
Chapter 107: Cruise Ship (8)

What appeared before the Black Agent who emerged from the cave hugging the blonde girl was not an unidentified blue woman.

Under the large full moon, it was massive water spouts swirling and gushing upwards.

Looking up, under the shining celestial light, a Hydra formed of swirling water was rising up, flaunting its enormous majesty.

Just by being there, it exerted a pressure so massive it felt like it could crush you to death.

The gigantic rising water spout made one feel the tremendous force of its sheer mass.

"What is this..."

The Black Agent muttered in astonishment, but his voice was drowned out by the sound of the violently rotating and scattering water.

The Hydra, arching magnificently as if touching the clouds against the starry sky, opened its mouth while looking in one direction.

The water jet fired from the Hydra\'s mouth instantly hit the ground like a beam of light.

The water jet violently digging into the ground had the power and sharpness to tear through solid rock like paper.

The whirlpool spreading around the Hydra dragged in surrounding objects, causing chaos and launching water droplets and debris into the air.

To the Black Agent, it looked like a signal flare announcing the destruction of Seoul.

A calamity on the scale comparable to Steel Tower had arrived in Seoul.


Reaper (MC) POV:

The lake water swirled and gushed up into the sky.

A massive water spout large enough to cast a shadow over the surroundings.

It was a splendid spectacle powerful enough to make the Golden Reapers, Blue Reapers, and me stop what we were doing and look up at the sky.

The size and overbearing presence of the water spout instilled some anticipation in me.

Could this finally reveal what the \'Blue Witch\'s Mirror\' is?

But what emerged was neither a witch nor a mirror.

A nine-headed serpent.

A monster made of water, shaped like a Hydra.

As soon as the Hydra emerged from the lake, it fired water jets at me and the mini Reapers with tremendous force.

Spewing this massive amount of water at a speed that could cut through rocks.

If the Blue Reapers got hit by this water cannon, they\'d become Blue/Reapers, so I hurriedly sent them back to the garden.

T/N: Not sure what Blue/Reaper means, slashed?

Whirlpools rose up from all directions, grinding rocks and shooting the shattered debris into the sky.

The nine water jets spewing from the Hydra\'s mouths sliced and pulverized everything around as they spun.

Water and rocks flew about haphazardly, threatening to easily tear off limbs with the slightest graze - a horrific sight.

However, the Hydra\'s overwhelming appearance and attacks didn\'t faze us at all.

Golden Reapers riding the rapidly spinning whirlpools like a merry-go-round.

Golden Reapers playing while dodging the water jets and rocks coming from all directions.

Golden Reapers flying around laughing as if it\'s having fun after being hit by water and rocks.

Golden Reapers enjoying skydiving after being flung up by the water pressure.

The Golden Reaper water park was completed.

I was also being swept about, observing this spectacle along with the Golden Reapers.

The Hydra\'s destruction condition was <Destroy all 9 hearts simultaneously>.

A fairly clear condition.

The problem was that I didn\'t know where the hearts were located.

The Hydra\'s transparent water body was completely visible, but the hearts were nowhere to be seen.


As soon as the tattooed woman discovered the Hydra, she rushed back to the inn and woke her younger sister.

"Sister? Why suddenly like this?"

The woman hurriedly said while only grabbing a bag containing a crystal:

"Come out quickly. We have to evacuate right now."

The tremors felt from the ground were intensifying.

When they went outside the inn, they saw the Hydra firing water jets somewhere.

And a tremendous shattering sound that pierced the mountains reverberated.

After dealing with its target, the Hydra would proceed to completely devastate the area around the lake, so they urgently needed to flee.

Together with her younger sister, she ran towards the highest and farthest place possible.

"Sister, look over there. A monster made of water has appeared."

The younger sister said in a somewhat excited tone while turning back to look.

The girl entranced by the blue moon did not sense anything strange about this situation at all.

The woman simply pulled her younger sister\'s hand strongly, urging her to quicken her pace.

Even as she hurried her steps, she kept feeling something strange.

Why did the Lake Serpent appear so quickly?

The Lake Serpent only appears when the lake is truly in a crisis situation, so it was too strange.

Because the traitor contamination does not progress this quickly.

Who on earth summoned the serpent?

When they climbed up a hill that seemed reasonably safe, they were able to discover the root cause.

An Object so small that a human with normal eyesight would have difficulty seeing it due to the size difference.

An Object that looked as tiny and powerless as dust compared to the Hydra.

And it was the most famous Object in Korea, the Gray Reaper.

Even the highest-risk-level Object seemed helpless against the Hydra, being tossed about like a newspaper caught in a typhoon.

She thought it would be torn to shreds in a second, but the Gray Reaper was holding up better than expected.

But merely enduring would not lead to victory.

Any hope that someone else might be able to subdue the Hydra quickly faded.

Now they had to flee farther away.

After fleeing as far as possible, they would have no choice but to complete the crystal.

"Wow, sister. Look at that! It\'s shining golden."

Her younger sister, entranced by the blue moon, was still beaming.

