
Chapter 781 781 Do I Have To?

Chapter 781 781 Do I Have To?

"Well, when you put it that way, I suppose that it would be rude to refuse, even if it will be horribly uncomfortable in a city full of witches who hate Demons. Besides, you know that I can\'t just leave you to go on your own. But maybe it would be more comfortable for them if my wings were hidden? I am nearly witch sized, and I don\'t have horns, so I could almost blend in." She suggested.

"How about I make you a cape so that you can hide your wings when you want to, but still use them when you need? I don\'t think that they\'re going to be all that upset, Witches summon Demons as Familiars occasionally, so it\'s not like they\'ve never seen a Demon that wasn\'t hostile.

In fact, just the fact that you came in with me should be enough to give you the upper hand. It was my species that their ancestors hated enough to literally wipe from the face of the planet, so compared to how they feel about me, you should be fine.

Besides, you\'re cute, and that is a way more effective weapon against Witches than you might imagine. They\'re all secretly in lust with cute things."

Priya chuckled, catching Millie\'s attention, and the Demon noticed that the Witch had a small ball of fluff in her arms. Her second Familiar was a rabbit, and unlike the Guardian Spirit or her first Familiar, a mouse, this one was carried with her like a pet, even though it was perfectly capable of flying on its own.

The rabbit held a unique place in the hierarchy of the Sylvan Coven. Not only was it soft and friendly, but as Priya had advanced, so had her Familiars. That meant it was a Rank Four beast with incredible Wind Element skills, that it had used on numerous occasions to assist or rescue children in trouble.

It had become something akin to a mascot or lucky charm for the Priya Family in the city, and everyone knew what it was and who it belonged to if they saw it wandering around the city on its own, looking for entertainment or snacks.

Priya waved to the bodyguard, who she had yet to officially meet, and smiled. "You can trust him to make your outfit. Despite his looks, he\'s actually very good at women\'s fashion. Disturbingly so. It\'s not even vulgar or revealing as you might expect from our favourite Harem Lord, he used to happily indulge Mary in her love of frilly things until she could make her own."

Millie laughed at the mention of Mary\'s love of all things soft.

"She is quite the character. You should see how outstanding of a professor she has become. She spends most of her days in the daycare and elementary school now, preparing young witches for their training, and comforting children who are spending their first days away from their parents.

It\'s practically her calling to be the head of early childhood education in Forest Grove." The Demon explained.

"It sounds like she never changed. We all thought that she was a bit childish when we first met her, but that doesn\'t seem to have hindered her potential at all." Priya agreed.

Then she turned to Wolfe. "How about you make a new outfit for me as well? Something fancy, since I can\'t come to bother you for wardrobe updates all the time anymore?"

Wolfe chuckled at her insinuation. She was the furthest thing from fashion obsessed when she was in Forest Grove, and she was almost always wearing the same Guard uniform. She spent all her days on the training field, so it was just the most practical option, and she really didn\'t see a need to change.

"Well, it seems times have changed. You know that you\'re more powerful than they are, right? You can just come home, and they won\'t be able to stop you." He reminded the soldier turned politician.

"In case you forgot, I grew up here. I\'ve got a nice house in the upper levels now, it just comes with some annoyances. They\'re letting me train the Family Guard and the city\'s defence force as well, so it\'s not like I lost my job, I just changed duty stations." Priya replied.

"I take it you two are quite close?" Millie asked.

"Definitely. She is a member of my first Pentacle, and we spent most of a winter alone together in a cave behind the front lines of an offensive by the Grand Dutchies against the Sylvan Coven that took advantage of the winter monster tide.

I can\'t say they were all good times, but it was good company." Wolfe informed the Demon with a smile.

Then he turned to Priya and looked over the outfit that she was wearing. It was already a fairly puffy gown, so it wouldn\'t work as a base layer to anything that he might want to create her for a party dress.

Priya realized that as well, and with a gesture to her back, she turned around.

"It\'s an actual dress, I will need a hand getting out of it so that you can make me a fresh wardrobe." She explained.

Wolfe was about to move forward, but Millie thumped him on the head and stepped up to help her change.

"I know what you\'re like, but be a pervert in private. I will help her change, and then you can make the new outfits for us both." She insisted.

"In that case, you will want to be in your underwear as well. Ball gowns typically don\'t work over armour or uniforms with pants, so we will have to switch up your whole look. I can block off this area if you like, but I think that Priya has already isolated it well enough with her magic that nobody will be coming in to interrupt us." Wolfe agreed.

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