
Chapter 1609 Lucius' Time To Shine!

3:15 A.M.

The night was still dark, but the wind stagnant.

Not even the sea breeze could blow the scorching heat away. But luckily, they were prepared.

They had military attires used best during hot climates like summer.

In 10 more minutes, they should arrive at a reasonable distance between the Riverre Docks and themselves.

They dared not move so close just yet, as many watering ships and scouts along the coastlines might spot them.

The coastal territory was full of life, with an uncountable number of buildings close by, many made of stone.

And at the outskirts of this prosperous sight were several stretches of greenery. Payne had already informed them of this, thanks to his sketch of the territory.

There should be scouts all around on the high trees.

One shouldn\'t forget that even now, many ships still sail toward the docks.

The only thing was that just like many docks scattered around the world, the docks also had dock masters and official times they opened.

The docks close and open when the city gates do the same. And people who arrive per se around 4 A.M will have to dock in the harbor, which has vast open waters around the dock.

There, one can anchor their ships or toe their canoes or ships to the few wooden logs protruding from the waters.

Docks were always busy, even during closing hours. So to see the harbor space and open waters being so desolate, it can only mean that word was traveling fast. And many people who initially wanted to visit or enter the S ok ma empire through the route were quick to make a U-turn.



There was a saying that news passed on quicker via sea than road. And this indeed held true.

Picture a scene when a few people arrive the Riverre shores, just about to dock. But suddenly, they sense something isn\'t right and see strangers guarding the territory, whereas the giants were nowhere to be found.

Many conclusions could be drawn, making them set out into the open seas once more, fleeing from whatever fears they had.

Like so, they pass on the word to traveling ships they see heading the same way.

Those ships in turn make for the hills and do the same until almost everyone around these parts, including other traveling giants from other Omanian empires, getting wind of the news.

Meanwhile, those within the Soma empire would still remain far clueless for the most part.

And now, there were too few ships moving around, not wanting to get caught up in the action.

But to Landon, this was good.

They sailed with ease, only avoiding fewer ships than planned.

The radar picked less and less ships the further they advanced until they found no vessels at all!

The only ships spotted could arguably be enemy patrol ships scouting their newly claimed territory.

Engines vs. human paddlers... Which ones would move faster?

Before the ladders made several strokes, they had already taken off, digging and evading these patrol ships.


The time was 3:22 A.M.

They had arrived at the appointed place 1 hour and 8 minutes earlier. Of course, before any plan is made, Landon typically added 1.5~ 2 extra hours, taking into account any emergency situations.

So in fact, they should\'ve arrived 30 minutes earlier but had a slight delay thanks to fighting off some sea opponents.

All in all, they were considered to have arrived early since the maximum arrival time was 4:30 A.M.

But now, it was 3:22 AM.

It\'s good.

[All Blinders head for the submarines!... I repeat! All Blinders head for the submarines!"]

Within all 15 ships under his command, those labeled as Blinders rushed down the decks below, entering the many small submarine ships.

Their overall codename was \'Blinder\' because their task was to blind/take out all scouts that could pose a threat to their mission.

They will also be attacking the patrol ships. But no blinding gasses that raise suspicion should be released.

Their tasks were to do the job effortlessly, as silent as ninjas.

Aboard these patrol ships, they should have ways of relaying news to their comrades on land.

From his binoculars, he could see these people had a strange torch where a ship\'s wheel should be.

In this era, ship wheels hadn\'t been invented yet, since they hadn\'t mastered the proper pulley mechanism that also attacked it to the paddle force the slave paddlers gave.

There was a whole lot of path that went into this, and the people just haven\'t figured it out yet. What\'s more, they already felt the current designs of this were top itch. So saying there\'s a better way is truly shocking.


The Baymardian ships were also mind-blowing to them.

Some had even visited the Captain\'s main center through private tours while on cruise ships.

They had seen the wheel but thought its notion should be similar to how a car\'s steering wheel operated.

But here\'s the thing. Since cars had engines, they also understood that the ships must have giant engines in them too.

There was a vague model of what an engine looks like in the Science museum.

It was just a metal box. There were no other hints on its specifics.

Everyone felt this metal box was truly heavenly if it could force ships this fast.

They also felt that vehicle, and ship steering wheels should somehow be linked to the engines.

In that case, how can they create their own ship wheels when they don\'t have any engines?

Their thinking had completely skipped the pulley mechanisms systems, thinking of how to create their own ingenious engines... That is... if they knew exactly what it entailed.

They were so focused on the engine that they overlooked turning and mechanizing their entire ships via pulley and lever systems.

Of course it also took time, research calculations, and many knowledgeable aspects to accomplish such a feat. It wasn\'t easy. The ancients back on earth had researched this matter for centuries before the ship wheel mechanisms were successful.

Bottom line, there weren\'t any ship steering wheels invented apart from Baymard\'s.



In the space where the wheel should be, a massive torch stood on what looked like a golden pillar.

The torch was massive and stood on a golden bowl above the pillar.

All they had to do was light the flames, and the scouts would know what it signaled.

There are also 2 identical pillars beside the giant one at the center.

Lightning each individually, or lighting 2 or 3 in various patterns and sequences, might also signify different meanings.

The goal is to silence those aboard the patrol ships before they release the signal.

Additionally, he didn\'t want any noise or wails to carry on.

The open seas carry sound far better. So they had to eliminate the opponent in stealth.

But they had to be far more fearful since these Adonis people were far superior in strength and training, only officially 2nd to Morgany in this world.


Din. Din. Din. Din, Din~

The thumping footsteps of men and women in sturdy boots echoed within the lowers chambers.


The submarine doors opened, and the team dashed in, with some submarines could carry up to 70 people, while others could carry 10, 30, or even 50.

There were submarines of all sizes being controlled by Navy officers. Each sub had at least 3 Navy officers aboard.

The air was tense as the group already had wet suits over their clothes. As for weaponry, it was kept in sizable waterproof bags, black in color, perfect for spies.

After reaching land, they\'\' find a perfect spot to suit up.

Tonight, they all get to be Bond… James Bond.

"Ready to leave, sir!"


Landon had a wallow talkie on his hand, listening to the Navy pilots within the subs.

It appears everyone inside was stripped and ready for departure.

At the end of the floor was what looked like an empty pool twice the size of an Olympic pool.

3, 2, 1...


The walls opened up, and the seawater began filling the pool. But from calculations, the water should never be able to go above 2/3 of the pool\'s depth.

This baseline corresponds to the same sea line outside the ships.

But how do these submarines get to the pool?

If one looked carefully, one would see that all subs had been placed on giant conveyor belts in maze-like order, as though they were Pac-Man.

One by one, the giant floor conveyor moved the subs toward the pool. The pool\'s edge was slanted to assist the subs.

Go! Go! Go!

Each Ship released over 40 subs, some carrying 20 people, others 50 or 70.

Landon traveled with a fleet of 15 ships... One could imagine just how many subs would be swimming tonight. And within one of the subs was King Father Lucius himself.

Lucius took a deep breath, twisting his neck and cracking his bones calmly.


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