
Chapter 481 Fresh Air

Chapter 481 Fresh Air

Kieran opened his eyes inside his stone room.

It had been a few hours since he had finished assembling Equality, Judgment, and Further into a working apparatus. Unless challenged, the apparatus didn\'t exact a cost upon the mystical pool slowly accumulating at the bottom of Kieran\'s Realm of Self.

The Three As One — as Kieran called it for right now until he could construct a better one — formed a contained loop, recycling and balancing the energy that was infused during its formation.

Seconds after he opened his eyes, Cardinal Weiss strolled through the door with a complex expression. His expression was filled with that same fanatical shading, but there was something deeper and more complex — darker, too.

It was envy.

Cardinal Weiss envied the nameless Voiceless in front of him.

That hatred was partly because Kieran need not participate in the Culling of the Voiceless until his final day, but it was primarily a result of Kieran\'s second rule he gave the Flame.

He wanted to go outside. He needed outside stimulus.

More than that, he needed to understand where the hell he was. There was no Order of War and Flame during his time, so he had no idea where a temple like this could even exist.

That wish was granted.

The Flame was also with him, watching over him and monitoring his actions like an overzealous overseer. Even now, it was as if a vague incarnation of the Flame loomed over his shoulder, whispering ribald comments into his ear.

"Don\'t run away. Or you will break, my toy. Not completely. But enough."

Of course… the Flame didn\'t trust its ability to control Kieran. So it needed something more concrete and material. And, what better option than the Cardinal, whose power greatly surpassed that of a Fiend?

Kieran reckoned Cardinal Weiss was some kind of a Fiend himself. What kind? That much he did not know.

The Condemned was bound by the Chained Oath. Weiss did not bear such a binding, but he did possess power nonetheless.

\'Weiss was likely one of the earliest to accept the Flame, which is why he\'s so strong. Then… is it possible that Weiss was alive during the Failed Reckoning?\'

Kieran wondered if an increase in power meant an increase in lifespan during this time. More importantly, when had the meaning of Ascendancy become so shrouded in misinformation?

According to Hekaina, Ascendancy — the journey to the zenith — had some forks in the path.

Very few knew how to begin ascending correctly, so very few knew of the importance of Self.

There must be a reason it has been buried and hidden away. If it was meant to remain a clear path… that would have happened. At some point, someone had to do something for a reason.

\'Who was it?\'

To disrupt knowledge that way, Kieran could only think of one answer — Eni. But why would the Lord of Mysteries and Seeker of Truth… spread fragmented knowledge and willfully misguide people.

Doubts began to form in Kieran\'s mind. That contradicted everything Eni stood for. He sought knowledge to ensure it remained pure, and he asked Kieran to seek understanding by searching for the potentially unknown.

\'There has to be another reason. Maybe Hekaina knew but didn\'t want to tell me then.\'

The deeper Kieran considered this Trial, the more he realized it had threads that spread all throughout. This Trial likely embodied an integral event that pivoted history as he knew it.

Kieran then found himself wondering other things while looking at Weiss.

If Weiss were brought into the current times, what would he be? A Master? Something beyond a Master?

He was undoubtedly intense and definitely Awakened. The Flame had ensured that. Granted, the Flame had also guaranteed some things never awakened, which is why gauging each follower\'s strength was a challenge.

Cardinal Weiss perhaps didn\'t appreciate Kieran\'s long and piercing gaze.

"The Flame has given you too much privilege. You are strong, but you are young and foolish. Luckily, the Flame is wise and knows this. I will keep you from doing foolish things."

Cardinal Weiss had spoken calmly, and his fanaticism was subdued, but it was replaced by ruthless devotion and absolute fealty. Every word he said was filled with an intent to assure the Flame was not disgraced.

A chill ran down Kieran\'s spine as he faced the Cardinal of War and Flame\'s chilling gaze. He was confident the Cardinal would likely break him if he tried to escape. And, Weiss had the Flame\'s permission, meaning the Flame would not intervene until Kieran had been brought back to the Temple of War and Flame.

Kieran sighed with resignation.

\'Inescapable. Not that I need to escape. There is more I must learn about the Flame.\'

With a nod, Kieran followed as Cardinal Weiss led him down a damp, stifling corridor, followed by a flight of weathered stairs, and finally through a grand cellar door.

They emerged in a crypt with a low, arched ceiling. The halls were with lit sconces full of pale fire. They radiated a mellow, pale blue light. Beneath the sconces was a rack of unlit torches.

"Grab one, light it, and then follow me."

Kieran obliged with a nod and committed everything that was happening to memory. Learning the Temple\'s entire structure was a must-do, and that began with learning of its crypt area, which likely existed between the Stone Hold and the Temple itself.

As if knowing what Kieran was thinking, Cardinal Weiss gave a severe look over his shoulder. The crypt\'s dark environment and the torch\'s pale radiance gave that stare an eerie ambiance.

Kieran met that gaze with challenge. He had come to learn of how the followers viewed bravery. They felt all should be courageous and filled with valor when blessed by the Flame.

Having a weak character was frowned upon because it was thought to be unbecoming of the Flame\'s glory.

Cardinal Weiss grinned. It was faint, but it was there. Slight approval shone in his severe eyes.

After arriving at the end of the crypt, Kieran found himself standing in an underground vestibule. Steps ahead was a massive iron gate that Weiss approached. Its incredible girth and the way it hugged the wall gave off a feeling of immovability.

As if those titanic gates were meant to keep the world within and without separate.

The austere metal groaned as Cardinal Weiss called upon an absurd amount of the Flame\'s power and pushed them open.

A dreadful and noxious energy flooded through the opening of the gate. It was only a slither, yet Kieran was assailed by a torrent of something close to miasma.

And then, he realized this feeling was something he had felt before — the corruption of the Wild Lands, now known as the Wildes.

\'Well… that explains it all, I guess.\'

Kieran gave Cardinal Weiss a judging look.

No wonder they were all so barbaric and unrefined. The Flame only helped accentuate what the Wild Lands could do to a person.

\'No… is that right? What happened to the Wild Lands to make them the way it was today? And where are we exactly?\'

Cardinal Weiss groaned.

"Come on, boy! Stop your idling. You wanted to travel, yeah? Well, you best to get a move on!"

Kieran stepped through the gate, and Cardinal Weiss followed.

Seconds later, a thunderous rumble exploded from behind them.

The colossal gates had closed, and Kieran was outside the Temple of War and Flame.

And getting some fresh air.

\'Not really…\'

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