
Chapter 1805 The Strange Winds

Chapter 1805 The Strange Winds

Landon rolled his eyes, unbothered by the system\'s usual rudeness.

Others get cute systems, but he gets one with an attitude problem.

What happened to mutual respect?


Landon cursed.

\'You think I don\'t know I can\'t take the Holy Core yet? Of course, I know?!\'

Must he only go when he was ready to grab the core from them?

\'Just zip it and Warp me over to this location!\'

[Whatever you say, stupid host.]


[This system was just being nice to you for a change. But since you don\'t appreciate my goodness, then have it your way, Point-waster!]

Landon and the system went at it like long-time siblings, until soon, he completely vanished, like a popped bubble.


Landon appeared in the frosty dark woods.

It was amazing how around the Water region they were sailing on, the time was still 1 AM.

But over here, it was 6 PM the previous day.

It was still afternoon but in winter, the darkness came faster than usual.

Where was he?

In the farthest point in the Abian Empire, Morgany!


Have you forgotten that famous Artist and painter he kept a tracker on and left a while back to head back onto Morgany?

The arrogant guy stormed off years back after Landon rejected his order to hand over the manufacturing processes for pens, pencils, paper, and other art products Baymard produced.

Can you believe that guy?

They were angered for a variety of reasons.

For one, just as Morgany has its physicians and healers spreading out across the world for a hefty price, its artists also do the same under Morgany\'s influence.

Morgany secretly had a variety of stores everywhere that ensured some of their products, including their low-grade ones, got sold there.

Morgany typically sells its lowest-grade products to be shipped and sent to places like Pyno.

They see the continent of Pyno like a 3rd world continent.

If they had old cars, they would probably ship them to Pyno.

That said, even though they only sent their lowest-graded products to Pyno, don\'t underestimate its quality and branding.

Just because something is from Morgany, people rush to purchase it and fight over it in auction homes like crazy.

Morgany was making a shot load of money, 3 times and sometimes even 1p times the original prices for the goods.

However, things suddenly changed when Baymard came into existence.

So how can those in the Art Association be happy about this?

They demanded Baymard hand over the manufacturing processes or else war would come for them.

Not afraid, Landon kicked the famous painter out while putting a tracker on him.

After the painter got to The Abian Empire. He went straight to the Capital to lay his complaints.

The Morgs took this as an insult, and 2 years later, the painter truly came back, accompanying several others for war, and even joining forces with some Morg Healers who claimed Baymard was a fraud, doing fraudulent medical practices.

Like that, they brought war to his doorstep and were now sitting in Baymard\'s Prison.

Landon felt he should thank that Painter.

Thanks to him, Landon could Warp on any of the places the painter had visited during his 2 year period in Morgany before departing for the losing battle.

Where was Landon, to be precise?

Well, he had now warped deep into forest territory surrounding Abian\'s Capital city!


Ooww~ Ooww~



All around him, were the musical notes from nature echoing softly in his ears. Occasionally, he would hear a loud roar.

A warmth rushed into his body, making his muscles everywhere swollen and bulging.

Dressed in all black from head to toe, Landon quickly kicked forward without a moment to waste.


An explosion of snow shot into the operation, showing how fierce his run was.

Landon ran at top speed, avoiding any dangers Mother Nature could think of.

He even ran across a few hidden camps, but didn\'t stop to scout them out yet.

However, the scouts who were watching their precious secret hideout were blinked excessively by the sudden splurge of snow that shit high in the sky.

And when the snow fell, a strange silence engulfed them all.


What was that?

They didn\'t even see anything, not even an aftershadow.

It just looked like a strong wind came along and swept snow into the air out of nowhere.

Could it be a beast?

No...that\'s not right.

Jumping down from their hidden spots, they looked at the cleared one-line path, seeing no footprints or paw prints at all.

Welp, it must be the wind.

Although it was unlikely for the wind to act so strangely, there were running out of beliefs here.

At the same time, they tightened their hands around their weapons, wondering if this was sorcery done by a sorcerer hiding nearby.

It was very unlikely that someone would evade their eyes, but what if that was the case?

What if there was a sorcerer around who wanted to break into their hidden fortress?

If they hear any whost3re of<Wolololo~>...they\'ll know it\'s the work of those blasted Adonis people and their priests might be at work here.


Vmmm! .Landon was quick like lightning, leaving the forest and soon making his way towards the East side of the city walls.

Landon learned a valuable trick when using maximum speed.

Looking at the towering wall ahead, Landon liked his lips and positioned his body just right.

Now, with the insane momentum he gathered and the direction aimed, Landon was able to walk up the towering walls just fine.


Landon liked his current feeling.

It was amazing what he could do with superhuman abilities!


"Eh? What was that?"

On the city walls, a few patrolling guards scratched their heads in wonder when they felt a strange powerful wind slap their faces.

Look left, look right, look up, look down…

Where did that wind come from?

When getting into the Capital City, Landon didn\'t slow down until he reached the central Zone.

\'Since they\'ve successfully unlocked some of the Holy Core\'s Powers, I must figure out how they are using it!\'

But one big question still remains...

Where is it?

Where are they keeping the Holy Core?


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