
Chapter 1710 Still Alive!


Beri couldn\'t believe it, seeing an older version of Lucy\'s clone in the flesh.

Immediately, he was dying to report the matter! But he knew he had to wait until 3 more weeks before he could pass anything along.

Once a month, a specific team of soldiers visit the town as passing merchants.

That was the only way they could pass any information collected by them back to Baymard.

This was the last week of November, and the next team will only come 2 weeks into December.

Beri had ants in his pants after seeing the woman who fell off the few paintings he had seen of her before.

To commemorate her, Landon had done a lot, like making a famous painting of her, as though it was the Monalisa.

He also made charity foundations in her name, so many had a glimpse of what she looked like.

In particular, Lucy used the portrait paintings of her mother when they were still living in the Gustav Noble residence.

Beri knew he shouldn\'t conclude on the matter since maybe this was a fake person wearing a fleshy mask.

Of course, to get a human fleshy facial replica of her, they would need her alive to skin it off her face.

What the hell is going on here?

Beri squinted his eyes thoughtfully "how are you still alive? Our Queen said she watched you die after you were poisoned."

"Oh, that. Let\'s just say, I made plans ahead of time." The woman chuckled, recalling her cartoons back then.

It wasn\'t easy but she knew to protect Lucy, she had to vanish from her sight. If she had stayed with Lucy all this while, the witches would have found out about Lucy\'s existence sooner than they did now.

She did what any mother would do to keep her daughter safe.

What\'s more, with her officially pronounced dead, the Witches would never see any of her attacks coming.

Who would expect a visit from the dead?

They really thought she was gone and no longer looked for traces of her.

As for how she deceived Lucy and the Gustav family, that was the easy part.

She had a handful of loyal people who worked with her to perform her greatest play of all time.

She already knew of the poison by Gustav\'s second wife sprung up.

It was someone from her side that have the woman the stupid idea. The silly fool ate it all up and even got the Poison from someone on her side.

To test the lethality of it, she had one of the servant girls take it in 5 drops, and sure enough, after 10 minutes, the girl started turning blue, choking hard.

This poison was slow, meaning the girl won\'t die now.

Of course, she will eventually die from the poison later, but if you want it immediately then you have to keep giving the girl heavy doses until she drops dead.

Seeing the effect with her own eyes, the silly woman was already smitten with this mysterious poison... especially when she heard there was no cure for it.

Wasn\'t this a good guarantee that the victims will die?



Not wanting to be connected to her death, the silly woman ordered the slave maid to be killed.

It was one of her people who took the order and gave the girl an antidote before sending her to the far Western parts of the empire.

What? Do you think that fool would still remember what that maid girl looked like after 5 or maybe 10 years?

It\'s not like that maidservant was unique to her for her to recall what she looked like.

In Noble estates, over 7,000 servants, both maids, butlers and stable boys work there, with some noble homes having 20,000 workers.

So was it possible to remember everyone? Why should they?

Unless that maid did something intelligent or outstanding to be remembered, everyone will treat them like dust.

What\'s more, don\'t forget how massive Arcadina\'s landmass and population were.

You have to know that Arcadina has a bigger landmass than many continents.

From the central part of Arcadina to the west, north, east or south parts would take one 4~5 and a half months.

If one wanted to go past the center from one far end to another like from the West to the East, one could take 8 and a half months to a year\'s worth of travel on horseback.

Arcadina was too massive. So they sent the maid and her family to a small fishing village.

Mind you, not many people outside the capital city, and the central zones know what the royals looked like, except those who are knights.

But in a small fishing village, where can you find powerful forces and knights?

Many didn\'t know what the royals looked like, or what many of the nobles far away looked like too.

The only handful of nobles they have heard about are those belonging to the closest towns and cities.

After all, Village heads must answer to either a town lord or a nearby city lord, sending in their taxes and protective fees in the form of grain or crop yields.

struggling to survive.


But who would\'ve known Baymard would spring up years later, helping the newly appointed Pyno People in the village didn\'t know who they were, talk less of who they were running from. Since then that family has continued to live in that small fishing village.

It\'s amazing to say that they, as well as everyone in that village, should\'ve remained as poor people struggling to survive.

But who would\'ve known Baymard would spring up years later, helping the newly appointed Pyno monarchs to bring advancement to the village\'s doorstep?

Things have changed.

Now buses stop at that village to take them to the neighboring towns and villages.

The village made a collective decision to send one representative to Baymard to apply for a merchant position in a merchant guild.

Getting their universally approved UN merchant license, the group focused on fish selling, and learning how to properly fish farm.

Do you know that since then they have built a sizable workshop among themselves, breeding fishes and selling in bulk to their many clients?

It was amazing how this group of people who used to be illiterate, could now read and write, although their handwriting was very crooked.

Nonetheless, they agreed to contribute and buy learning programs from Baymard, including a TV shared by many and kept in their village hall

That TV ran programs teaching them what to do and how to write.

Pens, pencils, sharpeners, erasers and paper were the cheapest things to get, especially when they were always on sale during school periods.

One could get a steal out of those deals.

Every 2 weeks, they shared the money profits and enjoyed their newfound ways of living.

Some also gathered enough money to get their children registered for school in Baymard.

They don\'t need to pay all the school fees now, so that was another matter that made them jubilant.

Baymard was truly accommodating because no matter what academy existed before Baymard, everyone must pay in full if they wanted their children to attend the first day of school.

This was why the illiteracy level was great since the cost was still high that only nobles or those sponsored by noble homes could be privileged to enter such academies.

Well, that was how that little maid who fled was fairing in that village.


Back to the matter of her \'death,\' she began taking the doses given to her. But what the idiot didn\'t know was that after a few hours of poisoning, she always took the antidote.

Many times, she didn\'t even take in the poison, but had the healers tell the fool whatever she wanted her to hear.

Just like that, the day of her death drew close. It took a lot of work not to wake up and tell her daughter she was fine.

The healers also told the silly fool that before death, she had not only been poisoned but had also contracted a deadly disease that could spread like a plague if touched.

To ensure the disease doesn\'t spread, they placed her in a shed, sealed the doors and burnt it all to the ground.

That was when she made her grand escape with her people who already built a passageway underneath the wooden shed.

Her plan worked seamlessly, as now the world knew she was dead.

Long Story short, she left Pyno right after that and headed back to Tenola, the one place the witches would never expect her to be --- Right under their noses.

"Listen, we don\'t have much time. I figure you all are also on a tight schedule. So here\'s what\'s going to happen: We will meet 2 weeks later at the grand festival celebrating the monarch\'s taking of his 17th wife."

The man was so old yet he still wanted more women.

The celebration was the perfect time for them to talk.

With that, the woman raised her cloak, covering her head.

"The one who did this is called Peetage. He is a good man, who only came for revenge. This isn\'t the only Witch fortress he has attacked. He wants to sweep them all out." She said, finally vanishing into the night.

She is still alive! His majesty must hear this!\'

More importantly, he must find out what her goal was for making herself known to him now. Just becasue she was Lucy\'s mother doesnt make her story any believable.

Friend or foe? It must be confirmed first.

Who knows of she wants to use her daughter\'s influence as a means to get revenge?

Beri stared at the darkness with no one knowing what he was thinking.

But he wasn\'t the only one dazed by the sudden turn of events thrown their way.

Death lifted his brow playfully.

Who was it that was so determined to challenge him?Who cares to request a death match in a private arena with him?


How interesting.


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