
Chapter 223 - Making Camp

Chapter 223 Making Camp

Although the dwarves had experienced adventures in the Double Moon forest, they still underestimated its danger Double Moon forest. When they encountered the savage bees, they were almost annihilated, and before even entering the Double Moon forest, a companion had been lost.

Except for the elves who used their natural abilities to live in Double Moon forest, no race could survive in Double Moon forest where soul beasts lived.

After entering the Double Moon forest, White Cloud had encountered several large flying raptors. Fortunately, he had the ability to be invisible and flew without risk each time one passed.

Abel also saw a variety of soul-beast-level raptors he had never seen before, and many of them could make him feel oppressed from the momentum.

“Master Abel, this is where the ice fire apes appear from our information!” Said wizard Aitken, pointing to a forest below.

Abel looked down. The trees here were extremely tall, but not too dense. There was a huge space between the trees, which was the best living environment for apes.

It was extremely vast. When you looked at it from high altitude, you couldn’t see the margin at a glance. It was not so easy to find the ice fire ape here.

Now that they had reached the place, Abel instructed White Cloud to start landing through the soul chain. Fortunately, there were flat open areas here, where White Cloud could fall comfortably on the ground.

After a day and night flight, everyone on the ground kept the attack of the savage bee attack in mind before entering the Double Moon forest. They had no time for relaxation, and carefully sent a golden flying ride to the surrounding area for investigating, and under all security conditions, they started to build the temporary camps.

Abel saw that the dwarves had built the camp, and his task had completed. He found Bernie.

“Bernie, my mission had been completed. I am here to pick up my mission items and say goodbye to you!” Abel met Bernie without any polite formula and explained the intention directly.

“Master Abel, thank you for saving our lives!” Bernie first bowed deeply and gave a fist-sized piece of wind silver to Abel.

Abel took wind silver, feeling the magical power of it, then put it into the portal bag, and said with a smile, “Bernie, I brought you here safely. I just completed the task the city lord, Ivan gave me!”

“Master Abel, I know that the requirements are a little too much, but please consider it!” Bernie gave Abel an embarrassed glance, then said, “I want to ask you to stay here and help us!”

Bernie bowed 90 degrees in front of Abel and did not lift his body for a long time.

Abel said with a wry smile: “My strength is only a third-level wizard, and it does not help you much. Will there be a point for me to stay?”

Abel was not disgusted at Bernie’s request. Because he would drift alone in the future, he could learn something about hunting soul beasts with the dwarves, and he had Black Wind who was fast. Black Wind could save him if they were in danger. There was no problem in terms of security.

But the real problem lay in his own strength. Although Abel didn’t look down on his own strength, he had never overestimated his strength. Perhaps because of the golden combat qi, he could use the ability of an elite knight against the commander, or plus spells, killing the commander was not a problem.

But he was 100 percent clear that if he was gonna face the Burton brothers’ pangolin commander, there would be no hope of victory in terms of spells or knight skills. As long as he has known that the Burton brothers would persist for so long under the attack of the savage bees, it could be known how much their strength would be strengthened after the six of them cooperated.

For the rest of the dwarf team, needless to say, the golden flying ride, only talking about combat, it was definitely stronger than White Cloud. If it did not encounter a group of savage bees, there would be no loss at all. The golden eagle’s speed, whether it was offense or retreat, it would make the opponent helpless.

Not to mention two formal wizards. Although Kipling and Aitken were only junior wizards, with their spells had the lock of the will, Abel had no chance of winning.

So Abel could really only defeat Bernie on the entire team. How could he help if he stayed?

“Master Abel, you can guarantee our final safety with transportation. I asked you to stay and helped us!” Bernie continued with some excitement and said, “I don’t want to let my companions sacrifice themselves for me, and we could guarantee our escape route if you could stay!”

Abel thought for a moment, nodded, and said, “I can stay, but I will follow you. I have no experience in wild hunting, so I will follow you to learn it!”

Abel said very calmly.

Maybe other dwarves would measure his age by his height, but two dwarven wizards would definitely not. Wizards had their own standards for age, which was vitality. Full of vitality was a sign of youth. A formal wizard could easily know the true age of others by observing the vitality.

At the age of Abel, the third-level wizard was an extraordinary genius, plus the title of a master blacksmith; there would be no time for wild hunting achievement with this kind of achievement.

After hearing Abel agreed to stay, Bernie’s face had immediately filled with a smile, he laughed and said, “Master Abel, except for the soul cores of ice fire apes in this operation, all other soul cores will be yours.”

Although the camp was temporary, there were six pangolin knights who constantly cut down the trees and used giant pangolins to pull it to the camp. In a short time, a temporary wall surrounded by thick trunks appeared. In addition, deep trenches were dug out of the perimeter wall, which was easily completed by giant pangolins.

Wizard Kipling and wizard Aitken placed beast repellents in the trenches. Although they could not deal with soul beasts and flying beasts, they could reduce the invasion of camps by ordinary beasts.

Then the two wizards began to arrange a defense circle on the fence. This defense circle was not like Abel’s simple circle board, but many patterned cards were placed in orientations. Some larger circle board controllers inlaid with six medium-level magical gems arranged in a six-pointed star pattern.

If it weren’t for the carelessness of resting outside the Double Moon forest, and if this defense circle was set up at that time, the dwarves would stay much longer under the attack of the savage bees.

Abel glanced at this defense circle, and he had a deeper understanding of the dwarf’s wealth. As the largest arms seller on the Holy Continent, the dwarves were very rich. This intermediate defense circle could be carried around and used as a camp defense.

It was important to know that the intermediate defense circle was customized by the alchemist, who mastered the production of the circle. It was rarely seen in the auction or the wizard market.

The intermediate defense circle was mainly used for the defense of some important resident sites. It could withstand the attacks of junior wizards for a period of time. The defense circle was arranged so that when there was danger, it would be enough time to wait for the arrival of White Cloud. Now that Abel promised to stay was to say that as long as there was a buffer period, they could safely leave here.

However, when the dwarves began to strengthen their defenses, Abel let Black Wind take care of Loraine. He opened the barrier circle and began to refine the nutrition potion. He now found that the biggest usefulness of nutrition potion could be used as temporary food for White Cloud and Black Wind to supplement their energy. As long as White Cloud did not need to go to the ground to find food. It could fly in the sky almost unlimitedly, and Black Wind’s high demand for diet could also use the nutrition potion

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