
Chapter 977 - Wings

Chapter 977: Wings

When they finished their lunch, the 15 rank twenty advanced wizards and several law-defying wizards came towards the teleportation circle. They only had one left to guard the battle fort. For the time following that, the nation of Evil would have no way of attacking. Even if they launched a surprise attack on the fort and the wizards deployed there, there was still be a quite high chance that the fort could still hold on for a while.

Wizard Davy began, “We’ll be heading to the concentration site next. Master Bennett, be careful from here on. we are heading to is the frontmost part of the Wizard Union.”

By the way, the teleportation circle beneath them was quite a special one. Apart from the fact that it couldn’t be connected to the frontline because of the doomsday defensive wall, it sort of just became a system that existed outside the system that spread throughout the entire central continent. This was kind of why Abel became somewhat skeptical after hearing what Wizard Davy was saying. Still, since the teleportation circle was already activated, he just followed the rest of the lightning clan out away.

As soon as the teleportation ended, he could see that he was inside a castle, unlike anything he had seen before. The castle itself was constructed with all sorts of rare metals and numerous types of spell runes. He was standing on the same platform as the other wizards. It was afternoon now, and the sunlight shone directly on the castle and reflected a light that shone like the diamonds. Abel took a look at his feet. He could see that he was stepping on an alloy metal composed of mithril and fine gold. As they laid on the ground, they were transduced all over the ground across tunnels with the width of a child’s arm. He couldn’t tell what his thoughts about this structure were, to be honest. This castle was about a hundred meters tall, and he couldn’t quite fathom how much resources would’ve been expended for this kind of construction work.

Wizard Davy spoke proudly to Abel, “This is the Howling Castle. You won’t find any account of it on the central continent, but it is supposed to be the strongest castle in the entire world that’s built collaboratively by humans, elves, dwarves, and orcs. It’s a magic tower, essentially. One that was built in the same fashion as a castle.”

Honestly, Abel was more shocked to see something that was in the sky further away. The Howling Castle was spectacular in its one way, but the shadow behind over the distance astounded him even more. Over the distance, a giant pair of white wings hung in the air as though they were protecting something at the bottom.

Wizard Davy spoke as he saw where Abel’s eyes were, “That’s where the nation of evil is. The wings are defensive spells that came from the wings of a sky demon. Even now, without all the military technology we possess, we have yet to find a way to break through and go inside.”

Abel sighed and spoke, “Just what kind of power would you need for that?”

The wings were extremely detailed. He could see all the feathers as though they were real. Meanwhile, inside his pineal glands, his “crystal angelic statue” flashed out a white light. It was like it wanted to break free, but the three pieces of the world stone fragment he possessed were also holding them still. From what Abel could tell, the statue wanted to be as close to the pair of wings as it could, but he was not going to risk having an entire army coming out to chase them away.

While he kept the statue still, the Howling Castle started flashing in flaming red light. The energy channel started transduction a large amount of energy was transferred right towards the tip of the castle.

Wizard Davy turned and smiled towards Abel, “Behold, Master Bennett! What you’re about to witness next is the most powerful spell in all of the central continent.”

From what Abel could sense, the Howling Castle was technically a gigantic magical object with internal energy transformed endlessly on the inside. The tip, especially, was nurturing the energy wave that seemed like it could explode at any moment. Perhaps the spell Wizard Davy spoke out was to be immediately activated. On the tip, a red light started flashing as a spell rune emerged. Abel could recognize the rune. That was the rune for the fire elemental “meteorite” spell.

Was the structure meant to just release a spell? He wasn’t sure, but he could tell that the spell rune was very different from what he’d see normally. The rune was just too big than the normal one. It was about ten meters in diameter. As a law-defying wizard himself, he understood how easy it was to minimize the size of a spell circle, but to magnify would require energy input of about several times more in magnitude. That was just theory, by the way. Whether it was actually possible to do this was an entirely different story. It was like writing words that were as large as a field. Only the magic towers were capable of stretching the size of the magic circle, and even then, an insurmountable amount of energy and resources would still be left for it to actually happen. Abel was finally starting to understand something. So this was why the energy pathways on the ground were the width of a child’s arm while the ones at a normal tower had the width of someone’s hair.

Very rapidly, red flaming energy poured towards the rune and unleashed a magic essence from the inside. Following that, the power of the Will was passed in to activate the “meteor” spell rune. The meteor was shot towards the sky and created a broad, large streak of red light. It took about a minute for Abel to realize that a rock the size of a mountain was crashing towards the wing over in the distance.


He could feel the vibrations even from afar. The wing still stood firm against the “meteor” spell, however. It was still hung in the sky as though nothing happened. There was an invisible light wall blocking it from the look of things.

Abel was terrified with what he was looking at, “So that was the meteor?”

