
Chapter 275 The Embedded Concepts Of Wisdom

As Xenasio stated, Kieran\'s understanding of the Archaic Syllabary of Eni was superficial at best. When unleashed by a past Mystic Guardian, the essence of the syllables was displayed to an astonishing degree.

Due to his lacking understanding of the symbol, Kieran felt this execution rivaled if not reached perfection.

Starting with the first syllable, Kieran realized that its component felt all-encompassing yet basic at the same time, taking simplicity to its peak.

Now that Kieran paid closer attention, he also noticed the First Syllable of Eni was composed of five parts, resembling a barebone star.

However, when it overlapped with the body, Kieran found it aligned with the position of the arms, legs, and head.

\'The essence of this character flows to the top but begins at the edges,\' Kieran thought, delving deeper into his understanding of the syllable.

Within a few minutes, Kieran became lost in comprehension, committing what he experienced to memory.

As a result, a faint message appeared in the corner of Kieran\'s view.

〈System: Because of your deepening understanding of the «Archaic Syllabary of Eni» your Hidden Attribute «Knowledge» is exhibiting signs of increasing.〉

〈System: The Hidden Attribute «Knowledge» means to seek truth and understanding. Enacting these tenets of wisdom will naturally increase it.〉

Dismissing the notification before his gaze, Kieran continued to study the First Syllable of Eni.

\'Though the flow of energy begins at the edge of the symbol, that is only partly true. The real structure is a loop. The top is the core, the essence of the syllable, which provides the energy that returns to it. It\'s no different from a human\'s body and mind working in tandem to produce a higher effect. If that\'s true….\'

Overcome by curiosity, Kieran began fabricating the first syllable. It wasn\'t a rushed attempt. He took his time completing the diagram components, simultaneously starting with the edges and the top.

Kieran could sense a vast difference from the incomplete form compared to his earlier conjurations.

"Excellent work, young man. You are truly a quick study. I didn\'t believe that you\'d begin to grasp the true essence so quickly. The First Syllable is the core of the Archaic Syllable of Eni, meaning it is the most versatile despite its seemingly basic complexity," Xenasio said.

"I think I understand," Kieran muttered, his gaze flashing with a profundity that wasn\'t there before. "As you said, the First Syllable of Eni is a core piece, meaning it exists to seek and serve a higher purpose."

〈System: As a result of grasping the «First Syllable of Eni»\'s root essence, your «Mystic Gate» has matured further. [Maturation: 32%]〉

Once Kieran finished fabricating the syllable, he was captivated by its mystical presence. \'Fascinating… truly. It\'s just a symbol, yet it encompasses a few key factors of life—aiming for a higher pursuit and the union of energies.\'

Since Kieran had fully comprehended the First Syllable of Eni, Xenasio released its fabrication, but the two remained functional.

Whereas the first syllable was a five-pointed symbol, the second syllable was a nine-pointed character, leading Kieran to ponder this change\'s meaning.

\'To move from five to nine is a drastic increase, but there must be a reason,\' Kieran thought, focusing on the feeling the syllable exuded.

At first, it was unclear, but the deeper he focused through the Mystic Cipher, the more Kieran unraveled.

The second syllable felt like it was blooming, giving birth to countless forms of itself. This feeling made Kieran think back to a few experiences, notably his First Awakening during his first life.

\'The concept of Awakening is to become a source of energy in and of itself, albeit an imperfect one. The principle here is similar. Whereas the first syllable is the core, the second syllable is the power source, fueling itself without outside help. Nine… I\'ve heard mention that it was considered the number of life.\'

Once more, Kieran conjured. His focus this time was the second syllable, employing a level of meticulousness that would make others view him as a person suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

When he felt something was inconsistent or not up to par, he started over, redoing that portion of the syllable numerous times. \'The nine points must encompass life and be arranged in such a way that if folded, it will return to its natural position.\'

Unlike the first syllable, the second one required absurd precision, or its effects would be corrupt.

Due to Kieran\'s meticulousness, Xenasio looked at him strangely.

\'I can tell this young man is not a part of our lineage, yet his patience and attentiveness with the arts surpasses most if not all of the Wykins I have trained in the ways of mysticism,\' Xenasio thought.

Learning the Archaic Syllabary of Eni was taxing and frustrating, which Xenasio understood firsthand due to past experiences. All young Wykins went through a period of tremendous angst when failing to grasp the deep concepts embedded within the syllables.

