
Chapter 1728 The Challenge

Chapter 1728  The Challenge


He wasn\'t ready to die yet without spending more time with his real family.

Soon, the meeting was concluded with everyone agreeing they would all find ways to get these divine weapons or find out the real reason why there is a divine pool in the Holy Grounds.

Even Eliticus, who was invited to the grand meeting a few hours ago, didn\'t know how the Divine pool came about.

As of now, only a handful of people and special forces know of the Holy Leaf\'s existence

You must know that even during the mission of acquiring the Holy Leaf, the team in question were top elites belonging to the most powerful Kardinals, Adons, and ArchAdons.

Adons were like Adonis\' bishops, and Arch Adons were like Archbishops.

There was ranking in everything Adonis did.

The HOLY leaf was tightly closed and secured when shipped here.

Apart from these forces and those scholars and scientists working on testing the holy leaf\'s capabilities, only a handful of people know of its existence.

Many only speculate that the Holy Pool came about because the Holy Leader had a revelation causing him to bless the pool.

Thus, resulting in the miraculous Golden hue they keep hearing about.

Well, as a pool that means a lot to them, it was so heavily guarded one would think they were walking into a commercial airport when looking moving outside the building.

Guards were packed like sardines, protecting that building with their lives.

Even when stepping in everywhere one turned, they would see guards wherever they looked.

It was important to know that the guards shown were the public ones.

Believe it or not, there were also shadow guards of the highest order within the building too.

No matter what, the HOLY leaf must not leave the premises.

That was the HOLY leader\'s intention, but this didn\'t stop the rebellion from wanting to find out how exactly the holy pool came about.

If it was truly through Divine prayers, then won\'t they be so fucked and far up their asses they wouldn\'t even know how to take a shit again?

Over the years, they wouldn\'t lie when they say they were afraid as hell when it came to the Holy leader. F***! They have heard deadly stories of how the Thaman protests used their Adonis powers to control enemies on the battlefield.

Some have even witnessed it with their own eyes saving their last breaths to report the matter before passing out.

Think about it.

If Adonis could give Thamans, Kardinals and all the others such Godly powers then how much stronger do you think the Holy Leader himself is?


If the rumor is true, then the fact that his power has increased again changes the whole battle should they ever face him in the future.


Again, if word goes out, some people on their side might have their faith for freedom shaken.

Don\'t think just because they were part of the rebellion, some people didn\'t regret their decision for joining.

In life, there were always those who did things because of necessity.

Like they said earlier there have been many who betrayed the Rebellion.

It was funny because some of these people initially betrayed Adonis to join the rebellion.

Adonis had taken something from them they held dear, forcing them to join Eliticus\' side due to anger.

But then, after a while, these people loved the life of a true rebellion member with no perks and excessive enjoyment.

Believe them, it was easy to move from suffering to an easy life, but far more difficult to move from comfort to suffering.

Why must they tire themselves so much, with some degrading themselves by working as servants when they used to be proud knights?

No way!

These people were quick to betray the rebellion and were never heard from again.

Who knows, maybe they are still alive and maybe they are dead.

Once the word of the Holy leader\'s powers grows, some might feel there was no point fighting the HOLY leader if the heavens were on their side.

If the heavens smile on everything that has happened in Lampe and Dania, then who are they, mere mortals, to object?

The morale of an army was important before their big fight. If they were already feeling everything was useless, then they might as well not fight.

Their defeat would not only come swiftly but very effortlessly too.

Bottom line they had to confirm what makes the Holy pool so special.

Additionally, they needed to find a way to steal even a barrel of this water so they could keep enhancing their weapons too.

Of course, the safest way would be to steal a few weapons for their use.

Still, they can only do this after the weapons are distributed.

Maybe they could plan a heist, and hijack the escorted carts and wagons of weapons before they reach their destinations.

With that, everyone nodded leaving the left with their hooded cloaks and capes like Batman.

Eliticus made circles severely to ensure he wasn\'t been followed, before finding his secret entrance and heading back underground and to his bedroom chambers again.

Around 5:30 AM, he returned.

So far so good.

Seeing the leftover wine he purposefully left behind he spilled some on a serving cloth and wiped his body clean before changing into his night garment and heading to bed.

Thank the heavens he requested for no one to disturb him until the later part of the morning.


Eliticus slept heavily knowing he had to keep up his act as a good Adonis-loving follower.

Like so, all was turbulent in the land of Adonis.

Some were happy and some were worried, seeing their future growing bleaker by the day.

However, they weren\'t the only ones at the edge, at this moment.



Location: Huljin Forest, Arcadina, Pyno

Date: 24th December.


The snow was quite relentless, falling on the soggy grounds in all directions.

It\'s been a few days since the first snow fell.

And since then, some places have become winter wonderland while other places were left slushy and damp with only a few heaps of snow piling up.

Gallop. Gallop. Gallop. Gallop.~

Horses rod with vigor, as their dark inky mane danced beautifully in rhythm.

They rode in a V-formation, with the lead horse at the forefront.

On its back was a man clad in full black, who looked like a Grim Reaper.

His cloak also danced fiercely in the wind, and his body was arched forward for maximum speed.

Despite the heavy snow falling around him, the man showed no signs of slowing his pace.

After traveling nonstop for a while, they reached a point where the forest trees became thicker and more packed than usual.

The trees seemed to be suffocating here as even their tree branches stretched out and intertwined with each other as if hugging and holding hands.

It was winter so there were hardly any leaves on the trees and most of the bushes were also very bare too.

But this didn\'t mean they weren\'t being watched.

Seeing they were at the right location, the lead man yanked his reins back.


The horses grunted, stopped and pulled back understanding the order they received.

"They\'re here."

"Hmmmm...." Death\'s men hummed cautiously.

Since that challenge letter arrived, they\'ve been preparing for this day for weeks.

Assassins had a code in today\'s world.

Once a challenge letter is given, both assassins might fight to the death honorably in a battle sight or arena.

How to say it?

It would be a disgrace and unacceptable for either one of them to take cheap shots at each other by killing the other prematurely.

Like right now.

The enemy can have his men ungenerous arrows at Death, killing him on the spot.

Once done, even the assassin\'s men would not respect him.

Lack of respect leads to eventual betrayal and disorder.

Everyone knows this is a fact.

Once word gets out of how they prematurely killed their competition, one\'s reputation they worked so hard to build for years now would have been ruined.

After all, didn\'t it ultimately boil down to fear?

You must\'ve been so afraid of your opponent that you dared to make such a cheap shot at him.

Worse you\'re the one who sent the Challenge letter, and you still act that way?


That would be the name the world would give Death\'s opponent if he should attack Death now.

Even the TOEP might demote his master because of his actions.

So shameful!

No one dared to attack their opponent unless within the battle arena to the chosen site.

At the same time, unless the competition officially begins, his opponent\'s men cannot start engaging Death\'s men.

The rules were as clear as stream water.

Failure to oblige could result in a forfeit.

All in all, only when the match begins that anything could go.


Getting off his horse, Death smiled playfully.

"You all stay here and await my return... Oh, and do be careful."

With that, he continued moving forward, seeking another silhouette also approaching his way at a far, far end.


The corners of Death\'s lips couldn\'t help raising higher than before.

Now then, it was time to see who it was that was so daring enough to challenge him!

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