The moment she turned her head to grab the crystal and call her sister, golden grains caught her eye.

Golden Reapers much smaller than the Gray Reaper.

It was the golden color she remembered seeing before.


The golden wave that swallowed the theme park.

The Gray Reaper was the object that destroyed the theme park...

After that, the woman could only watch in a daze as incomprehensible events unfolded.

Whenever the Hydra was swept up by the golden wave, its size decreased.

As if a portion of its mass had been taken away.

The golden wave remained unchanged, unilaterally reducing only the Hydra\'s size.

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Continuously, incessantly.

No matter how much the Hydra spewed water, lashed out, or tried to flee from the golden wave, it was useless.


And with a final, horrific scream that echoed throughout Seoul, the Hydra vanished.


Witnessing the incomprehensible situation, the woman dropped the crystal in her hand.

"Sister, you dropped the crystal? Didn\'t you say it was important?"

The crystal had become useless.


Reaper (MC) POV:

Since the hearts were not visible, there was only one way.

If the entire body was erased, the hearts would disappear too.

The plan was to summon as many Golden Reapers as possible and have them overlap the Hydra, blasting it away.

The plan was a success.

Perhaps because it lacked physical immunity, it was easier than expected.

The lake from which the Hydra had emerged still lay calmly.

Even though all the water the Hydra had pulled was gone, the lake\'s water level remained the same.

A lake that neither increased nor decreased.

Certainly, in this regard, the Yangcheon District lake seemed like an Object.

There was movement coming from the cave entrance.

It seemed to be a human who had reached their limit.

Looking toward the cave entrance, a man in a black suit she remembered seeing was staggering out, holding a girl in his arms.

Seeing the Golden Reapers swarming and grieving, had someone been seriously injured?

The man in the black suit walked slowly out of the cave but eventually collapsed on the ground.

Several large rocks were embedded in his back.

It seemed he had been hit by one of the rocks the Hydra had shattered.

The Golden Reapers fidgeted with worried expressions.

In times like this, the youngest one would be needed.

As I released the Blue Reaper into the air, it immediately found the man in the black suit and began healing him.

<Please remove the rocks from the wounds>

<Please heal the wounds>

<Please recover his strength quickly>

The Blue Reaper\'s text turned into light and was absorbed into the man.

The rocks naturally fell out, and the wounds began to slowly heal.

However, the blonde girl had already lost her life.

No matter how magical the power, she couldn\'t revive someone already dead, could she?

It was the blonde girl I had seen at the Chinese Research Institute, but she had died like this.

As I gazed at the girl with regret, I felt a strange sensation.

Somehow, I felt like I could revive this girl.

I took out the heart that spewed flames, which I had thrown into the garden.

Thud Thud

I gently placed the small vibrating heart on top of the girl.

The red heart was sucked back into the\'s body, as if finding its original place.

It seems reviving her with this heart was the right answer.

cough cough.

The girl began breathing while coughing up blood.

It\'s fortunate she came back to life.

Seeing the girl start breathing again, I moved my steps deeper into the cave.

Since this is the cave the old lady boss came out of, there might be something there?

It would be nice if the \'Blue Witch\'s Mirror\' is discovered....


In the middle of the dimly glowing cave, there was a splendid pool of water.

It was a serene pool that perfectly reflected the night sky coming in through the ceiling.

As soon as I discovered the pool, I exclaimed to myself,

This must be the \'Blue Witch\'s Mirror\'!

The perfectly circular pool was decorated with engravings like a mirror.

But how should I break this?

Should I just go in and splash around?

I considered various methods, but couldn\'t think of any way to do it.

This is like an escape room game with no hints at all?

Too difficult.

I sat down by the pool, dipped my feet in the water, and made splashing sounds.

Strangely, no matter how much I disturbed it, the pool remained serene.

First, trying to break it by splashing failed.

Next, I threw one Golden Reaper into the pool at a time.

One, two, three.

I filled the pool like a crowded bus with Golden Reapers.

I thought if I filled it so much it couldn\'t be used as a mirror, something might happen, but there was no change, so it failed.

Then I called my youngest Blue Reaper to heat up the pool.

At first she refused, saying the Golden Reapers might get hurt, but after I explained they wouldn\'t, she started working.

<Please heat it up.>

<Please boil until everything evaporates>

With the Blue Reaper\'s magic, the pool explosively boiled over, sending steam blasting up to the ceiling.

The Golden Reapers seemed to enjoy the steam, waving their hands in it happily.

A Golden Reaper sauna!

But it still didn\'t register as destroyed, so it failed.

At this point, I started to doubt if that pool was really the mirror.

Getting tired of thinking, I eroded reality into the garden.

Then I spread my hands wide, grabbed the entire space with the pool, and


With a clap of my hands, I crushed the space itself, erasing it.

I felt an enormous amount of flame disappearing in a lump.

Just when I thought it would be too much of a loss if this failed too, a change occurred in the hole opened in the ceiling.

A cute little blue mini-moon rose up.

As they say, if you have a strong body, you don\'t need a strong brain.


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