He was shocked by both the meteor and the wing. If he had to guess, the meteor would’ve flattened any one of his summon creatures in an instance. The sheer amount of energy generated from the rock was enough to decimate an entire area if it landed anywhere else.

Wizard Davy spoke, “The Howling Castle, Master Bennett. Just like the name suggests, we of the central continent have just unleashed a howl against the nation of evil.”

Again, the attack that was launched relied on the sacrifices of multiple occupation holders inhabited in a region just two miles away from the nation of evil. So far, the Howling Castle’s mission was to transform as much magic stone to expend as much energy out of the wing as possible. No matter what type of spell the wings possessed, some of the veteran wizards figured that there had to be a way to deplete its energy. The way to do that was to simply launch an endless streak of attack. It was pretty much the point of why the Howling Castle was built in the first place. Now that the Howling Castle was here on the frontline, the nation of evil was in serious demand to destroy it as soon as possible.

No, Abel wasn’t going to think that the technology of this world was inferior to the dark world any longer. He was just going to think of it as a difference in advantage. The dark world produced better gear and potions, but this world had tropes of its own. Because this was where the dwarves and elves lived, the magic towers produced were actually a lot finer than the ones in the dark world, which sort of just became a bunch of pebbles by the time he’s seen them.

Abel watched as the castle became quiet, “So how long before the castle can charge up again?”

Wizard Davy didn’t seem to know for sure, “It’s doing the best it can, I think. Usually, a minimum of 12 hours would be required for a recovery in preparation of the next attack.”

So the spell wasn’t just going to deplete some energy. Abel was clear now. The attack would also injure the structure of the Howling Castle itself, so time was needed for a second attack to be launched. Having thought that, he thought back to his “magic stone cannon.” If he hadn’t managed to master the #33, he wouldn’t have been able to create a cannon that was impossible to be destroyed. Again, without the unique environment, it would certainly be impossible to have enough resource supply to create a castle that could unleash an aggressive spell that would require so much input at once.

Wizard Davy looked towards the sky and spoke to Abel, “We should head to the castle now, Master Bennett. The others are waiting for us.”

Abel nodded, “After you, then.”

Then they went inside the castle. No wizards used the “instantaneous movement” spell to get by. There were short-distance teleportation circles everywhere. The spirits were in charge of them, and unless there was a technical issue, no one was allowed to cast any spells freely.

“Wizard Davy! You’re finally here!” Wizard Clemens laughed and spoke, then bowed at Abel, “We welcome you, Master Bennett.”

Abel responded with his own bow. He could see the seats inside the Howling Castle hall. There was not a single person here that was below a law-defying wizard. Yes, the 15 advanced lightning clan wizards did not come here. Inside the hall, there were about 80 law-defying wizards and some 50 archpriests, barbarian warriors, and big druids. For all the time Abel’s spent on the central continent, he had just never seen so many elites in one place. So the frontline was where most of them were, he realized.

There weren’t a lot of big druids here. There were just 16 in total, and they showed their goodwill to Abel as he was one of their kind. Abel could do the same. He could sense that they were all stronger than the eight big druids he sensed at the royal palace. It was the same for the other occupation holders. They were pretty much all-powerful occupation holders that were at least rank 21 or above. It was almost like there was some sort of rule on the central continent that kept them here. There was something he felt like he had to point out. Apart from the law-defying wizards, the other occupation holders just didn’t seem like part of the same team. The 16 big druids looked like they belonged to four different grounds, with the law-defying wizards as the main body.

While Wizard Davy was discussing matters with the other captains, Wizard Hal was already by Abel’s side.

Wizard Hal smiled and spoke, “I think you’ve noticed, Master Bennett. Apart from our team, all the other wizard organizations had the help of other occupation holders. We, the lightning clan, are an exception in that sense. We are known for our speed to launch blitz attacks, so we don’t really let the other occupation holders join us.”

Abel seemed to notice as well. There were a total of 11 different squads here. Apart from the lightning clan, all the other wizard teams had support from the archpriests, big druids, or the barbarian warriors.

Abel spoke straightforwardly, “Am I bringing you guys troubles in that way, Wizard Hal? Don’t worry about being blunt. I don’t want to ruin your strategies if you happen to need one.”

Wizard Hal laughed and explained, “This time is different, Master Bennett. The operation this time is for defense. You’ve been a great support to us, above all else. Come to think of it. Really, it’s about time for the lightning clan to start diversifying its members.”

Wizard Hal pretty much talked about these to clear about any doubt that Abel might have. It was strange that the lightning clan didn’t have any other occupation holder. That’s when he noticed something. Many of the strong ones here were looking at him, but no one seemed to want to walk up to speak to him. They all seemed very disciplined despite how different everyone was.

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