t think of anything else than calming their eyes.



Many fell to the ground, dripping their weapons and running their eyes for some relief.

The smoke went straight through their throats, making them cough out their \'Intestines.\'

Well, it felt like that because they coughed so hard that their insides began hurting.

"So chiming... I can\'t breathe... I can\'t breathe..."

In no time, many chose to run out of the walls, forgetting that there were iron monsters outside.

Too late!

Fhup. Fhup!

A set of tranquilizers were shot in their bodies.

And in no time, they dropped like flies.


Men down!!

"Everyone, move in!"

"Yes, or!"

The Baymardians who got off the vehicles tactfully nodded before making their way into the city walls.

For now, they didn\'t know who was foe or supporter of Gregory.

But they knew before today\'s charade was over, the traitors would\'ve been singled out from the good bunch.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The vehicles continuously launched grenades into the walls while the gas-masked Baymardians made their move.

Of course, some vehicles headed further into the city, scattering about in various directions while following the instructions from the Air Force units.

[This is Airforce East-18 to Team Bravo... Supporters surrounded and in need of assistance. Battlefield ready commenced at the city\'s Eastern Zones.]

"Roger that, on our now. Over."


The vehicles moved along the busy hilly roads with a fierce light.

F***! F***! F***!


Several people placed their hands on their heads in shock.

"Did you see that?"

"I seemed to have an epiphany, see8ng myself owning and riding such iron beasts someday."

"F*** you! If anyone is to ride on such a monster, it will be me!"

"Who am I? Where am I?... Is this still the Capital City?"



The whole place was chaotic!

As for the protagonist son of Luck, he was just about waking up now.

[Gregory]: (!..!)

Can anyone tell him why the world has changed so much?

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