
Chapter 82

A tanned andthin girl, with some immaturity on her face, but she did things very quickly.She was very skillful in pulling cotton candy.

But Yang Yihas already met this girl!

“Just amoment, please.” The girl hadn\'t recognized him yet. She took Yang Yi’smoney and politely nodded to the other party and the little girl next to him, whosesmall head was sticking out behind the giant panda stuffed toy.

Yang Yi wasvery curious. When the other party was about to roll up a big cotton candy, hecouldn’t help asking, “Aren’t you a student of Jiangcheng MediaUniversity?”

Of course,this question was actually not abrupt. The girl was still wearing the uniformof Jiangcheng Media University!

“Yes!Did you recognize it?” The girl freely admitted it. She rolled up the cottoncandy and handed it over with a sincere smile. “This is an extra large cottoncandy. Your daughter can eat more! I hope little sister likes it!” (TN:The "extra large" here means the she added more cotton candy than normal.)

Xixi shylyhid behind her father, only sticking out her small head a little. Of course, whenshe saw the little sister’s smile, Xixi also responded shyly with a shy smile:“Thank you, big sister.”

Her voicewas very small, but the girl heard it. She said with a smile “Don\'tmention it! This is what big sister should give you!

Yang Yi didn\'tcare. He was curious about why the other party was doing this cotton candybusiness.

“Lastmonth, Xixi and I watched the sea of flowers in Luoxia Village. When we had apicnic in the woods at noon, we met you.” Yang Yi saw that the other partycouldn\'t remember them, so he reminded her.

This time,the girl really remembered, she had a good memory, and smiled brightly: “Iremember! It was you. Your daughter was still resting at that time. I’m sorry Ibothered you.”

“Do youremember?”

“Ofcourse! You also specially brought a lot of utensils! That was the first time Iencounter something like that as a volunteer over there. No tourist has everbrought a complete set…” The girl smiled, showing her white teeth.

After the cottoncandy was pulled, it looked like a white cloud, but Yang Yi, who likes to eatit while it\'s hot, didn\'t care about its aesthetic feeling. He tore a small lumpand stuffed it in his mouth. It was very soft and melts in the mouth, and thesweet feeling fills the taste buds with a lasting aftertaste.

“Is itdelicious?” Xixi watched curiously. Seeing her father’s satisfiedexpression, she couldn\'t help saying, “Papa, I want to eat, too!”

She had alreadyeaten so much that her belly bulged a little, but Xixi still couldn’t help herdesire for food.

Naturally,Yang Yi wouldn\'t treat his daughter badly. He grabbed the stick in his lefthand and held out the cotton candy. Xixi couldn’t wait to know why her fatherlooked like that and wanted to get started.

“Youdon\'t have to touch it. You can eat it directly.” Yang Yi hurriedly saidthat. The little girl\'s hands had grasped this and that, and had already been stainedwith a lot of bacteria.

Of course,Yang Yi’s own wasn\'t clean, but his immune system is very strong, not as proneto diarrhea as Xixi. (TN: So, it was okay for Yang Yi to eat with his hands, andalso the reason why he didn\'t use his hand to fed Xixi)

The cottoncandy was like glass fiber candy. When eaten in the mouth, it was easier tomelt into syrup than ordinary candy. Xixi immediately realized the sweet tasteand narrowed her eyes with delight. But she didn’t have time to express herfeelings. She couldn\'t stop eating.

“Aren’tyou at school? Why did you come to the temple fair to sell cotton candy?”Yang Yi then asked the girl. He was very puzzled about this.

Originally,Yang Yi had some vigilance when he saw the girl appeared in front of him forthe second time. He subconsciously thought that there was danger and wanted toleave things and run away with Xixi.

Fortunately,he quickly realized that this was no longer the kind of fugitive life he had inhis previous life, in which he has to be afraid all the time. In the peacefulworld of ordinary people, he has the identity of an ordinary person and anordinary father. Who has nothing better to do and wants to deal with him?

However,with regard to the girl’s situation, it was just out of force of habit and hewanted to understand clearly.

The girl wasdumbfounded for a moment, but she didn’t hide it and freely talked about hersituation.

Ding Xiangis the name of this girl, also refers to her origin - a Miao girl from themountains of Hunan Province. Sister Xiang is indeed a very ordinary girl. She isa student majoring in Electronic Media in Jiangcheng Media University that isabout to be promoted to a sophomore. She has a clean background and a poorfamily background. (TN: Miao - ancient ethnic group. More about them HERE.)

“Duringthe school holidays, I would take part in some work-study activities outside schoolto earn some living expenses.” Ding Xiang’s tanned skin also showed theshyness of a girl. She said shyly, “It’s like the last time you saw me volunteering.I was actually paid.”

Ding Xiangwas dragged to a temple fair by his roommates two months ago, so she came upwith the idea of coming to the temple fair to set up a stall. Last month, DingXiang gritted her teeth and bought some novelty items to sell. As a result, thebusiness was good. The temple fair was really popular and helped her earn morethan half a month’s living expenses.

This time,Ding Xiang happened to learn from an eldest sister who used to set up a stallthat an old woman couldn\'t come out to set up a stall because of her poorhealth, so she rented her cotton candy machine and sold it herself.

Thisbusiness was much more popular than selling novelty items!

Moreover, cottoncandies are simple and easy to make, and Ding Xiang is also kind-hearted. Shemakes extra large cotton candy for guests every time, which naturally attractsa lot of people to come and buy.

“I’vemade some money by myself, and I can share it with the grandma! She is so pitiful.Her children don\'t take care of her and can only rely on her small business tomake a living.” Ding Xiang smiled, her teeth white, in sharp contrast to herdark complexion.

Yang Yinodded silently. He couldn\'t quite understand Ding Xiang’s poverty anddifficulties. After all, Yang Yi felt that all the difficulties need to be overcomeby oneself, and all the wealth and happiness need to be fought for by oneself.He appreciated Ding Xiang’s efforts, but it was hard to be moved by them.

Aftergetting the information he wanted to know, Yang Yi didn’t linger too much.After greeting Ding Xiang, he left with Xixi.

As for whynot give Ding Xiang some financial assistance?

Come on,Yang Yi is not the Holy Mother, someone who gives money every time he sees apoor person. This is not Yang Yi’s character! Moreover, from Yang Yi’s point ofview, the world is about survival of the fittest. If you want to become asuperior person, you must make a hundredfold effort instead of waiting forothers to help you.

If Yang Yi didn\'trely on himself to kill a bloody path, but relied on others to save himself inhis previous life, he would not have made it out of the training camp at all!

Ding Xiangis a kind girl, but also a girl who does not feel inferior and works very hard.Yang Yi thought that such a child will have a promising future! Otherwise, he didn\'thave any other opinion.

Let her behoned in the midst of hardships.


TN: This islast chapter about the temple fair. Next chapter will be about the start of YangYi secretly helping Mo Fei with songs.

TN: If you like my translations support me in ko-fi: .

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