
Chapter 275 - She Cared For Him And Didnt Judge Him

Chapter 275 - She Cared For Him And Didn\'t Judge Him

Jerlina hugged him closer as he talked about the day Dave died. Jeremy was trembling and she didn\'t know if it was because he was angry or crying.

Her hold on him tightened and with trembling voice, he told her about the gruesome details of Dave\'s death. It seemed like Dave was tortured by Viper and was thrown out to die on his own. Jeremy found him but by then it was already late.

"I was in the brink of starting a war back then…" Jeremy told her and she took in a deep breath.

"But it would have caused a lot of destruction of property and loss of life. It was a good thing you decided against it,"? Jerlina said in a soothing tone.

She could feel him clenching his jaws and understood how much it still angers him.

"Thanks to your help," Jeremy didn\'t forget to mention that..

"But still, it was your decision," Jerlina didn\'t want to take credit for that.

Although she spoke to him, it was still Joel who made that tough decision and decided to not give in to his dark desires of wanting revenge and looking at the bigger picture.

"I think Viper wanted to provoke you and…" Jerlina got him back to the current situation.

His hands around her waist tightened and he looked up. "You still didn\'t answer me. Will you hate me if I killed him?" he asked.

"Is that important?" she asked and he nodded.

"I want to know what you think."

Jerlina should agree. The times when he is honest about his emotions and acts vulnerable are very few. And this is one of those times. She could see the panic and expectation in his eyes.

So she was honest with him and told him her thoughts.

"I wouldn\'t feel bad for Viper\'s death, although I\'d worry a little for your mental health… " she pressed his lips and looked at him still wanting to hear from her more.

"I don\'t know much about mental health, Joel. But I could see that you are still not fine. I might be wrong though…" she looked at him.

"What do you mean?" he raised his eyebrows.

"You said you\'ve dealt with your past but judging by how emotional you are, I think you still have some lingering strong feelings that you hold. I might be wrong though," she tried to be honest although she didn\'t know if it would hurt him.

"Ah," he buried his face in her chest once more.

His warm breath seeped through her clothes and fell on his chest making her heart go racing.

Jeremy on the other hand was very impressed with his wife. He knew of the way she was raised and her principles. And he thought she won\'t be able to understand him. But it seems to be that more than judging him, her care for him is more making her image in his heart go up.

He didn\'t know how high up she\'ll go in his heart. As always, the more he talked to her, the more he falls in love with her.

Seeing him not wanting to look at her, she wondered if she had offended him. "I am sorry if I-"

"Sorry? For what?" Jeremy looked at her. "Honey, you…" he lifted himself resting on his hands, and kissed her lips.

"You have no idea how much you make me fall for you each day. One day I am going to die overwhelmed with the love I have for you," he smiled.

It was then she saw it- the Jeremy she knows and loves. She cannot deny how handsome he is.

"What\'s with you suddenly turning cheesy?" with a pout, Jerlina pushed his chest. "Weren\'t you the one who said that you don\'t need me?" she lied through her teeth.

"Whaaat?" Jeremy screamed. "When did I ever say that?? Jeremy held her chin and made her look at him.

"You ignored me!" Jerlina said with a pout. She even sniffed and her eyes watered a bit without her control.

"No… don\'t cry…" he pecked her lips once more.

Maybe because he asked her not to cry, that triggered the floodgates in Jerlina\'s eyes and tears started to gush out of her eyes making Jeremy panicked.

"I didn\'t ignore you…" he hugged her around her neck. "You know how I am… I was just lost in my world." He patted her back.

The book she had in her hand slipped and fell on the floor with a thud.

"You didn\'t even hold my hand and…pushed…" Jerlina complained and was about to sob.

"I did- I am sorry, Jeryl… I didn\'t mean it…" Jeremy felt like sh*t now.

Jerlina cried for a minute before realizing what she was doing. She is making an issue out of nothing.

"Ah…" she wiped her face and held his cheek.

"I am sorry," he looked at her with a pout.

Even with that beard and the manly face, he still looked boyish and cute.

"No… don\'t apologize. It\'s not a big deal," she smiled. "I should have gone so soft these days," she mumbled. "I am getting affected by little things."

Jeremy said nothing and looked at her. There was still a little droplet of tear sticking in her thick eyelashes and he carefully wiped it off.

"It\'s not you going soft. It\'s you getting more expressive," Jeremy leaned on her shoulder. "I still remember the days when you\'d sob alone, curling up on the bed…" his voice went low. "And how scared you used to be around me."

"Hmm…" Jerlina hugged him. "Is that why you didn\'t want me there today? You feared that I might revert to that Jerlina who was scared of you and would cry alone?" she asked.

Jeremy didn\'t answer but started to play with her clavicle bone.

"Stop it! It tickles," Jerlina laughed but that only prompted him to continue it.

Jerlina understood that was the reason.

"I don\'t want to go back being that person again either, Joel," she said. "I\'d rather be a cry-baby with you. So don\'t hate me if you can\'t bear it, alright? Tell me if I go overboard and-"

"I will," Jeremy assured her.

He might have been in love with her for many years but they are starting to get to know each other only now. And a lot of communication is needed for them to understand each other well although she is very smart and knows how to manage his outbursts.

"And if you think I am going overboard… You\'re perfect – too perfect," he surrendered.

"I am!" Jerlina laughed.

"What a wife!" he pinched her nose softly.

"You still haven\'t answered me," Jerlina probed him.

Now that he is back to his usual mood she knew he will tell her everything.

"Viper\'s alive – barely," he said and observed her face keenly.

"What?" Jerlina asked seeing his curiosity.

"Nothing… I was seeing if you are relieved," Jeremy rested on her shoulder as his hand slipped to her neck and ran down her sternum. "But you don\'t seem to care about it as much."

Jerlina felt tingles by his touch.

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