
Chapter 64

Two words, localtyrant1!

Although it isonly more than 100 square meters, Mo Fei’s house is located in the BinhaiDistrict, where the land is extremely expensive! The furnishings were equallyluxurious. Not to mention the furniture, looking at the wall and floor, therewere top-of-the-line tiles, Persian carpets, and special wooden lamp inlays.

For Xixi, MoFei also removed the tiles at the corner of the house and replaced them withgolden soft bags, just like those in some clubhouses, but the materials shouldbe more refined.

In the sameway, all the furniture in the house didn\'t have sharp right angles. Even ifthere was, it was also polished round, and then wrapped with soft cushions withmatching color. The protection for Xixi can be said to be all-rounded with noblind angle!

From thesedetails, Yang Yi seems to feel Mo Fei’s deep concern for her daughter, which isa love without any impurities. (TN: Pure love.)

Yang Yifound Xixi’s room, and this feeling was even clearer. The little girl’s roomwas almost made into a dream castle by Mo Fei, with wallpaper on all sides, cartoonishcabinets, and corners full of toys and dolls. Perhaps this is the “fairytale world” that every child dream of, right?

Xixi waswearing a cartoon pajama, sweetly curled up on the bed sleeping. Yang Yi satdown next to her daughter, and saw the smile on the corners of her mouth, wonderingif she saw her father in her dream, she was so happy!

But when hewas ready to take Xixi away, Yang Yi hesitated a little.

What kind ofblow would Mo Fei experience if she heard the nanny say her daughter wasmissing tomorrow?

AlthoughYang Yi was very upset with Mo Fei’s uncertain mood, he couldn\'t deny Mo Fei’slove for Xixi. Obviously, she has expended much more than Yang Yi!

But suchlove, lack of company, really good?

What’s more,Yang Yi promised Xixi that she would see her father when she woke up tomorrow!

Yang Yi’seyes became firm. He gently picked Xixi up. The sleeping little girl wrinkled hernose, but she still curled up in front of her father’s chest and fell asleep.

Yang Yi wrappedXixi with a quilt first, and then fixed Xixi on his chest with the nylon belt hetook out from his satchel.

Beforeleaving, Yang Yi wrote a note: “I\'m Xixi’s father. Tell Mo Fei that I tookXixi back. Don’t panic.”

He pastedthe note on the door so that when the nanny wakes up tomorrow, she would see itbefore she found out that Xixi was gone.

After doingall this, Yang Yi went back along the same path. Even with Xixi in his arms, hewas able to fly over the eaves and walls, and smoothly returned to the car.


The nextday, a ray of sunshine came into the bedroom and warmed the big bed.

The littlebeauty sleeping on the bed frowned and her long eyelashes trembled, but shedidn’t quickly wake up. She just turned around and pointed her little butt atthe sun.

But beforelong, as if a thought was calling in her heart, Xixi turned around and slowly openedher hazy eyes.

But at thistime, Yang Yi was preparing breakfast for Xixi in the kitchen. He didn’t knowthat Xixi would get up so early.

“Papa?”The little girl in her nightdress and fluffy hair rubbed her eyes and openedthe bedroom door and came out.

Yang Yiheard the noise from the kitchen. He poked out his head and said with a smile,“Good morning, Xixi!”

Xixi hasnever been more confused!

She staredat her father for a long time before she thought of the present situation. Thelittle girl, who came back to her senses, suddenly got excited. She ranbarefoot to her father: “Papa, I miss you so much!”

Yang Yi,worried that Xixi might fell down because she wasn\'t wearing slippers,hurriedly dropped the spatula, strode up, and picked Xixi up.

“Papa!”After Xixi was picked up by her father, she put her arms around her father’sneck and refused to let go. “I miss you so much!”

“Papamisses you, too!” Yang Yi rubbed her daughter’s little head lovingly, andhe first took her back to the kitchen to turn off the gas stove.

Yang Yiwashed her daughter’s face and combed her hair, and Xixi finally came out ofher confused state. She asked curiously, “Papa, is it really the dwarfswho sent Xixi to Papa?”

“Yes,when Papa received the call from Xixi, he said to the dwarfs, ‘kind and lovelydwarfs, can you send Xixi to my house? She misses her father!’ Then, in themiddle of the night, the dwarfs sent you over!” Yang Yi smiled and made upa story along with Xixi\'s imagination.

“butwhy didn\'t Papa wake up Xixi? Xixi has never seen a dwarf!” Xixi said andpouted her small mouth.

“That’sbecause dwarfs are shy! They didn’t want to be seen, so they sent Xixi, andthey left.” Yang Yi tried to answer with a lie. “If they are seen,the dwarfs won’t help next time!”

Xixihurriedly waved her hand and said, “Xixi won\'t look at them. Xixi stillneeds help from the dwarves the next time!”


When Xixiwas happily having breakfast with her father, Mo Fei’s phone call arrived asexpected.

Yang Yihesitated a little, but pressed the call button in front of Xixi.

“YangYi, quickly tell me that Xixi is with you!” Mo Fei’s voice was alreadyflustered to the point of trembling, and even has a weeping voice. She had losther usual calmness that she always had.

“Don’t getexcited. Xixi was really taken back by me.” Yang Yi sighed secretly, andhe said calmly.

“Idon’t believe it. You let Xixi talk to me!” Mo Fei almost choked up.

Yang Yi hadto hand the cellphone to Xixi. After the little girl received the cellphone,she heard her mother’s voice and said happily, “Mama, I’m having breakfastwith Papa!”

“Thedwarfs sent Xixi to Papa! Xixi is so happy!”

“Mama,what’s wrong? Don’t worry about Xixi, Papa is here!”

After awhile, the cellphone returned to Yang Yi’s hand. Mo Fei said with a gritted teeth,“Yang Yi, what kind of stupid thing have you done?”

Mo Feireally can’t stand it this time, she was really angry!

Yang Yiavoided Xixi, went to the balcony with his cellphone and calmly said,“Xixi called me and said she missed me.”

“Youknow it\'s against the law! Do you know?” Mo Fei was a little hysterical.

“Why didn\'tyou let me take care of Xixi when you’re away on a business trip? But leave herat home with a stranger?” Yang Yi asked back.

“Because,because…” Mo Fei couldn\'t say it. Her pride doesn’t allow her to make sucha fuss like a jealous woman, “Anyway, Xixi can’t follow you!”

“Am Inot good enough for Xixi?” Yang Yi asked, “Why do you care about Xixibeing here?”

Mo Feididn’t want to talk about it anymore. She was full of sorrow when she thoughtof Yang Yi being with another woman.

“I havework to do. Tomorrow, no, I’ll come back immediately!” With that, Mo Feihung up the phone.

Yang Yi wasleft standing there bewildered.

It seemsthat the storm has calmed down for the time being?


TN: Originaltext is "One word, trench" - Trench (壕), which is an online term, short for"local tyrant". Meaning rich person.1

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