Most of this angst could be avoided if not for the fact young Wykin displayed a temerity born from their link to the Birthplace of Archaic Wisdom.

Though this frustration usually arose after the Seventh Syllable of Eni, the first six were no walk in the park, especially when transitioning from the third to the fourth.

It was a drastic increase in complexity.

After constructing and dismantling for close to an hour, Kieran finally created a satisfactory syllable. It accomplished all of the principles he sought, or rather that was required.

As a result, he received another notification.

〈System: As a result of grasping the «Second Syllable of Eni»\'s root essence, your «Mystic Gate» has matured further. [Maturation: 37%]〉

\'A 5% increase. This isn\'t bad at all,\' Kieran thought.

Whenever his Mystic Gate matured, it expanded and allowed for a larger reserve of mystic energy. This also deepened Kieran\'s connection with the Ancient Rune Oasis.

While it wasn\'t to the point that he could wield the ambient energy, his presence within the realm became more pleasant.

Before moving on to the third syllable, Kieran took a slight break to internalize what he had comprehended thus far.

\'The First Syllable means to flow higher whereas the Second Syllable means to birth and sustain. If it\'s just these two, it isn\'t enough to form a tangible thought, which is why my first attempt to create a sequence failed. That leaves the third—what is it?\'

The shape of the third syllable reminded Kieran of an eye, which led to him lightly touching his pupils. \'The Eyes of Discernment and Unveiling Gaze\' reacted greatly when I first created this character. Its shape isn\'t without purpose. The core of the Mystic Cipher I learned is the third symbol.\'

When looking at Xenasio\'s third syllable, Kieran felt like his mind was being expanded by receiving insight into something intangible.

As there was nothing to focus on, the feeling was vague yet illuminating, teaching Kieran a few invaluable pieces of information. \'I feel as if the purpose of the third syllable is to see and understand, obtaining insight into what needs to be known to prosper.\'

While imagining the effects of the Eye of Discernment and Unveiling Gaze, Kieran began to create the Third Syllable of Eni\'s shape. The character encompassed both eyes, so he couldn\'t neglect either of their presence.

Like the second syllable, Kieran was slow to form it, but he preferred patience over sloppiness. As the character took shape, Kieran imbued his eyes\' principles, resulting in a weakened version of the Mystic Cipher.

Looking through the center of the Third Syllable of Eni invoked the power of the two gazes whether Kieran focused or not.

After completing the Third Syllable of Eni, Kieran received another notification.

〈System: As a result of grasping the «Third Syllable of Eni»\'s root essence, your «Mystic Gate» has matured further. [Maturation: 43%]〉

"Well done, young man," Xenasio praised, canceling the remaining fabrication.

"Thank you for the praise," Kieran said. "However, I have yet to attempt the most difficult."

"Still, there is fulfillment in even the slightest progress. One must sometimes stop and enjoy the now or else they\'ll soon realize that all fleeting sources of happiness have passed them by, deteriorating their sense of self," Xenasio stated, leaving Kieran with a message that seemed unusually relatable.

After all, Kieran had been juggling so much on his plate that he felt he couldn\'t slow down at all, or else it would all crumble. This naturally led to him failing to find true fulfillment within any of his actions.

"Thank you for the wise reminder," Kieran remarked.

"It isn\'t just a reminder. It is a lesson for your next attempt," Xenasio replied.

Kieran\'s expression changed after hearing this.

Xenasio\'s words seemed hard to digest on the surface, but they weren\'t—if one knew what to look for. The first part of his statement was a reminder that life was fickle and fleeting, so there was gratitude to be felt in the moment.

However, the second part was the true hint, which resulted in a flash of realization.

\'I knew I felt that sensation once before! The bizarre feedback wasn\'t an error; it was a signal that I failed to respond to,\' Kieran thought.

After a moment of silence, he spoke.

"There is a reason the fourth syllable consists of the first three syllables\' key components. Together, they achieve the purpose of self. The fourth syllable\'s purpose is to shed light upon and link to my essence—my soul."

​ Ding! Ding!

〈System: You have comprehended the «Fourth Syllable of Eni»\'s root essence. Your «Mystic Gate» has matured further. [Maturation: 51%]〉

〈System: Trial Completion has reached 72%. [You have fulfilled all the requirements to complete the trial.]〉

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